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Chapter 28.

Great Maitreya.


Maitreya – Supreme, the Father of the Universe!

Image of the Great Lords of Shambhala not a picture, or photograph, and is hologram. Maitreya - the Great Lord of Shambhala! Moria, Moriah is one of Buddhist dynasties Magadži, also the name of the tribe radzhputsky (Radzh-King), Solar-dynasty, Hierarchy of Light, M., M.: Mahatma, World-operation invisible, Rossul Moria. Moria is family, where repeatedly incarnated the Great Maitreya - the King the World Government. Avatar future, Allal Ming, is term equivalent to “I” (in first meaning) Words Moriya and Maitreya relate only to the Great Lord of Shambhala. Everyone else to this genus and the name no have nothing of the attitude. Freesia is favorite flowers of the great Maitreya, have a strong and pleasant smell. Flowers of aristocrats!

(Image of Great Lord M.: is belongs E.I.Rerich, sees the book of E.I. Rerich "Letters”, vol. 1, published by IDC, Moscow, and 2011.).

E.P.Blavatsky spoke that only through some cycles the spirit it can reach that step, on which there is a Spirit of the Great Lord of M .: and through eon’s years the Spirit of the Lord will be even higher than –It is inaccessible.

The Archangel Michael - Great Maitreya, Lord of Shambhala, is the alpha and the omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega updated; when Omega to unite with Alpha, circle with draw - the Great Maitreya to pass way Origin and Ascension. He Is A GOD!!! Leave and will rule forever!!! Then comes again as the second coming - great parish. The High Road - three thousand lifetimes; Path of Origin the Supreme spirit and the way of climbing! Half way completed. The higher is the Spirit, the more incarnations.

E.I.Rerich: "Remember that wrote about this Shape! Truly, only all the highest is connected with It with this Hierarch. Truly, the highest concepts are represented in this high Shape".” There is no Higher expression of Great Secret of Life, than in the Solar Hierarch, Lord Maitreya, the Lord the Christ, He is the great Holder and the Founder, He is All ".

He.Blavatsky: "…absolutely correct facial features, thick head of hair color raven wing is very beautiful, especially growth and shape. Mighty physique is. А face is young, the type 30 years (physical body) ".

Ne. Rerich: "…woke up suddenly from a very bright light and radiance saw a shining Human shape to illuminate with very beautiful face. After fear thought was being submerged with nothing unusual, an incomparable sensation-the presence of Superior Rower. "

N. Rerich wrote: "the silence was the vision. They were Light, and radiant Face a great guest. He batted and mouth and they reached the hands and hair every Light there. And bottomless His eyes shined closely". Prayer:

1. «The Lord of shining power, You bring I, Great, fruits aspirations of my, works, both fight, and efforts. In You my happen, in You my hopes. My heart burns with You. I give you everything, everything that I have that in the Tower You Could pour all this in a shining Stone, fires burning in a breast. Shining Stone, Treasures the Stone, You lit, but me wearable in a flaring Bowl in a breast».

2. "There is nothing mine, all Yours the Lord. Everything belongs to You: both thoughts, and words, both actions and all manors my, and true imperishable property, - spirit my and accumulation its – all Yours, the Lord. To the Name Your go on life, and everything belongs to You. To you devote all future my, all affairs my, all feelings, because yours everything. Teach me, my Father, adequately and wisely to dispose of your property to use and put it in the Benefit. You for my is All! To You are directed all of energy, and Your Beams fill the sphere of my microcosm. You live, You breathe from You have my reason. From Your Beam is my consciousness because truly, you are a Father mine, life conscious to me given. You recognize and You approve in the heart as a life Torch Uniform, Immutable and embracing as I all mine. I in You, You in me, we also are uniform from the beginning of centuries. From darkness You brought me to the arena of conscious life and made me by understanding essence – the person. Therefore say you, my Lord that all mine – Yours. From now on all my forces, my reason and my heart irrevocably, forever to You give. Because all - yours, my Lord, favorite, only for me and my, my Father, my Defender and my Guarantor before the Highest. To you render on my consciousness, and I bring You gifts of my heart. Creativity of my spirit I devote You because create in the Name You. With Your Name go on life is and Your Name win. My father, my Beloved, accept my property for its gift on Light altar. In Great Service I devote myself to You that to bear you’re Light to people incessantly. And your Light before people yes will be shining and inextinguishable when hour will come wash the Name You’re before people to claim. My Father, my spirit I transmit in Your Hands. And let will be from now on and till a century Will Yours in my will to be approved spotless and no black out by restrictions of my egoism. Lord, the press of your Spirit on a forehead my dad will arrive. Give strength, the Great Lord, in Light Yours to stay always and to approve power of Communication Constant. Favorite Lord, my heart in your hands that You could issue it according Will Yours. The paternity Approve! Expression of free my will, the spirit to You transmit. Create it, Father, according to Will Yours. Accept, the Lord, gift of my heart from now on and forever. Nowadays and in the Worlds, anywhere and everywhere I am connected with You indissoluble bonds of love and Light because You are my Lord, the Defender, the Friend and the Father".

3. "I say my prayers and tell her as the face of the Sun. If my eyes are intolerable, the light of peace I'll shut up and filled with thousands of sparkles to shine, I still say: "Behold, I know my path, so had all my consciousness and, rejecting the enemies, and, buried things I'm going to tell you. My Word is my prayer. Tell her and day and night when eyes no longer distinguish the boundaries of Earth and sky; so many ideas, so many quests to telclass="underline" “I love you, Lord, idolize and esteem, admire your Greatness, am proud and admire You. The highest, the lightest, above nobody isn't present in Space: Lord Lords, the Teacher Teachers also my Lord and Favorite Teacher".

4. "Lord, the light of Thy Teach collect in my jugs. Consciousness Help expand. Leading hand your Teach feel constantly! Neither joy nor sorrow, do not make me forget about you. The invisible presence of your tangible do want Peace and Thy days my approval".

Light energy of words of prayers of all admirers of Great Maitreya will merge in a uniform stream, will shroud Him and will help Him to bear a heavy burden on the shoulders: Planet and mankind. For this purpose it is necessary to pray to all in beat, at the same time: at 7 o'clock in the morning and at 19 o'clock in the evening. Representatives of all religions and faiths are invited to take part. Honoring of God we will keep the Planet and mankind to enter New Era of the Golden Age!!! Aum. Amen. So will be.

Love to higher Appearance and Wins; heart, burning, lesions do not know. Reverence, solemnity and aspiration are climbing opportunities. But, first, you need to raise the idea of light, saturating it. "To chow the forecourt of each action, every thought and every word show adoption of Image and the idea that the presence of Teachers in the spirit, can be to realize continuously. To do this one, thought did not come off. I'm with you only when you are with me. You, free, met you to prompt as shorter and closer to me. Stable, reliable and durable, and only the Lord; He was and remains of the eternal Basis of life. Over the scale of life remains the same Lord. In the world of the Earth online maps the path and direction towards the top. There is no escape from it, because in the rays of His children. It focuses Light for the Earth and Hierarchy of Earth and our solar system. The Sun is a symbol of his great heart. We are his children, favorite, native elected them into unhappiness and happiness. He is with us always, for he is the Deputy and friend, and Father. The Teachers are not too; the link must be contiguous. Only the great proximity of Lord M .: protects from attacks of darkness. Start the new day, firmly holding the Favorites Image in the third eye.