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“We don’t have anyone to spare,” Sophie told him. “Besides, I can’t remember the last time you needed someone to protect you.”

Holding up a thick, callused finger, Ira said, “I just needed someone to hold a few of them back so I could swing. Not protect me. Is big difference.”

“Of course.”

Having made her way to one of the walls, Paige reached out to run her fingertips along some of the blades. When she touched one of the shorter swords hard enough to set it swinging into its neighbor, she looked over to the Chokesari as if expecting a reaction. Ira merely looked back at her while spooning some stew into one of the bowls. “Are all of these Blood Blades?” she asked.

“Not yet. Stew?”

“We didn’t come all the way out here to—”

Cole interrupted her with, “I’ll have some stew.”

Nodding with approval, Ira handed over a bowl and stooped down to pull out a bench that had been hiding beneath the long table. “They would be Blood Blades if there were any more Jekhibar around that were . . .” He rubbed his fingertips together as if something vital was slipping through them. After a few seconds he snapped them and said, “Charged. Is that the word?”

Milosh nodded. “Yes it is. All of the Jekhibar we have are drier than my first wife’s . . . what are you looking at?”

Ira’s face had taken on an expression that made him look almost childish. “What happened to your arm? The last time I saw you, there were two of them.”

“Lost to a Weshruuv,” Milosh grunted while rubbing the stump that had been wrapped in several layers of torn scarves.

Turning on the balls of his feet, Ira shoved aside a pile of scrap metal with the same ease someone else might push a chair aside. He reached down and retrieved a bottle, then filled several glasses scattered atop the table. There was no label on the bottle, but a tentative sniff told Cole it was probably whiskey. Either very cheap stuff or home brewed.

Ira raised his glass and looked at each of the others as if daring them to do anything but follow his lead. Not surprisingly, they each took a glass and lifted it to the crooked rafters over their heads. “To the flesh we’ve lost,” Ira bellowed, “and the steel to pay it back!”

No matter how bad the whiskey was, Cole drank it all down.

Letting out a hard breath while slamming his empty glass onto the table, Ira moved to the back of the room in his uneven, waddling stride. “I sifted through this soil for days the last time I was here. The only Jekhibar I found were lumps of worthless stone.”

“One was found in America,” Milosh said. “A Weshruuv collected it and hid it away from the others.”

Ira spun around and raised his bushy eyebrows. “Is it humming?”

“I don’t know. Ask them.”

Although every Amriany eye was pointed at him, Cole looked over to Paige and waited for a nod. When he got it, he dug into his coat pocket and closed his hand around the Jekhibar. Even a direct shotgun blast to the tanned Full Blood leather wouldn’t have been enough to tear through that coat, and yet Cole felt vulnerable just thinking about handing the Jekhibar over. “What do you mean by humming?” he asked.

“The Jekhibar is nothing more than a special kind of rock,” Ira explained. “And all that’s special about it is that the Torva’ox collects inside of it. Soaks it up like a damn . . .” He winced before brightening again as he found the word he was after. “Sponge! Soaks it up like a sponge. Takes a man like me to get it out, though. There may not be a lot of us left, but we can put the Torva’ox into the steel. Turns ’em into Blood Blades. Only other thing that soaks that juice up more than Jekhibar is Weshruuv.”

“That’s why the Blood Blades can hurt them so badly,” Cole said. “They’re connected.”

Ira nodded and approached the Skinners. “Used to be legend that it took someone close to a Weshruuv to kill them. Since I’ve never seen one of those animals hold anyone close enough to care about them, I think this legend is about the Torva’ox. Perhaps something is lost in translation and it is talking about something that is a part of them. Other shapeshifters are part of them and they can hurt each other, but the Torva’ox is part of them, just like she,” he said, pointing to Paige, “is part of you.”

Cole wasn’t about to deny the claim, especially since he and Paige hadn’t stopped watching the other’s back since they made it to the Hub. He hadn’t been aware it was that obvious, though.

“Amriany have always been craftsmen,” Ira continued. “So we forge steel into blades. We hammer iron into tools or weapons and charm it with energies stolen from nymphs or other creatures.”

Sophie made both of the Skinners jump when she snapped at the blacksmith in a string of barbed words in her native tongue. Ira’s face twisted into a tired grimace as he waved her off with his charred hand. “It is true. We can call it whatever we want, but we steal from the monsters so we can do what we do best. Amriany make blades, and Skinners carve wood. Amriany write curses, and Skinners scribble their runes.”

Even as Sophie continued to scold Ira, Cole stepped up to him and asked, “What about the runes?”

The burly blacksmith shook his head as Sophie continued to snarl his name as if it was the harshest curse she knew. “Torva’ox is what powers the runes,” he said. Once that was out, Sophie threw up her hands and stormed to the back of the room to inspect what Ira had been working on prior to their arrival. “I don’t know how they work, because that is savage workmanship. All I know is what I see, and when I see those runes, I know they pulse with Torva’ox.”

“Savage, huh?” Paige said. “Seems refined enough to do the job.”

Ira seemed confused by the tone in her voice, so Milosh explained, “We call you savages. Just another name for Skinner.”

But Cole was too tired to argue semantics. Pulling the Jekhibar from his pocket, he waved it in Ira’s face and asked, “So Skinners must have these things too, right?”

“No,” Ira replied without making a move toward the polished stone. “You people are crude, just as crude as your country, and it serves you well. You draw on as much of the Torva’ox as any man, which isn’t enough for my craft. It is enough for yours, though. As for the shapeshifting wood and blood rituals you do . . . I call them savage. Not another word for Skinner either. Savage.”

Paige shouldered past Cole until she’d inserted herself into the narrow space between him and Ira. “What do you need the Jekhibar for?”

“You see these weapons I made?”


Motioning to the walls that practically shone with firelight reflected off of the edges of so many blades, he said, “These can all be Blood Blades. They just need a little juice.”

Cole’s knuckles crackled as his fingers closed even tighter around the stone. “You can try to take this from us, but you know it won’t be easy.”

Stepping away so her back was to a wall, Paige followed Cole’s lead as if there were no other way. “Or even possible.” The look she gave her partner showed a hint of surprise mixed with a liberal dose of hope that he knew where the hell he was going with this.

Ira hadn’t moved, but Milosh cursed under his breath and took half a step forward before Sophie stopped him. “Nobody said anything about taking it from you. I know how valuable these weapons are, but enough people have already died for them.”

Cole said, “All I want is to put this historical feuding shit aside for good. Whatever it is between Skinners and Amriany, it’s too petty to keep going now. Our country is overrun, and if yours isn’t yet, it won’t be long before that changes for the worse.”