"The Buddha's bowl exists, and it is sent before the beginning of a New Era where will be approved the Kalachakra Teachings. About this Cup too, there are many legends. One of them says that the Cup always brought unexpected and by air. So at the time it was brought to the Lord Buddha. The origin of this Chalice is Egyptian, and its antiquity is determined by about 12 thousand years before Christ. After the death of the Buddha Bowl was one time in the Temple in Carshare where she disappeared, and since then it was stored in Shambhala. According to the legend, before the New Age Maitreya the Bowl will reappear".
"On the third of January 1934 the Buddha's Bowl was miraculously sent the Rerichs in Kulu, from the area near the lake lop nor. Like getting a Stone, and the appearance of the Bowl of the Buddha was another major milestone in the spiritual movement of the twentieth century. Sacred object of the Brotherhood, the oldest and the teraphim was in the hands of the Rerichs, once again claiming the highest status of Trustees of the brotherhood of the Teachers of mankind. Simultaneous sending and Stone is and Bowl of Buddha.
"Grail is the Gifts of the Higher Forces. The symbol of the Chalice has always meant dedication. Carrying a Cup is a Feat Carrying. Every high act may be referred to by the symbol of the Chalice. The highest benefit of humanity needs secular stocks that gather around the seed of the spirit. As a great symbol of the need to accept the assertion of the Bowl every day is. And children and young should be taught to think about this sign. Gift of Orion and the Chalice of my Heart, dedicated to Great Service is a Cosmic Magnet.
The heart of the Cosmos is reflected in this great symbol. All the characters of the spirit can be depicted in the Chalice of the spirit of fire. You need to understand the diversity of images of the greatest symbol of the Chalice".
In the book of the devil have no true thoughts. Historians will not be able to draw from it the true information. Only in the works of E. I. Rerich, "Agni Yoga" - 14 books, the reader will find the true information without distortion and lies.
The author of the book Jehovah knows where the Grail is kept, the Gift of Orion, and in his helplessness States that Judas Iscariot is among the lords of the sacred inheritance, and this confirms that this man was under the influence of the devil, to betray Christ, and realizing his offense hanged himself. Because Judah repented, Jehovah humbles his words "thug and a murderer". Even if Judas had not committed treason, it is not the quantity which is sent to the Grail. Jehovah and his environment cannot be the lords of the Grail because they belong to the forces of darkness (demonic) they are material and unspiritual.
A healthy reason in a healthy body is the most important. This is in contrast to the Teachings of Light from demonic nonsense. To live for people , aspiration to promotion с consciousness; God , country , people is yourself first . In э this is contrast Doctrine Light from «demonic culture». For "demigods" (Bramah, Jehovah, Indra) the main thing is worship, an indispensable condition. Obedience and respectable behavior is not important to them. The reign of Jehovah on Earth 432 thousand years. In the book the date of the creation of the world to the Jews is 4001 BC. And that was before? Pervert Jehovah dealt with potassium in the rectum of the dinosaurs, monkeys, cows and people without distinction of sex or age! The devil carried Noy and then from Lemuria to Chaldea. Abel is not mentioned because it is He to Put demon- Jehovah and "lunar pitri» the brains – was killed Cain by an axe (Cain is of embodiment the Jehovah). There is no information about the creation of the first man, by whom and when. And secured the lies Jehovah in the book "world history", which he dictated to co-author is. The incarnation of the Archangel Michaeclass="underline" Avel, Noy, Abraham, Moses, Ramses II, Osiris (twice), Solomon, Christ (Moria). All will be restored and the merits of the Archangel Michael will be known to mankind.
The first man "Man y " was the Great Lord of Shambhala; is the one-name book. Spirits of the Flame, the seven Archangels came to us from the Higher Worlds and Created a beautiful human forms. The eighth was Lucifer – the future Jehovah devil; from the Lunar demon was happened the first people, the future of the Jews. The rest of the nationality was created by other Creators, each Created in his inheritance.
Jehovah was the Lord of the Moon, demon! He created the first people on the continent of Lemuria without a brain, the future of the Jews. Preached by Jehovah godlessness, demonic culture is permissiveness. On the continent Lemuriya Jehovah was the beginning of bestiality and all kinds of sexual perversions, than caused volcanic eruptions and the continent left on an ocean floor. This was repeated on the continent of Atlantis. On the island of Lanka, Jehovah spends Orgy. But in the book "World History" not of this information! About the beginning of the World Jews Jehovah put in the Ruhr of the Chaldeans.
Jehovah never born and never dies, he finds himself the victim, is in the astral body (similar to George s Morgan) in the physical human body, displacing his astral body. The devil Jehovah is married to demonic (rakshas) , in other words those. Who from the times of Lemuria lived on the "demonic law" - the criminal world? All the gods know that the devil is the wide angle a pervert, a fraud and reject it as an inferior creature.
Pederast Jehovah ignores the truth about himself to retain power.
In the book there is an expression: "the Supreme demon of darkness". The word of the Supreme and the Almighty to be related only to the Absolute! Jehovah is venial (worthless), the representative of Lucifer on Earth. The patron devil of Jehovah is Brama h , the Demon Universe.
The purpose of this book is to slander Jesus Christ, to the Christians attached to Judaism - the worship of the homosexual Jehovah. And be "one God".
* The devil claims that King Solomon worshiped Jehovah. And who is he to Solomon? Solomon is God (incarnation of the Archangel Michael), Jehovah-satan. Solomon worshiped the One, the Father of the Universe, is Supreme. In the third book of the kingdoms, Ch. 6 / 11-13: "And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his heart was his from the L ord God of Israel." Jehovah appeared to him twice that he did not go after other gods; but he did not that which the L ord God commanded him. The apparent discrepancy between the Old Testament (Torah)