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Lucifer is Light bearer.

Corresponds to Jehovah word Lucifer? We will ask Bramah, what he meant, naming future devil Light bearer? For such blasphemy Bramah deserves release from a post. Bramah is one, who write scenario of the human fate.

Cain. Lemuria. Adam and Eve had sons. The first son was called Cain, the second Avel, - Michael the Archangel's embodiment. Cain was the farmer, Avel - the pastor of sheep. Jehovah of t of the Ainu put on Cain's body. Once they made a sacrifice God’s: Cain - fruits terrestrial, Avel - the best animal from the herd.

Avel made a sacrifice God’s in all sincerity, Cain made a sacrifice as custom. God accepted Avel's victim and didn't accept Cain's victim. Cain began to envy the brother, called Avel in a field and there killed him. There was the first spilling of blood. Cain (Jehovah) was damned for this murder by God. Cain i- the first murderer on the Earth, and not only is the first fratricide.

On the continent Lemuria Jehovah spread demonic culture: godlessness an all-allowable, than caused volcanic eruptions and the continent left on an ocean floor. Astral bodies don't sink; they left the person, and after clarification were embodied on the continent Atlantis again.

Atlantis. Jehovah created "a darkness brotherhood" - sorcerers and black magicians. Lemuria history repeated and Atlantis was covered by a wave. Some of Atlases escaped (among them there was Jehovah) and lodged on Lanka’s (Ceylon) island. Ravana.

Ravana-Jehovah on Lanka spread the same as on the previous continents: the demonic culture, godlessness and orgies reaching the last stage of moral decay. Gods solved it physically to eliminate and rescue people from its harmful influence. A Rama (the seventh Avatar of Vishnu - an embodiment of the Great Lord of the Shambhala) relieved Lanka population of the demon Ravana. With this time Jehovah-Ravana made the Plan of revenge to the Lord of the Shambhala:

1. To blow up the Planet.

2. To carry out recruitment of the population to Saturn.

3. To forget all past and to determine new date from the beginning of creation of the world of Jehovah.

In September 2014 are executed 5775 years from creation of the World for Jews. To Lemuriya, Atlantis, Lanka the devil forgot, but from pederasty it won't be released in any way, and on the contrary this devil method applies on others for replenishment the army.


Orgy …, a loose feast which Jehovah in Ancient Greece in the honor arranged, - an orgy, the rough and chaotic manifestation of any forces reaching extreme degree - group sex with all types of perversions. (Lat. Bacchanalia).


Greece. Dionysus (Bacchus) repeated himself, as well as in the previous embodiments; the same orgies and the same sick vanity - planting of worship itself favorite. His contemporary there was Orpheus, high priest of Greece, Invented music and versification. Orpheus's music subdued wild animals, forced stones to move a little, plants - to decline branches. Orpheus had a big and hospitable house in which his friends gathered. But Dionysus wasn't a guest in this house. Orpheus didn't take part in Jehovah-Dionysus's orgies. Cause of death Orpheus there was an anger Dionysus for that, that the high priest neglected Dionysus's "cult". The head and a liver of the singer were thrown into the sea. Orpheus's death was mourned by animals, birds, the woods, trees, stones. Orpheus is the embodiment of the Great Teacher Cut Humi (the one, who was Jesus) the eternal friend and the Pupil Great Maitreya. Jehovah secretly entered the body of Dionysus, the adult son of Zeus, in the hope of becoming the heir, but miscalculated! The way it was shown as Orgy and murder; werewolf! Zeus is the embodiment of Great Maitreya..


Osiris – is the representing Air, the first radiation of the Highest Deity; Amon, Primary Light source. Osiris the son of god of Earth Geba and the goddess of the sky Nut, Isida was his spouse. Having inherited the father's kingdom, Osiris operated it wisely and fairly. Angry demigod of the desert, demon Jehovah secretly put on Seth's body brother God's Osiris, envying Osiris, killed him, and a body threw into Nile. Isida found the husband's body, but Seth stole it and, having cut on 40 parts (on number of nom), scattered across Egypt. After long searches Isida collected them, and by means of magic spells recovered Osiris … Jehovah is killer; arms his is axe.


