When listed the list of positions of Uvarov, I heard whisper of "fate" which told: "Here you sees what I … will make everything". "I see", - at first I corrupted with Uvarov's homosexuality, I subordinated to myself, later I did much good positions, having made Uvarov – the pervert spiritually devastated. The planetary Satan controlled obsessed. (Uvarov was embodied in Russia, and again serves Jehovah in the Internet).
I think how to prompt to the reader a name of "fate", and he admitted the guilt in the organization of persecution of A. S. Pushkin. I needed to tell the name of the true murderer of the Russian genius, is a planetary demon Jehovah who pursued the poet only for the fact that it is the embodiment from Shambhala. Jehovah involved the whole network obsessed with the struck will for Pushkin's persecution. The true the "poisonous spider" spinning networks for a catch of the victims!
S. S. Uvarov - obsessed, the victim of a devil of Jehovah. From the embodiment in the embodiment it passes a way of the pervert. It is used for persecution of light entities and other crimes. That to bind the victim to it Jehovah deprived his mother of a status and the son was a beggar. In Paris brought together the son with homosexuals (applying hypnosis) and I sent it to Russia. Found the partner to it (Dundukov) gave it a set of positions to superimpose Ampere-second oxygen. To Pushkin. Jehovah's purpose – A. S. Pushkin, the divine embodiment from Shambhala. The gay Jehovah tries to lower each embodiment from Shambhala to the level to drag in the army. The poet was loved and admired his creativity – one of the reasons of its loss. It filled space energy of love. Poets come to the world to lift spirituality of the person and to engender in him aspiration to sublime, beauty.
One of contemporaries has told that he "in all states happens that favor in ranks, and not on merits, but in one Russia favor both in mind, and in ranks it is crazy and knowledge". Long time A. S. Pushkin though knew the true price to Uvarov treated him tolerantly and only by 1835 has got to the core of him up to the end. In 30 years of the poet two lines of conduct most of all irritated Uvarov - desire to patronize; he was vain, mercenary and insignificant, in the movements and ambitions. He had a desire to see A. S. Pushkin "the honorary member of the Academy of Sciences". "Ask me, don't consider for humiliation, and your affairs will go easier". As, he was asked, he fenced "intellectual dams" on Pushkin's way, - has united imperial censorship and state, entirely depending on him. Mean only the planetary demon could think up such artful design. Uvarov hated the poet "proud and not obsequious". Pushkin not inclined to forget to the enemies paid him in sharp epigrams.
In 1835 Pushkin concerned by material failure and reader's indifference to "Pugachov's History" has written down in the diary: "Suvorov, the rascal, shouts of my book as about the shocking composition, the villain and the charlatan, his debauchery is known". Dundukov – Korsakov was Uvarov's deputy in Management of censorship. Since spring of 1935 Pushkin's epigram has gone on hands: "The prince Dunduk sits at academy of Sciences ….", with a hint "on doubtful, from moral positions, Uvarov's relation with Dundukov – Korsakov".
Really, Jehovah – a devil everything has given Uvarov and above all has accustomed to homosexuality and has found to him the partner. Desires, in different variations, positions, material benefits – is receptions of a planetary demon of Jehovah. Whether it is easy for Pushkin it was constant to contact on publishing to these obsessed?
"Pushkin has been forced to exist in the vital environment which he despised and still has been chained to it as only in which he could act".
E.A.Karlgof about Pushkin: "It was swarty the wrong features, but it is impossible to imagine physiognomies more expressive, brisk, and speaking and to hear more pleasant, harmonious voice as - as if purposely created for his verses".
Pushkin's magazine "Contemporary" promising the income of 25 thousand rubles per year has been slowed down by censorship. Probably, ears of the prince were reached by the epigram of the poet. He was accepted to the magazine not from literary types, and from economic. He needed money. Debts of a family of Pushkin grew and have reached 41 thousand rubles. Often Pushkin spoke: "Sadly! Melancholy!" "The joke, the sharp word recovered him an electric spark; he loudly laughed, baring a number of white fine teeth. Concern on future destiny of family, are long and eternal cares of existence were the main cause of his irritability. To what only to slanders and insults they didn't subject the poet what petty and spiteful cavils shortened life of the one, who made our pride and who has to be stored as precious treasure". And presently the zoophile Jehovah continues to slander the poet: rakshas-demons under his management create the websites and hold forums. The devil didn't want that published and read brilliant works of the poet. Only the lucid mind could create such ingenious lines. It didn't manage to a devil to attract through Uvarov the genius in "the academy of Pederasts", he has thought up other option. From Paris "on catching of happiness and ranks" there has arrived to St. Petersburg a young monarchist of 25 years old, the handsome Georges Dantes. The baron Gekkern, the Netherlands envoy, has adopted Dantes has given him the surname and appointed him the successor. One considered him the son that he was in connection with his mother, others that from - for hatred to the family, I wanted to adopt somebody long ago and has chosen Dantes because "I have fallen in love with him". Gekkern was a homosexual, in the person of Dantes he has found to himself the partner – the passive gay. Jehovah has sent Dantes to Russia for execution of the scenario. They led a secular life; went to lunches, balls. Happened and in Pushkin' house - the devil has brought them. Dantes strongly was fond of the wife of the poet and pursued her unsuccessfully about two years. Love Dantes' to Natali Pushkin wasn't pleasant to Gekkern. (At Dantes the rectum has been broken off, and he wanted to get rid of Gekkern. Jehovah in the Old Testament (Torah) repeatedly as the parrot, repeats: "Be pure as I am pure, your "Lord"". The main Gay gives edification to rakshas'-pederasts not to lease the rectum). The baron was angry, the egoist and for achievement of the purpose all means were good. With the purpose to quarrel Dantes with Pushkin and to cure him of love to Natali, Gekkern was ready for everything. Calculation was nasty, but Gekkern has made it, having connected in this mean business of two more young princes. Suddenly Pushkin receives the letter of the following contents "NN, the chancellor of an award of cuckolds was convinced that Pushkin has acquired the rights for this award and favors his commodore".
"Who knew Pushkin that understands that not only in case of a blood offense, but even at the first suspicion, he wouldn't begin to wait for letters. One man's guess is as good as another's what he has gained at this time, imagining himself mocked and scolded in the society pursuing his small continuous insults. He in the person of Dantes looked for death or punishments of all secular society".