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Ryan sat next to her, taking her hand.

“Michelle.  I’ve known a few girls in my short life, and twice I thought I was in love.  It's only now I realise that I was mistaken, as I can honestly say that I never knew love before meeting you.  You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and if I felt worthy of you, I’d ask you to be my wife.”

Michelle felt the tears spring to her eyes as she struggled to understand him.

“Worthy, you?  My God, it’s me who is not worthy.  I’m not even a real…” she said.

He placed one finger across her lips, halting her in mid rant.

“I know what you were, and I don’t care. I never want to hear you mention it again.  I know what you are and that’s all that matters.  I love you Michelle, warts and all.”

“But I can never have your children,” she said, tears forming in her eyes.

He laughed.

“That is the least of our problems.  Besides, there are always kids who need a good home, we could adopt.”

“We’d have to be married first,” she said.

“Then would you marry me?”

“Yes, of course,” she said, without any hesitation whatsoever.

He wrapped his large arm around her shoulders and kissed her.

He carried her to her bed that night, despite her protests about his knee, and after she attended to things in the bathroom, he gently undressed her, kissing every part of her body, or nearly every part.  She lay there naked, her scars livid against her tanned body.  She looked beautiful, - so soft and feminine.

“My God, you are so beautiful,” he told her.

He helped her into her nightdress, then moved his single case and dumped it in the corner of the room.  He went to the bathroom, cleaned his teeth and then he stripped down to a pair of jockey shorts.  He joined her on the bed.

“Do you have a favourite side?” he asked.

She smiled and shook her head.

“Me neither.”

He simply held her, enjoying feeling her close to him.  While she felt complete for the first time in her life.

Sex was irrelevant.  He was aroused, but didn’t care, as his whole being was content just with holding her and receiving her love in return.  He had never experienced such a feeling of genuine fulfilment before, and it gave him a joy he didn’t fully understand.

Michelle simply fell asleep with a cherubic smile on her face.  She felt like the girl she had always wanted to be.

That had been two weeks ago.  But their feelings towards each other had simply grown.  They were together constantly, so she only felt complete when he was with her.

She helped him with his exercises, and he with hers.  There were five dilators she had to insert, gradually increasing the size.  They laughed nervously when they saw number five, but he had been encouraging, so she found no embarrassment when asking for his help.

They were used to each other’s bodies now, so nudity was not a problem.  Michelle wished the twelve weeks would be up, for she wanted to be able to provide for her man in the only way she truly wanted to.  But he was gracious and completely undemanding, so unlike any other man she had met, so she was a little worried that he didn’t find her attractive.

As time passed, their physical wounds healed. Their nights became more exciting and they explored other ways to please each other.  She used her mouth on him for the first time, and even briefly considered allowing him to have her anally.  On reflection, she stopped short of suggesting it, as she decided that that aspect of her life was in her past, and besides, her bowel may not like it.

For her, it was more than sufficient to be loved, held and cared for.  The female hormones she had been taking had meant that her libido had dropped, so the physical act was not as important as the emotional need for love.

They often swam in the small pool and latterly in the ocean, as they both became stronger. When calm it wasn't a problem, but when the rollers came crashing in, the undertow rose, making it risky for them, with their weakened conditions. She loved swimming, so was thrilled that it was one form of exercise she was permitted to do.  Ryan had to be careful with his new knee, until the ligaments, muscles and cartilages were all back to normal.  But he followed advice and they would spend many happy hours in the warm water.

She was delighted that all the expensive clothes and jewellery she had acquired in her time with Luis were now hers to keep.  The diamonds alone were worth a small fortune, so she took to wearing them with nothing else for Ryan’s pleasure.

There was a small general store half a mile back towards the main road, so they used the two bicycles they found in the shed in the yard to get there whenever they wanted anything.  Old Lou Harper, the storekeeper, thought they looked a mighty fine couple.  Particularly the lady, now she was something else.

Six weeks after the operation, even they began to tire of the small house by the ocean.  Sean appeared and saw an amazing transformation in both of them.  Ryan was deeply tanned and looked very fit, while Michelle seemed to be glowing with health and contentment.  They were both able to move around with no problem.  Ryan’s knee was a little stiff, but his pronounced limp had virtually gone. Whatever limp was left was a habit rather than a medical condition.

“Hi, guys, had enough of each other yet?” he said.

“This place, yeah, but not of each other,” Ryan said, and Sean noted that Michelle held tightly to his arm.

“So when’s the big day?” he asked, joking.

“We figured after Michelle completes her training.  So September sounds good,” Ryan said, not joking.

“Are you guys serious?” Sean asked.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.  Michelle turned back, nodding.

“Certainly. Wasn’t that the whole point?” she asked.

Sean smiled and shook his head.

“Well, if you need a best man?”

“You’re on,” said Ryan, holding out his hand, so Sean shook it.

“I suppose congratulations are in order.  But do you know what you are doing?”

“Oh yes,” they both said at the same time.

“Well, get your gear, I’m to take you back to the medics so they can see how you're both doing.”

It didn’t take them long, and very soon they were re-entering civilisation once more.

The trip to the hospital was short.  The respective surgeons inspected their handiwork and declared themselves satisfied that their patients were well on the way to complete recovery.

Harry Markham was particularly pleased with Michelle’s progress, as she had conquered number five with some trepidation, but conquered it she had.

“Well, I should say another six weeks, and then you will be safe to start having sex,” he said, and couldn’t help but notice the impatient grin on her face.

“I take it the young man who maintained such a loyal vigil by your bed is still with you?”

“We're engaged,” she said, with an enormous grin.

“Well, congratulations.  I think you are overdue some good fortune.”

“I think we make our own fortune sometimes,” Michelle said, as she got dressed again.

“Well, have a nice life.  I'm just pleased to be a part of this bit of good fortune,” he said, so she kissed his cheek.

“I can never have the words to thank you for what you have done,” she said, and he smiled.

“You just said it all.  Your smile is worth a thousand words.”

Ryan and Michelle were signed back as ready for recuperative training, and were given leave for five weeks to get fit for their training courses that started in June.

They met up back at the office, where Sean had Michelle sign some forms.

“Welcome to the DEA, Michelle.  You are now officially signed up and awaiting a training course.  It’s taken some time as we needed official authorisation to by-pass the usual application and selection procedures for obvious reasons.  And you don’t get paid until you start the course.”