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"I'm real good on faces," Tern Dillard said. She stood. "And I think that's the guy."

"Maybe," Eric muttered. "Maybe so."

Tern headed for the door.

"Just in case," she said over her shoulder, "I sent for his chart. It should be up in a few minutes. for that woman's sake, I hope I'm wrong."

Eric's mind's eye flashed on the scene by the derelict's bedside, and on the slow E.K.G complexes he had chosen to disregard.

"I hope so too."

"Carlisle Hotel."

"I'd like to speak to Miss Laura Enders, please."

"One moment."

Eric cradled the phone against his ear and stared down at the notes he had made describing the unsuccessful resuscitation of a patient known to White Memorial only as John Doe. Despite Tern Diflard's confidence, he had been unable to match the face in the poster with the unshaven derelict he had briefly worked on that day.

Even if it was the wrong man, he rationalized, he might be of some help to Laura Enders. Tern had, as usual, been right. He had noticed.

"Hello?" She sounded a bit breathless.

"Laura Enders?"

"It's Eric Najarian. We met earlier today at-" "White Memorial.

I remember. How did your patient do?"

"My patient? Oh, the GI bleeder. He's in the recovery room right now."

"Do you always refer to your patients by their diagnoses?"

Eric smiled at the woman's perceptiveness.

"The leg in Seven, the stroke in Ten-I caution the medical students not to do it; then, when I'm not paying attention to what I'm saying, I do it too. Please don't hold it against me."

"Don't worry. I watched you work, remember?"

"Thank you."

"Sorry if I sound out of breath. I just ran in to change before hitting the street for my evening rounds. Boston's only supposed to have half a million or so people, but right now it seems like ten times that. I guess I should be grateful Scott didn't disappear in New York."

For a few moments there was silence. Eric was looking down at John Doe's hospital record, wondering if it would be cruel to hand the woman even an ort of information, given the doubts he had.

"So," she said finally, "did someone at white Memorial recognize my brother's picture?"

"I, um, no. Not that I know of."

"Oh." There was disappointment in her voice.

"But we put them up in the lounges."

"That's great. Thank you."

"I'll see to it that some copies get posted in other parts of the hospital as well."

"That would be good of you."

For a few interminable seconds there was only silence.

"Laura," he said finally. "I… I was wondering if you might be free for dinner."


"No, I'm working, and I don't ever know when I'm going to get out.

How about tomorrow?"

"Well…" She drew the word out, as if trying to find the most tactful way to Turn him down. "Well, sure," she said suddenly.

"I'd like that very much. I could be ready by seven."

"That's great. I'll pick you up at your hotel. Any special kind of food?"

"My choice, huh. Okay, let's see… Do you know of a good Annean restaurant?"


"You are Armenian, yes?"

"Yes, but-' "I grew up with a girl named Suzy Rupinian. One of my favorite things about having her for a friend was eating over at her house."

"The woman wants Armenian, the woman gets Armenian," Eric said.

"Tomorrow night, we eat at Pariegam. It's in the neighborhood where I grew up, so I'm not exactly invisible there. Can you handle that?"

"Sounds perfect. Is it dress up?"

"Dress down," Eric said. "The food at Pariegam is of the gods, but we're talking sawdust on the floor, not linen on the table."

"I can do sawdust. Is Pariegam someone's name?"

"No, it's the Armenian word for friendship."

"Good start," Laura said. … Initial assessment found patient with no pulse, respiration, or blood pressure. Pupils midposition and nonreactive. Standard CPR with endotracheal intubation begun at 10:17 A.M. by Dr. Kaiser, later relieved by Dr. Eric Najarian.

Treatment consisted of intravenous epinephrine, atropine, and Isuprel per American Heart Assn. protocol. See nurse's flow sheet for times and dosages. Throughout the resuscitation attempt, patient's cardiac rhythm remained agonal endstage beats at 8/minute (gee rhythm strips). Patient pronounced dead by Dr. Eric marian at 10:40 A.M. Transferred to morgue pending identification and notification of next of kin.

The cardiac rhythm tracing was as Eric had remembered: broad, slow complexes that could not possibly have been electrically capable of generating contractions of the heart muscle. Certainly there was more he could have tried: a pacemaker, another series of drugs, more aggressive attempts to measure and balance blood pH. But even if, by some miracle, he had succeeded in restoring a pulse, John Doe was brain-dead. The signs were all there. And for that, there was no therapy. … the choices we must make on this job are not always easy…

"You said it, lady," Eric muttered, reflecting on Sara Teagarden's uncharacteristically sensitive remark. "You said it."

In twenty-four hours he was going to have to sit across from a woman he wanted very much-to get to know, and tell her that a nurse who was seldom wrong about such things had identified her brother as the derelict he had failed to resuscitate.

He put his notes and the E.K.G tracing aside and turned to the nurse's notes. At the bottom of them was a notation, signed by trina Cullinet:


Eric checked the receiving area to ensure that the triage nurse was keeping up with the crush of patients. Then he went back to his office and pulled out the Boston Yellow Pages. The Gates of Heaven Funeral Home, Donald Devine, director, was located not far from White Memorial.

He had opened this can of worms by calling Laura Enders.

Now there wasn't much choice but to try to put the lid back on.

Reluctantly, he picked up the phone.

It was nearly nine before the E.R. was quiet enough for Eric to sign out to the senior on duty. He undressed in the on-cite room, and then wrapped a towel around his waist and forced himself through a few minutes of stretching exercises. It had been a long and hard fourteen-hour shift, and every muscle in his limbs seemed to be in some phase of contraction.

The exclamation point on the trying day had been a prolonged but unsuccessful attempt at resuscitating a fifty-seven-year-old coronary victim, brought in by ambulance in full cardiac arrest. From a purely technical standpoint the Code 99 had been handled well enough. But far more often than not, efforts in such cases were doomed. From the loss of blood pressure to the onset of effective CPR, the window to prevent irreversible brain damage was only four to six minutes, if that. And at some point during most resuscitations, physicians went from hoping they would get an effective heartbeat back to praying that they wouldn't.

Intellectually Eric had never had a problem with that reality.

Emotionally, though, he still tended to take every failure personally.

How had he reacted to the death of the drift diver? he wondered now.

As he showered and dressed he tried to reconnect with his actions and emotions that snowy February day. He had been completely immersed in Russell Cowley's emergency and in the use of the new laser.

That much he remembered clearly. But had he reacted at all to the death of the derelict in the next room?

Distracted by the question, he made a final brief check of the E.R then headed across the largely deserted lobby toward the library.