* "Orthodox aged men warn that the Eighth Cathedral will be and that at it there will be Antichrist". Who at us Antichrist? The one, who has crucified Christ hands of Jews, applying hypnosis to the victims. The one, whom Orthodoxy is accepts Christ's father. The one, who has already subordinated all religions and has corrupted the population of the Planet. The wolf is the gay Jehovah!! He collects the Cathedral for himself to unite all religions in one and, applying hypnosis, to lead all to worship of. All who worship a devil Jehovah - will leave with him to Saturn during the Apocalypse in 2046. "And that true Christ will have very few priesthood the majority (under Jehovah's hypnosis) will accept Antichrist, including the Patriarch". Orthodoxy of Russia, Georgia and Bulgaria have taken the First correct Step – is ignored a wolf Cathedral. The second Greatest Step – is refusal of the Old Testament (A Torah – Judaism). Against Jehovah-Savaof has gone Christ (Ioann, 8/44), against the Writing of Jews (the Message to Colossians, 2/14, 15). The third Step – clarification of the Doctrine from inserts of Antichrist and recovery of laws of God: Karma and Transformation.
* "On the Eighth anti-Christ's Cathedral all beliefs will connect in one, after it will be already impossible to go to temples". God's number - the 7, eighth wolf cathedral shouldn't be! There will be the First Orthodox Cathedral of Russia on which will approve the true Gospel as the beginning of the Doctrine of Living Ethics. The actions only specified will revive Orthodoxy!
Chapter 26.
“Professor" A. Dvorkins is obsessed Jehovah - devil .
If A.L. Dvorkin’s didn’t serve Jehovah-devil, and served Orthodoxy, it comprehended that long ago fate of the Priest Men's. A. L. Dvorkin exposes sects, but doesn't tell that all sects from devil; fight against sects - cover. A task it - to propagandize Jehovah, as "I am".
Jehovah's patron, the Demon of the Universe Bramah wants to be too "I Am ". Brama h shall was to warn a devil Jehovah that it didn't apply on "I am ". Therefore Brama h decomposes Jehovah sexual perversions that he didn't stick out himself. Why to it competitor? "Don't climb ahead of the father in a scorching heat".
Old Testament, Outcome: ch. 3/14, "God" (Jehovah) told Moisey: "I Am Real (Jehovah)". A. L. Dvorkins convinces that the name Jehovah means Yahweh, or "I am". Jehovah wants to lead the population planet to worship him. Dvorkins serves a devil. If Jehovah - is a planetary satan how activity of professor A. L. Dvorkins is called? SATANIZM! Great the Lord Shambhala is I Am!
Naturally, to be "I Am” for Jehovah devil more important sects. Sectarians are already drugged, it was necessary to tidy up Orthodoxy under the worship. And Orthodoxy warmed on the breast of the demon-rakshasa A. L. Dvorkins and did much good for it various regalia. See is site “professor” A.L.Dvorkin’s “Antisekt”.
In Soviet period A. L. Dvorkin was a hippie, extended antistatic literature. He went to the USA, and was defined on work in Orthodox Church under the guide of the priest of the Jew-rakshas'. Jehovah using obsessed the priest prepared the mental saboteur in Orthodoxy of Russia. A. L. Dvorkin came back to Moscow in embrace of the Patriarch Alexey II, too the Jew-rakshasa who awarded generously A. L. Dvorkin with regalia. The former hippie became "professor", without having the diploma about the termination of the highest spiritual educational institutions and scientific works.
Under the guise of fight against sects, the demon-rakshas pushes Jehovah devil in "I Am", and the devil pushes the demon A. L. Dvorkin to teach the nonsense in higher educational institutions for this purpose, to subordinate under youth the influence. And weak young consciousnesses will be pecked on … that? On the next trap which not the scientology, and sec t "Congress" will be called.
But, didn't accept lime professor A. L. Dvorkin to teach in higher educational institution it turned out that documents lime. It didn't turn out at Jehovah-devil to push A. L. Dvorkin to teach students a lie from a satan.The devil found other hole. It didn't manage to a devil to determine A. S. Dvorkin in Moscow, it is sent to depth of Russia. Importunate A. L. Dvorkin caused response. It exposed; he is an addict and the schizophrenic. Method of a domestication of a deviclass="underline" drugs and visions (spiritual ignoramuses don't maintain images of a devil). One hand through the obsessed A. L. Dvorkin "exposes" sects and another I want to approve myself “I Am".
GOD gave to Orthodoxy KNOWLEDGE through the pupils, but also here Jehovah-devil blocked consciousness of priests. The intelligence of the person increases, and a duty of attendants of SPIRIT - is to correspond and even to advance consciousness of the person.
Krishna and Maitreya - is one, Great Lord of the Shambhala, full manifestation of the Father of the Universe. Therefore Jehovah-devil wised up A. L. Dvorkins and on Krishnaites to begin persecution. KRISHNA - is the most esteemed GOD in India?
Krishnaites are not sect, but a community, an ideal community which worships to Supreme. All distortions of Doctrines of Teachers Light's happen from Jehovah-devil.
If Orthodoxy accepted Doctrine of Great Maitreya, transmitted is through his pupils that in their environment there would be no Dvorkins. It - is "the sent Cossack" from USA.
Krishna, Moria (Christ) and Maitreya - is the highest Spirits of Space. Is higher than These embodiments of Supreme anybody isn't present. Great Lord Shambhala, Maitreya – I Am! "Professor" A. L. Dvorkin - is the spiritual ignoramus; denies the one to whom worships, or his lips speaks demon Jehovah. Watch on VOY TUBE a commercial "Attention! Who such Dvorkin"?
Roller, 25. A.L. Dvorkin reports that he was called from Argentina and has reported that they have a new sect of the Russian sense under the name Shambhala. Idea of the foolish Jehovah is to compromise the word, sacred for Forces Light. Sect and a call from Argentina is lie. The pederast Jehovah throws subjects to the victim, obsessed with a devil is always ready to sound them. A.L. Dvorkin not one is "bakes pancakes" on VOY TUBE, with him the group of Jews-rakshasa works with the purpose to liquidate Orthodoxy. Why A.L. Dvorkin doesn't struggle with Protestants and Adventists? In these sects attract with Christ, and then declare the filthy pederast Jehovah father Christ’s. All sects are absorbed over time by JUDAISM against which Christ Has gone to Jews! Have deliberately gone to a crucifixion that has remembered His victim!!! Fight pushes a devil in "I Am" (Supreme). Instead of that, that A. L. Dvorkin to remove from Orthodoxy, The patriarch Kirill has warmed a snake on the breast. Journalists, law enforcement agencies expose "fighter" against sects, and the head Orthodox criminal is silent. Obsessed with a devil have to be isolated from society in psychiatric clinics and houses of the conclusion. A. L. Dvorkin the same Chikatilo, only from him is more than harm - his souls corrupt.
P.S. Jehovah devil A. L. Dvorkins' attached in Yekaterinburg in orthodox educational institution the teacher where A.L.D. brands sects and pushes PEDERAST’ JEHOVAH in "I Am". The demon of the Universe Bramah expects to reap the fruits, pushing the Pederast Jehovah in "I Am" Orthodoxy consciousness of children poisons with lie is recognizes a devil as "father" of Christ whom the devil crucified hands of Jews that it opened for Jews Truth: "your father devil …» (Ioann, 8/44) Orthodoxy expires … follow Catholics.