On the basis of the Bible sects are created. Attract with Christ, and then brainwash Savaof (nasty Jehovah). The shown Father of the Universe, Great Maitreya Gave new "the Doctrine of Living Ethics" instead of the Bible is. Separate the New Testament and clear of Jehovah (Savaof') inserts, is there will be a rise of the Doctrine of Living Ethics which Christ in a condensed form gave. Great Maitreya gave continuation of the Doctrine in large volume. The bible should be burned and to dispel ashes.
Those, who will follow Great Maitreya, will continue evolution of the person here in "Golden Age". After will leave with It on its star is URANIUM before arrival of darkness. Jehovah will return to Earth after 1 828 000 years. Jehovah unleashed according to the scenario World War II with concentration camps and gas chambers. But I miscalculated; Russia and the Shambhala under Guidance of Great Maitreya rescued the planet from explosion. But the planetary villain doesn't give up hope for achievement of the purpose. Jehovah had to leave to Saturn in 1942. The transition period was tightened. Sectarians are from - for them overweight of darkness detain him.
There is All-planetary election campaign. Choose: The great Lord Shambhala Maitreya is the Patron of Russia, all Slavs, Israel, religions and philosophies, the Founder planet of ours and everything that on it lives and breathes. Great Maitreya is full manifestation of the Father of the Universe, Supreme, the Founder and the Creator.
Jehovah devil is Almighty of the country of satan’: perverts and underworld. Jehovah devil with the army will leave and Earth will be cleared of filth.
Jews and sectarians, will make the wise decision, - will remain on Earth and will continue evolution of the person here, that forever to depart from a planetary satan. WORSHIP Great Maitreya will be confirmation of your decision.
Address to the President of Russia.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich.
The Owner of Land, Jehovah devil on our Planet keeps on lie. Before elections to sectarians instruct (zombie) for whom to vote. Worship is selective bulletin; for each person in space there is a fight. Spiritual ignorance of the population - is the skate of Jehovah-devil; should be beaten out from under feet devil this support. It is necessary to strike a crushing blow in a weak place a satan - to tell strong the truth, to give KNOWLEDGE.
Great Maitreya - God! Nasty Jehovah is devil.
As soon as Jehovah it is pushed out to Saturn, at once will stop opposition between the countries - leaders, and race of arms. Also there will come "Golden Age" under management Great Maitreya; there will be no borders between the states, aura of the Planet will accept primitive color - golden, deserts will disappear, the Earth will become covered green carpet. But all this we have to make, having increased consciousness under the Driving hand Great Maitreya.
1. Need on television to read books: Maria Magdalina, 1. 1 . « Exposure billionaire Georges Morgan (is incarnate pederast Jehovah). 1. 2 . " Apocalypse (is consequence of board of the pederast Jehovah)”, or “The answer to the Bugger Jehovah on his false Bible”. 1.3. «Purposes and purposes World War II». 2. Create the telecast on THEOSOPHY and ESOTERICS; at once will depart from darkness sectarians. Because of them darkness overweight is.
3. To offer the new Doctrine Live Ethics. On sites: HYPERLINK "http://maitreya-god.net" \o "http://maitreya-god.net" http://maitreya-god.net и HYPERLINK "http://theosophy-mm.net/" \o "http://theosophy-mm.net/" http://theosophy-mm.net/ there are 21 volumes of books "Facets Agni Yogi's". These books are on sale in ICR (international center Rerich’s). The Minister of Culture has to at schools to attract children to visit of this museum. The Russian Federation is OBLIGED to publish Main books of Pupils of Great Maitreya (E.P.Blavatsky, E. I. Rerich, B.N. Abramov); to offer people an imperial meal instead of soup.
4. Lift the Name of the Archangel Michael and his embodiment - Sergey of Radonezh; organize construction monuments, creation of movies, visit of the International center Rerich’s.
Most of Muscovites don’t know where there is the highest center of spirituality. It is necessary to create the movie about the museum Rerich’s, - is spiritual education of people - first problem of the state on population education. Show three video on voy tube: 1. Vishny Puran”. 2. “Mahabharata”. HYPERLINK "mailto:3.@Akbar" 3.”Akbar and Dzhodha”.
All actions of a devil are directed against Russia, her Patron is Lords of the Shambhala, and You, because You are from the Shambhala. Jehovah-devil knows that as a result of the economic and spiritual growth of Russia, - he has to leave our Planet. It isn't necessary wars; a lot of aggression is accumulated by the planet for explosion, - for this purpose and Jehovah-devil arranges revolutions. The World and EDUCATION for the population is necessary.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, You are obliged to help to forces Light, to which you belong. I wish you good luck for the benefit of Russia, also live long. With boundless respect to you and hope is. It isn't necessary wars; it is a lot of aggression accumulates the planet for explosion, - for this purpose also will organize Jehovah-devil revolutions. The World and education for the population is necessary. Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are obliged to help forces Light's to which you belong. Wish good luck for the benefit of Russia, and live long. With boundless respect for you and hope is.
Chapter 8.
Devil – Jehovah (pederast) said through his victims.
Doctor Konovalov S. S. I want to bring to attention of the reader the analysis of books of Doctor Konovalov S. S. from Petersburg. Since the first and to the last volume, on a cover prayers are given. One of them: "Make me by the tool of your world …» The word the tool – already bears aggression. To the reader, to the next victim of a devil, instruct to become his tool, i.e. to be at it on service. Having said this "prayer" of people it appears in tenacious claws of a satan. Try to get off it then. In Konovalov S. S. fifth book it is spoken: "Christianity is a false way, it is necessary most to become the Christ". Jehovah enclosed these words in lips of the doctor. It turns out - stand there, go here. What contradiction!