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She was a single girl, quiet and unassuming.  She had been a legal secretary and researcher since leaving college in 1996. But with a bit of careful investigation, it seems that a few years back she was indiscreet with a boy of whom her parents did not approve and as a result fell pregnant.  Although not a rape, it was not a case that could be resolved by marriage, yet the boy refused to acknowledge responsibility.  Her father approached Mendoza and an abortion was discretely arranged. The young man responsible was found floating off the Keyes with his genitals sewn into his mouth.

Sean had to admire the nature of justice if not the actual mechanics.

From that moment she was nurtured for such a post and managed to obtain employment with the DA’s office.  Every now and again, she was able to pass crucial information to Mendoza’s organisation.

Of all this, Michelle was blissfully unaware.  The plane approached and landed on the small airstrip on the island, where a waiting jeep took her and Maria to the house.  Nadia’s remains were placed in the back of a Toyota pickup.

The Island was only a mile long, by a quarter of a mile across.  It was little more than a rocky outcrop, but had several shiploads of topsoil and trees imported to augment the few that were already there.

She saw the big white house surrounded by trees, a glimpse of a pool, with a formal lawn and garden with tennis courts beyond.

Luis was still distraught and was in his room at the front of the house.

He heard the plane land and was standing at the window as the Jeep pulled up. He saw Maria and the tall German girl step out.

He caught his breath, as she was utterly gorgeous.

“¡Madre de Dios!” he said and crossed himself, feeling guilty that he was so quick to feel sexual arousal.

He watched her walk across the lawn, her tight skirt emphasising the wonderful firm bottom, narrow waist and those long luscious legs.  She looked every inch a glamorous movie star and yet his interest was in that extra something that was hidden from view under her skirt.

Her hair flowed in the breeze and her smile was electric.  Luis swallowed and experienced the familiar feel of his sexual awakening.  He went for a shower and had to masturbate as his desire got the better of him.

He shaved for the first time since the news of Nadia’s death and dressed in his favourite white suit.

Maria showed Michelle to a guest suite on the same floor. Michelle was amazed at the pure unadulterated luxury that seeped from every crevice of the island.  It really was the epitome of the self-made drug baron’s empire.

“We will have lunch on the terrace, but I suggest wearing a swimsuit under a wrap-around skirt.  We are never formal here.  I am going for a swim now, so if you fancy joining me, then I’ll meet you at the pool in ten minutes,” Maria said.

Michelle undressed, looking at her genitalia with extreme distaste.  Very small and no longer capable of anything other than passing urine, she kept them strapped up for most of the time.  Either a tight thong-gaff or a large sticking plaster was sufficient and, if placed sensibly, was all that was needed to allow her to urinate whilst sitting down.

She had virtually no body hair at all, as she had kept it all waxed or shaved for her act.  Her tan was all over, as a result of the UV sun-bed in the gym where she spent six hours a week just keeping trim.  She slipped on her two piece bikini, with the lower portion little more than a thong.  Her firm and well-proportioned breasts were not actually greatly enhanced by implants.  There were small implants, but for the most part she was home grown and was considering having the implants removed.

She looked in the mirror with a critical eye and thought that her hands and feet were far too big.  Actually, she was finely proportioned for a girl of her height and build, so despite her critical self-image, there would be thousands of women who would kill for her looks and figure.

She wrapped a sarong style dress around her, which came down to just below the knees and slipped on a pair of sandals.

Placing her sunhat on her head and her sunglasses on her face, she took a deep breath and walked out to face the unknown.

She walked through the marbled halls, past the many marble columns and out into the sunshine.  The pool was L shaped, with a small island at the apex. There was one part that was about 30 metres long, but the other portion had a water splash and an adult sized slide.

There was a bar under the palm trees to one end and there were five bar stools actually in the pool.

Maria was already in the water, swimming gently up the pool with a breast -stroke. Michelle took her wrap off, placed her towel, hat and shades on the table, dived into the deep end and swam the thirty metres under water.

She executed a racing turn and powered up to the end with a stylish front crawl. Maria moved to the side, as the German girl was causing a veritable tidal wave with her action through the water, which threatened to get her hair wet.  One thing Maria hated was getting water in her ears.

Luis walked out to the terrace and saw his cousin at the side of the pool. Then he saw a very sleek, bronze form powering through the water looking as if she were at the Olympics.

He stood for a moment admiring her and then met Maria’s eyes.

“Well, cousin, how did it go?” he asked, in Spanish.

“Good. But you be careful of this one.  She is not as tough as Nadia. She is more woman than boy!”

“She looks all woman!  Are you sure she is, you know, one of us?” he asked.

“Quite sure.  But Luis, this one is different.  She is not like the others.”

Luis frowned, as it was not like Maria to be cautious.

He watched the blonde girl as she continued to swim sleekly up and down the pool.  She hardly caused any splash at all, but the pool was becoming rather rough.

“Why, she looks wonderful?” Luis asked.

“She is more vulnerable and she really wants the operation.”

Luis pouted, as he could never understand why there was this determination in some to become women.  He had no time for women, as it was the maleness of these creatures that attracted him.

“We’ll see,” he replied, as Michelle came to the end and flipped herself onto the side in one graceful movement.

She stood and collected her towel.  She was aware that she had been under scrutiny and guessed that they had been discussing her, but she hadn’t heard what they had said.

She dried herself and found the sun was actually quicker than the towel.  She wrapped the sarong around her once more and watched as the tall dark man in the impeccable white suit approached.  He was about six foot tall and very slim, almost too slim, but he seemed to move with power.  His angular face was handsome, if a little dissipated and he had a thin moustache on his upper lip.  His dark wavy hair was a little long by modern standards, but it suited him and his smile showed his sparkling white teeth.

“Senorita, I am Luis Mendoza. I am so glad that Maria managed to persuade you to help return my dearest Nadia to me.  I would have hated her to go to a pauper’s grave somewhere in America.  This was her last home, and she so loved it here.  It is right that she be allowed to rest here for ever,” he said in English.

“Senor Mendoza.  I am Renate Müller and I am happy that my friend is able to rest in peace.  My main concern was to keep her secret safe from the press and so it is right that she come home,” Michelle replied in good, but not quite fluent Spanish.

Luis raised his eyebrows at Maria, who was as surprised as he was.  She was aware that the German admitted to having a little Spanish, but this was more than a little.

He extended his hand and she placed her hand in his, he raised it to his lips and kissed her fingers.  He retained her hand, taking her round the terrace and seated her at the glass table, as a servant appeared bearing champagne.