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Erik's eyes are wide and he knows that a peaceful and celebratory evening has just flown out the window as we follow the camera woman and her date to a booth near the back.

I end up against the wall across from Harper's date and next to Erik. Unable to control myself, I smile neatly and say, "You didn't introduce your girl for the evening, Harper. I remember Marion from this afternoon, of course."

Erik is groaning; Harper is grinning. The blonde remains quiet but looks slightly puzzled like a Cocker Spaniel. Her hair is kind of the right color for a Cocker Spaniel, too, I realize. I immediately try to erase the image from my mind. It doesn't work.

"Oh, I figured you may have known her already. We met at a gay bar, after all. Lots of famous lesbians there … figured you'd been."

I think Erik's eyes may land on the table at any moment. Gaydar or not, I'm not sure how she reached this conclusion about me but I refuse to give her any satisfaction or any reason to think she's right.

I idly note that the Cocker Spaniel looks confused too.

"Can't say I have," I reply in as bored a tone as I can manage. "So is your avoidance of the subject an admission to not knowing her name?"

She grins knowingly but allows me the subject change. "Veronica, please meet my partner - in a non-sexual sense - Kelsey, and her friend Erik."

The blonde extends a hand across the table. "Hi," she says meekly. "It's Victoria, nice to meet you."

I glance to Harper, but the woman has no shame and is grinning rakishly. She shrugs one broad shoulder and picks up her menu. She leans into her date and whispers something in her ear. Whatever she says has Veronica … er, Victoria blushing.

"So tell us what happened today, Harper." She turns her low wattage baby blues on the high wattage ones belonging to my infuriating partner.

The last thing I want to hear is a recount of the afternoon. Harper must feel the same way because she actually glances to me and then answers shortly. "Another idiot with a gun, kids getting the shit scared out of them, and me, Kels and my camera. You know. It's been on the news, nothing more to tell."

I'm relieved. I think Erik is, too. He doesn't want to know the nitty-gritty, finding the entire thing too emotional.

"So, tell me, Erik," Harper starts slowly and I know I'm in trouble. "What do you think about Kelsey's career change?"

He clears his throat, sips some water. "I think Chambers is selling her short."

"Did she tell you about the sweet deal, Erik? About the anchor in New York?"

"Sure, she did," he smiles, pats my leg. "We don't have secrets."

"Did she tell you that it's all a fantasy and she has no chance in hell of getting it? They're playing her."

Harper is smiling graciously as if she's talking about the weather and not my life. And I find it just a touch annoying that she's speaking about me as if I'm not here. I point that out. "You don't need to talk around me. I'm right here." I'm trying to smile like she is but I know mine looks more forced.

"And you'll be right here for a long time, Kels," she leans forward. "Right here with me. And there's nothing you can do about it."

I shake my head and turn to Erik who is looking only slightly baffled. He is a good actor. "Harper seems to think that Reeves won't retire. But he will, and my contract assures me the position."

"Did your contract assure you your previous anchor job, Kels?"

I glare at her, her point having been made without any comment necessary from me.

"Obviously not," she smiles smugly. "I sure wouldn't hold my breath on the New York job. But I can recommend a good attorney for you. The one who worked on my contract did a fabulous job. I’ve never had any troubles."

"Funny, I don't recall asking you for your help."

Harper shrugs, flags the waiter down to order a bottle of wine.

"So, Harper, tell us about your previous work. The whole field of tabloid camera work must be so exhilarating. And such a respectable position, too."

Victoria, poor girl, nods enthusiastically. "Yes, do tell, Harper. I heard you know Jerry Springer. I just love his show. It's so clever," Sparky turns my direction. "Don't you think?"

I grin, enjoying that her own date is doing the work for me. "Very clever. What about True TV? Now there's a place where someone can build a career."

Victoria agrees. Erik thinks the wallpaper is perhaps the most intricate design he's ever seen, and Harper is looking at me through unexpectedly humored eyes.

"Yes, it was an excellent stepping stone. Now I'm on a network news program. I’m only twenty-five years old and am shooting and directing in my field of choice. But that’s not nearly as exciting as your promotion, Kels," she's smirking. "I hear you jumped at the chance. We would have settled for Waters."

My blood runs cold, praying there is no truth to that statement. Why had Chambers chosen me for this assignment over Jessica? That pro-change bitch would have been perfect. I know Harper’s only taunting me and I hate that it's working. I also hate that she’s only twenty-five. Bitch.

"I think you just wanted the opportunity to work with me," Harper says, nodding to the waiter when he shows her the wine label.

"Yes, you're right," I allow, pausing just enough for her eyes to glance my way. "Someone of my caliber doesn't normally have the opportunity to work with someone who has such a history of quality television on her resume."

It's quite clear the night is going to be as horrible as our afternoon. The waiter returns for our orders. Harper smiles at me, giving Erik and I the opportunity to go ahead of her and Sparky. Erik orders his typical pasta dish. I grin at him as he quirks a brow at me, he knows I love pasta but never touch it because it only leads to extra time in the gym. I lean over and whisper in his ear as I play with the lapel of his jacket. "You little shit."

I hear Harper clear her throat. As I turn to face her she gives me a grin and a slight shake of her head as she glances to the waiter. "Care to order? Or would you just prefer to have Erik as an entrée?"

I give Erik a slight pat on the inside of his leg. "Actually he’s more of a dessert item."

"Uh-huh," she says dryly.

I glance to Erik as he grins at Harper. "Oh yeah, she’s got this thing she does with chocolate."

"Hmm too bad I’m allergic." Harper smirks at me again. I notice Sparky gives her another confused look.

I draw a deep breath and give the waiter my order. I can see an embarrassed blush creep into his features as he turns to Harper. "Ma’am?"

"I’ll have the New York Strip medium rare. The lady…."

Using the term loosely Harper?

"Will have the Fettucine Alfredo."

"Harper, maybe, just maybe, Victoria," I glance over at Sparky who smiles at me, (Christ, she’s hopeless) "might like to order for herself. I’m sure she’s capable."

"Actually, whatever Harper thinks will be just fine."

There’s just no helping some people. I shake my head as Harper chuckles and slides her arm around the woman’s shoulders. "See Kels, some people trust my judgment."

"To each their own." I smile as I sip my wine. I’m finally starting to relax. I can play these childish games just as well as my new (oh God how I hate to say this) partner. I just sigh as Erik drapes his arm across our seat allowing his fingertips to graze my shoulder. The gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by Harper who quirks a brow.

As I look across the room, I see Calvin Alexander. I give Erik a little nudge to direct his attention to his new employer. "You really should go over and say hello." Erik looks to me, his brows shooting up in silent question. "I’ll be fine, darling. Go make nice with Calvin."

"Ah Kels, I do love you so," he whispers as he gives me a soft kiss on the cheek. "I’ll be back in a flash."

"Oh, Erik," Harper says to him, but looks at me. "Take your time. I’m sure Veronica and I can keep Kels entertained for a few minutes."