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Kels glances his direction, giving him a smile and a wave.

"Why, you little flirt, you." I laugh as I push off the lockers and we head to History.

"Trust no one, but don’t think anyone is above suspicion."

Good philosophy, Kels. I fall back a couple of steps and let her mix and mingle just a bit. She has managed to strike up a conversation with Mr. Football. I slide into the classroom and make my introductions to the instructor, Mr. Webber. Good God, doesn’t this place have any female teachers? I take a seat again at the back of the room so I can keep an eye on my partner. She’s still making eyes at Mr. Football. I shake my head wondering if I might be wrong about her. Nah.

As I watch her, I can’t help but think back to my own days in high school. I was popular and able to float between groups without censure. I played on the varsity basketball team all four years and was valedictorian at graduation. This, of course, surprised my pals. I always told them I was a straight "C" student. It just seemed easier that way, especially since I was two years younger than everyone else and already stood out for that reason as well as my height. My parents had home schooled me through elementary school, as my brothers and I were the object of many threats by people not as liberally minded as my parents. When I went to public junior high, after we returned to New Orleans, I was quickly advanced.

I received a scholarship to Tulane and surprised my family when I pursued journalism. My four older brothers had all chosen traditional pre-law courses of study. My classmates had seen a number of my homemade movies and mock documentaries that I'd been preparing for years so they expected nothing less of me. My mother expected more. She was disappointed and told me I could have been anything with my intellect. I told her that I was already everything (at least to her), so not to worry.

I remember the exchange fondly with a grin as I watch Kelsey. She really seems to be making some inroads with the jock. I know her well enough by now to know that if he wasn’t giving her what she needed, she’d be done with him.

So why is she with Erik? Why is she so afraid? Or, is she really in love with him?

We manage to get through History and Chemistry before lunch. As we stand in the serving line, I look at my partner who is deep in thought. "What’s up, little Roo?"

"Ah, just thinking about something Frank said."


"The kid from History."

"Yeah, what did he say?"

"He said he knew how and where to get anything."

"Geez, Kels, you really get to the point when you want to, don’t you?" I take a moment to stop and get a cup of coffee. As I fix it, I notice her palm several packets of powdered creamer. I’m not even gonna ask.

"He positively reeked of marijuana smoke, Harper. He was so stoned he could barely see."

"And how do you know what marijuana smells like?" I give her a little nudge as she picks a bottle of water out of a tub.

"I’m not as innocent as I look, officer." She bats her eyelashes at me again as she picks up her tray and makes her way past me into the seating area. Wow, that almost qualified as a civil conversation, complete with a joke. Damn. I turn and follow her out.

I stand next to her table, waiting. Finally, she looks up and gives me a little smile. "Have a seat."

She’s got her hands under the table and she’s doing something I can’t see. I clear my throat and my mind at the same time as I take a seat next to her.

"Okay," she says as I feel her stuff something in my jacket pocket. "I figure for this to really work you need to be close to me so your camera can get the best shots, right?"

"Un-huh." My hand starts to go to my pocket but she grabs it and holds onto it.

"Don’t." She turns to me with more sincerity in her eyes than I have ever seen before. "Harper, I’ve followed you. Now follow me. Trust me." She gives my hand a little squeeze. "Please?"

How can I resist that request? I nod my head as I bring my coffee to my lips. "So what’s the plan?"

"We’re meeting Frank after classes. He says if I can prove I have the means he can set me up."

"We need cash."

"Hey, brilliant deduction, Sherlock. You’re gonna get it by the end of the day."

"I’ll make a call when you go to gym class." I give her a grin as I lift my eyebrows.

"Oh, I can’t believe you’re gonna miss that opportunity. Just think of all the ogling time you’ll miss."

"I have no desire to commit a misdemeanor, thanks." I take another sip of my coffee. "Besides, it’s a co-ed class. And I specialize. How much cash do you need?"

"Two grand."

I nearly choke on my coffee. "Christ, Kels, what are you buying?"

"Coke." The look of shock must be clear on my face. She grins over her water. "Hey, you said you wanted big."

"Yes, I did. Damn, woman. Well done."

"Well, let’s not count our chickens yet, shall we. We’ve still got to hatch the eggs."

"Nice imagery, Kels."

* * *

I lean on the hood of Kels’ car waiting for Olsen to show up. I glance at my watch. I’m feeling a little nervous about this. Kels’ next class is nearly over and I really don’t want to lose track of her. "Come on Olsen, Jesus, how long does it take to get two grand together?"

I see him pull up on his little rice burner motorcycle.

"Finally." I trot over as he lifts the visor on his helmet.

"The boss says you lose this and he’s gonna take it out of your ass." He announces as he hands me a thick envelope.

I find it humorous how his orange hair still manages to stick out under the visor. "Was that Chambers or Saunders?"


"Saunders can kiss my ass." I thumb through the envelope before tucking it in my pocket. "Now, get out of here and go buy a real motorcycle." I give him a playful smack on the helmet and turn for the school at a healthy jog. Just as I make it to the steps, I see Kels and Football coming around the side of the building. I start to duck, but she sees me and waves me over.

We head straight for the parking lot and to Kels’ car. What in the hell? Trust her, Harper. I take a deep breath. I move toward them, taking my time and waiting for a signal.

"Fuck!" Football says as he runs his hand over the shiny Mercedes. "Where’d you get this?"

"Ah, present from daddy for my last birthday." Kels leans against the car. "So you can hook me up, right?"

"I said I could if you had the cash."

She looks to me and I give a little nod. "Oh, I got it." She motions me over to the car. Football looks horrified as he starts to back off.

"Wait a minute! She’s a cop!"

"Who? Her?" Kels jerks her thumb at me. "Hell, she’s not a cop. She’s barely a human being."

Gee, thanks, Kels. Love you, too.

"Thought she was your shadow from the probation office."

"She is." Kels slips her hand into his and pulls him close to her so she can play with the front of his shirt. "But, you see, when daddy has money, daddy can pretty much get who he wants assigned to his ‘little girl.’ He wanted her, he got her." She turns to me and smiles. "Isn’t that right, blue eyes?"

I take a deep breath before nodding. It’s then I notice the name on the back of this kid’s jersey. Saunders. Oh God, it couldn’t be? Oh, if it is, there must be an angel on my shoulder.

Kels holds out a hand to me looking totally bored by my preoccupation.


"Cash. You have it. Give it to me."

"Yeah." I pull the envelope out of my pocket along with a baggy that has white powder in it. I glance at it as she takes both items from my hand. So that’s what the creamer was for. Clever, Kels, very clever.