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He released her hand, taking two glasses from the tray, handing one to Michelle.

“Renate, here, let us drink to the future.  Whatever surprises it shall bring,” he said, and they clinked glasses.

Maria was feeling slightly excluded as she had to help herself to a glass, but she realised that Luis had all but forgotten Nadia already, being totally smitten by Renate.  She smiled and shook her head.  She had known that this was going to happen, perhaps not as quickly though.

Michelle was actually enjoying herself, allowing herself just to go with the flow.  Luis questioned her closely and she simply kept to her own life story and didn’t have to make up anything extra except changing a few names and locations.  Her German was flawless, as was her Dutch, part of her gift was accents and voices, so she had no difficulty being ‘German’.

The servant brought freshly caught lobster and salad to the table and they ate a really splendid meal.  Michelle drank carefully and noticed that Maria knocked it back with enthusiasm.

Luis was watching his guest, intrigued to know how a boy could possibly be so feminine.  Nadia had been feminine, but was a non-starter compared to Renate.  It was almost too much for him, as he desired her so much that his erection was threatening to explode.

The effect she had on Luis was not lost on Michelle so she used every trick she knew to flirt very subtly with him.  She had already made her mind up that she would go to bed with him and for once was actually quite excited about it.  The secret-agent side of her was feeling quite turned on at using sex in such a way.

She was not as naïve as she had allowed Sean and Ryan to suppose, but she was in no doubt that her ultimate desire was to be as much a real woman as she could be, in every possible way.

However, she had hinted at the fact that anal sex was not something she was particularly keen on.  This was not strictly true, as she enjoyed being possessed by a loving man in the nearest way she could be a woman.  She was skilled in controlling muscles, finding a position that was comfortable and giving her as much pleasure as she could. She was incapable of achieving masculine orgasm, but the psychological impact of being nearly a functional female was almost as good.

After lunch, Luis led the three of them to a freshly prepared grave under some trees at the far end of the garden.

Four men from his staff lowered the coffin into the grave while Luis said a short prayer.  Then he threw some earth on top of the casket, crossed himself, turned and taking Michelle’s hand, led her back to the house.

Michelle was actually quite moved by the very simple ceremony and agreed that Nadia was probably in the best place, considering.

Luis decided that the German girl needed wooing and was at his most charming for the rest of the day.

“Your island is simply wunderbar, sorry, wonderful.  Could you give me a guided tour?” she asked.

Luis’s island was his second favourite subject, after himself, that is.

He held out his arm, Michelle took it and he set off showing her the inside of the house at first and then the grounds.  She saw for herself the hill with solar panels and wind generators, but she realised that the hill was not a natural formation, it was man made.

“Mein Gott!  You have been so clever.  You build a whole hill, and have living quarters underneath,” she gushed.

He was so proud of his command complex that he broke one of his own rules, taking her into the complex.

Sean would have been more than surprised and impressed.  There was a complete command complex with living quarters and of course the power room was next to the central control room.  There was a huge emergency diesel generator within the complex that was designed to kick in should the power source be cut.

The joy of the whole place was that it was deep enough to be shielded from aerial and satellite observation, whether through infra-red or heat signatures.

There was a small army housed within the complex, with over forty men, all equipped with the latest automatic weapons and Kevlar ballistic vests.  Michelle may not have been a trained agent, but she was able to observe and she did not like what she saw.

“Why do you need so many men with guns?” she asked.

“Well, I have many competitors who would seek to destabilise my position.  Not all my business transactions are strictly legitimate, so you can imagine that various agencies would seek to prevent me continuing my ventures,” he said with a charming smile.

She looked straight at him.

“I do not think I want to know.  It is none of my business and as far as I am concerned, you were Nadia’s friend, so I am not going to hold you in judgement,” she said.

“Then I shall tell you nothing and you need not concern yourself with my business,” he said.

“That suits me,” she said, smiling at him.

Luis’s heart fluttered and he felt such a strong desire to possess this girl that he immediately took her hand.

“Let me show you the boats,” he said, taking her out of the complex. As they left she saw a simple grey metal door on the left hand side.  It had the words, “Emergencia impulsa interruptor.” stencilled on it.  Her limited Spanish was sufficient to know that this was her goal.

She smiled, because she would have to get past several locked doors, cameras and armed men.  Here was a challenge indeed.

Luis was becoming more tactile with her, holding her arm, her hand, or even holding her around the waist.  He wasn't rough, but firm and somewhat possessive. They walked slowly to the small marina, where there were several craft moored, the cheapest of which was worth several thousand dollars.

His piece de resistance was a motor yacht, about one hundred and thirty foot long, with a helicopter in a compartment at the stern.

“Let me show you my Isabella of Castille,” he said, leading her onto the vessel with the name emblazoned across it’s stern.

“Who was Isabella? Was she Queen Isabella who married Ferdinand of Aragon back in the fifteenth century?”

“I have no idea.  It was called that when I bought it and it seemed appropriate.”

It was very luxurious, with wooden panelling throughout.  He led her to the master cabin, with an enormous bed and a mirrored ceiling.

She looked at the bed and then at Luis who was looking slightly flushed, she could tell he was in an almost constant state of arousal.

“May I use the head?” she asked and he grinned at her use of the correct nautical term.

She took off her sarong and stripped off her swimsuit.  She sat and did what had to be done. She saw there was a tub of K.Y. on the side.  Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she opened the tub, scooped out a generous dollop onto her finger and eased it up her anus.  She then removed the sticking plaster that covered her hated male genitalia.  Checking through the drawers she found a box of condoms, so she palmed one.

She wrapped the sarong around her, leaving the swimsuit off, she rejoined Luis, who was lying on the bed.  He had hung his jacket up on a hanger and she smiled at his fastidiousness.

She stood looking at an erotic work of art.  Several figures were enjoying all manner of coitus. Most were males and a few were either women, or transsexuals, as she was.

“Tell me what you are thinking?” he asked.

Without turning round, she replied, “I was wondering when you first decided you wanted me?”

“From the first moment I saw you,” he answered, moving over and standing up.

She turned as he came over and he released the sarong, letting it fall to the floor.

He looked at her almost flawless beauty and literally gasped with pleasure.  When he saw her small male genitals, he reached out and took her hand.

She slowly undid his shirt and then his belt.  He was becoming impatient and he sat on the bed, almost ripping off his remaining clothes.