Osiris - is the Son Seba and Nate (the following embodiment) - is the Greatest God - self-real and self-created. The first shown deity is. Jehovah (violent aspect) put on Typhon's body, the brother God's Osiris's.

Typhon killed Osiris and dismembered on fourteen parts (two on seven). He scattered parts of a body across the territory of Egypt. Subsequently Osiris revived as Christ. So the Owner of land Jehovah devil with those who bore Light to people finished. Osiris is one from of Saviors of mankind, It is given rise in this world. It came as the benefactor … and to there is no hurry defeat, Him kill … Osiris is buried … The grave serves in its millennia pilgrimage. Upon termination of three days, He revived again and Ascended to the sky. … It is history of his humanity.

Osiris (Pharaoh) was twice embodied in Egypt under this name. At this time the Jew repeatedly went to Egypt from "the cleared-away place". Remained one is knee of Iuda’s. But also this knee looked for protection at God. In the Old Testament there is Jehovah's threat to the Pharaoh. Look "The book of the prophet Ezekiel", the Chapter, 32/5. "Also I will scatter your meat on the mountains and I will fill valleys with your corpses". Jehovah tried to return in any ways Jews under the influence because without them he is anybody and to call him in any way. Jews is the tool in hands of a devil, with their help he materializes the mean plans. Jehovah killed and dismembered the axe: Abel, Orpheus, Osiris (in two embodiments). The pederast of Jehovah is killer, arm his axe!

Demon Svarog – pederast Jehovah (in astral body on lover astral plan). After fast distribution of Christianity a devil Jehovah – Svarog has decided to be ahead of him, and has imposed himself to Kievan Rus'. Blood-thirsty and prudent, ruthless and cruel he inspired fear on rusichy, demanding a gift of the victims, burning on a fire of children, sometimes even chest. During government of the prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, Dobrynya Nikitich has offered rusicha for worship polytheism and has weakened Svarog-Jehovah's influence. Dobrynya Nikitich and his colleagues: Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovic have saved rusichy from the blood-thirsty murderer. Rusich from polytheism have again chosen for worship of God of the Sun Ra (the Giving God) – Michael the Archangel. For revenge Jehovah was pasted to the tribe of Khazars. Khazars are mentioned in the Bible how the tribe "Gog and Magog". Khazars are Roma. Two the tribe (Roma and future Jews) have been expelled from India BC in connection with adoption of Judaism, worship of the demon Jehovah. The demon Jehovah has remembered Roma at the time of Kievan Rus' that repeatedly to acquaint them with Judaism. Khazars - Roma were shown in Europe. Their Jehovah has moved to do harm to Slavs. The territory of Kievan Rus' has never been populated with Khazars. Khan's camp of Khazar-Roma occupied Caspian steppes (Kalmykia), the mouth of the Volga River and northern Ciscaucasia (Alania). Khazars (Roma) and Pechenegs (Kalmyks) have got under Svarog'-Jehovah's influence. Two constantly did to the tribe attacks on the territory of Kievan Rus'. The Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (by an example of the prince of "prophetic Oleg") "has revenged unreasonable Khazars; their villages and fields for violent attack, it has doomed to swords and the fires" in 965 and has put an end to lawlessness. Since then Khazaria has disappeared as the khanate. Jehovah has lost one branch of Jews and can't still forgive to the prince Svyatoslav elimination of the Khanate of Khazar-Roma. Where now the prince Svyatoslav is embodied? It is embodied in Ukraine on August 22, 1954, - Alexander Sergeyevich Efremov. Jehovah knows him therefore hands of obsessed have discharged him of just affairs. What in Ukraine could be the President! Slav, clever, patriot of the Homeland! He is representative to Hierarchy Light'. The one, who executed criminal decrees of a devil of Jehovah in relation to the embodiment of the Prince Svyatoslav, will be punished; The Karma will overtake.