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From Brama in India the temple preaching sexual perversions, including zoophile is built. Brama staked the Planet and mankind; it shifted the basis and allowed mighty forces of Chaos to the shown world of our minor planet. Brama broke balance of elements generated the mass of pernicious brown gas. Consequences of government of the Demon Brama and his improvised devil of Jehovah are that. Brama destroys the Planet and corrupts a devil perversions and crimes. Jehovah repeats all actions Brama in relation to 7 billion population of the Globe. For salvation of the Planet and mankind it is necessary to reduce urgently a transition period and to remove dark from Earth of earlier planet-wide tragedy the Apocalypse.

Jehovah created HaBaD – the Jewish fascist organization, through obsession of members of Chabad Jehovah after the coups brings demons-rakshas’s to power: swindlers, swindlers, murderers and gays. They destroy economy, unleash wars and generate energies of destruction for explosion of the Planet and violently decline the population to Judaism. On the Planet is preponderance of demons. In the USA Jehovah organized murder of two Presidents, Kennedy's brothers because they rose against a preponderance of demons-billionaires. Jehovah, being on the lower astral plan, created a fraud to himself the equity, killed the grandfather with the son's hands, and then destroyed the son, put on weight of the grandson and there was a billionaire Georges Morgan. The murderer, the pervert versatile person governs on Earth.

All service Light’ a devil Jehovah killed all attendants with the axe and dismembered, crucified and exhausted in a humiliating form. Killed Abel, Orpheus, and Osiris in two embodiments with the axe and dismembered three, carried two on the mountains of Egypt. At me in the apartment two astrals, (black magicians, cynical got accustomed and angry) from Jehovah. They do cuts on a body, drill drill teeth. To me twice up to two teeth the astral drilled and inserted chips for listening, it was necessary to extract absolutely healthy four teeth. Other teeth energy honeycombed astrals and split. Send energy to a rectum, on a cinciput, bronchial tubes, a gullet, - it is very sick. Investigation: locks, dizziness as – as if, the stake is hammered into a breast, it is impossible to swallow of food. In the house and on Jehovah Street pushes me with energy on columns, doors.

The astral brought a prick under nails a fungus. They smear the head for a hair loss, put out eyes. All joints, head, veins on hands and legs, hands and feet of legs of a pin is. Throw laxative in high doses, mercury and other poisons into food, climb hands in a mouth, an ear and other openings, and bring infections. To me the astral brought a pregnant caterpillar in an ear. Astrals beat ware cut footwear and destroy home appliances. Jehovah destroyed to me fields of vision astral light, sent to me dairy fast-growing cataracts, the left eye damaged, and the cataract grew. I see only the right eye in the diameter of an artificial crystalline lens. Texts on files erase, insert letters and break off words. On four websites of mine Jehovah made a virus - the link didn't work.

On the instructions of Jehovah's devil astrals offend the tallest gods. Attendants of darkness slander the embodiments from Shambhala, using television and the press, destroy families.

* Jehovah constantly is in visions: in an image of an animal wolf, or with axes, guns, threatens to strangle, blow up in transport. Buries me and celebrates a commemoration. That didn't write, and didn't publish the book, offered money: 23, $6 million, after $14, 0 million and $1 billion the USA. After refusal told through the astrals that I on Saturn will serve all and called the nastiest type of perversions. And it is told by the one who applies to create the Universe.

Brama five times was in visions, warned. Jehovah during board of 432 thousand years, under control of Bramah turned our Earth in "Augean stables". The Supreme Deity the Absolute, on Brama and a devil Jehovah isn't present a justice? Nobody can pacify them?

Why the Founder Planet, a plant and animal life – GOD, Great Maitreya, the Lord Shambhala shall stand he Owner – the petty tyrant, the pervert, the murderer, the swindler, the liar and the slanderer Jehovah till 2046? I ask the Supreme Deity the Absolute to make the urgent decision: "To save us from presence on the Earth the Owner PEDERAST’S”.

Sad incident. I prepare the book for the edition. I have made the decision to sell two - the room apartment and to buy one-room; on surcharge to publish books. Five intermediaries came to survey of the apartment. Jehovah has removed four at once. Only there will be an option, the devil will organize a purchase of the one-room apartment other buyer. I have stopped on the fifth. We have gone to watch the apartment, and later have come to me. The intermediary has asked the plan of the apartment and the registration certificate. I have given package of my documents that she on the smartphone has made a copy of the plan. After her leaving I have closed a door, and have put keys in a handbag (I always carry them on a belt 24 hours a day). The astral has stolen keys from three locks of the apartment, mail and an entrance. It was necessary to change cores. Earlier they had a purpose – to steal the computer to remove my social nets and the paid websites. But a computer always with me. Now there is a hunting documents that I haven't sold the apartment and hasn't published the book. The devil is afraid of dissemination of information on him and, as a result, loss of electorate; otherwise all his way of humiliations and crime was in vain.

In the book "Rituals " is various spells. One of them "Exile of a devil". "Make room, - the address to demon (Jehovah), - makes room for Jesus Christ … you, the dirty, smelly cattle … that - to revolt? Listen and tremble, a satan, the enemy of belief, the enemy of mankind, the death conductor … a root of any evil, the instigator of defect, spirit of envy, a greed source, the contention reason, the prince of manslaughter who is damned by God. Beget of incest is and sacrileges, inventor of all obscenities, professor the most disgusting acts and Great Master of heretics (!!!). (Doktor Noereticorum! E.P. Blavatsky, "Exposed Isida", v.2, ch. 2. «Christian crimes is and pagan virtues»).

" The dictionary of synonyms is ", Academy of Sciences of the USSR is, Science publishing house, 1975, p. 633. "The DEVIL (on religious representations: the supernatural, representing evil beginning), the DEVIL, the SATAN, the DEMON - book. The DEMON, DEVILRY- colloquial, the ENEMY - is simple. The DAMNED - is simple. The ENEMY confused, CRAFTY - is simple. The DIRTY SPIRIT - is simple. EVIL SPIRIT - it is simple. These all words concern to Jehovah the citizen of New-York borrowing position - the Owner Earth devil and Satan.

Jewish masons.

Druids is the attendants of a cult, prophets, Aesculapius of Celts (Gauls, Britons) making at the end of 1 thousand BC priestly intertribal corporation with the lifelong head. Druids had considerable impact on public life: carried out judicial functions, were advisers of leaders, keepers of legends. The woman carrying a title of Mother of druids was at the head of druids.

Jehovah stole idea from druids, having distorted its sense. It has no ideas; he "creates" due to plagiarism. The purpose of a devil is to unite mankind under a uniform devilish nonsense is Judaism and to become the uniform Owner on Earth. Sects from a satan are a loop of Jewish freemasons. The word the mason carried a brand the Jewish freemason. Jews were always despised and hated because of worship Jehovah devil. Before revolution 1917 in Novocherkassk (the capital of the Don Cossacks) didn't allow Jews to stay overnight. Through the admirers Jehovah devil commits all crimes against humanity. Now Jehovah strenuously creates sects, makes revolutions and brings sectarians of Jewish freemasons to power. An example is Ukraine. A method of Jehovah is a partition of the state. People don't understand that our board and the defender are Russia, its President and Great Maitreya. Only Russia can stop powers of darkness.