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“Come here, Jodi Marshall.” A smile crossed his lips. “Let me see you. I’m sure we can find a place for you among your friends.”

I stayed in the shadows until the souls reached Victoria, who had stopped torturing Arianna and was backing away. She tried commanding them, but they wouldn’t listen. They were obeying me alone.

Hades flung his arm out to the side, sending the souls flying into the black abyss behind them. So much for taking out Victoria. I was on my own.

Chapter 32

Now what? I may have had the power of three Ophi inside me, but I was up against Hades and a bunch of pissed-off Ophi who would love to see me dead.

Hades laughed. “Is that the best you can do?”

Alex stared at me, waiting for my next move.

Now what, Medusa?

I have to make my presence known.

You want to talk to Hades? He didn’t seem like he was in a talking mood. More like a “rip-the-head-off-the-Ophi” mood.

No, I want to show him what we can do. Go for Victoria.

Football-player tactics—that was what we were left with. I felt my body temperature lower and my blood calm, like it was preparing for the biggest battle of all. “Stay here,” I told Alex. “This is going to be crazy, and I need you playing backup, okay?”

“You mean you want me staying out of harm’s way.”

Exactly, but his male ego wouldn’t be able to handle that. “If I fail, our hope rests on you. That’s hardly staying out of harm’s way.”

He grabbed the back of my head and pressed his lips to mine. “Just don’t die, okay?” It was his attempt to lighten the mood.

“What do you think, mac and cheese for dinner?”

“Nah, I’m swearing off the stuff.” His eyes fell on Victoria. “I don’t need any reminders of her.”

I placed my hand on his chest. “Wish me luck.” Without waiting, I turned and sprinted toward Victoria. She saw me and tried to move out of the way, but I had youth on my side. Not that she was that old. I bet she wished she was my mom’s age right then, though. I pressed my left hand to her throat and sent a jolt of poison her way. She fell backward onto the ground, and I went down with her, not wanting to break the connection. After about five seconds, she was unconscious. I stood up and looked around. Everyone was watching me. Hades could’ve stopped me, but he stared, and I couldn’t help wondering if he wanted to see just what I was capable of. For once, I didn’t want to disappoint him.

I lunged at Troy next. “This is for killing your own son, you bastard.” I went for his neck too, but he slapped my arm away. He fought me, swinging his arms and landing a punch to my stomach. I felt Medusa’s soul recoil, but not in fear. She was angry. My blood boiled, bubbling under my skin. Now, it was her anger making me burning hot. I smiled at Troy for a second. He gritted his teeth and swung at me again. This time, I grabbed his wrist. He cried out in pain as my touch burned his skin. Smoke sizzled under my hand.

“You think that’s bad?” I asked him. “Try this.” I sent poison to him in such a concentrated dose that he went down immediately. I turned to see Tony trying to gather everyone, probably preparing to escape.

Hades smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. I have to say those two were becoming my favorites. They really threw themselves into their work here.”

“Yeah, well, that’s because they’re sadistic—” I stopped, realizing Alex could hear every word I said. Sure he hated them, but they were his parents. He didn’t need me announcing my true thoughts about them right now.

“Go on.” Hades laced his fingers in front of him.

“Gladly.” I walked over to Abby, ready to take her down next, but Arianna looked up at me.

“Jodi, she’s my daughter.” It was the first time Arianna had spoken that way about Abby. Every time the subject had come up before, Arianna just seemed disappointed and even ashamed of the Ophi Abby had become. But she still loved her daughter—still wished Abby would change.

Abby’s eyes widened, and she swallowed hard, not because she was afraid of what I’d do to her but because she was touched that Arianna wanted to protect her.

“See that human weakness?” Hades said. “That’s why you never should’ve returned your human soul to your body. You’d be better off without it.”

I turned to him, stepping closer and challenging him to stop me. I was definitely more confident with Medusa’s soul inside me. “You know, there was a time when I thought you were right. But both of us couldn’t have been more wrong. Emotions fuel our power. My human emotions are purer than my Ophi ones. They give my power something extra. I need my human soul.”

Hades laughed. “You think I didn’t know that?” He crossed his arms. “You forget, knowing souls is my business. Why do you think I wanted your human soul so badly? If it was in Tartarus or even the Fields of Asphodel, you wouldn’t have been able to access those emotions. You would’ve been weaker.”

Damn it! When was I going to stop underestimating this guy? “Then I guess you know what else I’ve done.” I looked around for Persephone, realizing for the first time that she wasn’t here. She’d said she was going to help buy me some time while I brought Medusa’s soul into my body. Had she set me up? Had she warned Hades I was coming and left?

“Looking for someone?” Hades smiled, but it quickly faded. “I sent her away.”

“You sent your wife away? Why?”

“I think you know the answer to that.”

Because she’d helped me. Because Hades realized that Persephone was more than willing to stab him in the back.

“I’ll have to remember to thank her when I see her again.”

“You won’t ever see her again. I’ll see to that. Your soul will stay in Tartarus forever.”

“No, it won’t.” I stepped closer to him and stared into his eyes. “I saw the way you watched what I did to Victoria and Troy. That was actually a trick Chase taught me, and believe it or not, he helped me with it this time, too.”

“Chase.” Hades balled his fists. “I’m going to—” He lifted his head in the air. “He’s dead? How?” Hades’ eyes lowered to me again, but he still wasn’t really seeing me. Anger clouded his vision.

“He’s with the judges. They’re going to see to it that he receives the afterlife he deserves.” Whatever that may be, I still wasn’t sure, and I didn’t think I really wanted to know.

“You killed him?” Hades cocked his head to the side. “You hated him that much?”

“No, he asked me to take his powers. He didn’t want to be your puppet anymore.”

“So you forgave him for everything? You’re dumber than you look.”

“I didn’t forgive him for everything. I’m not naïve enough to think he was innocent in all of this. He played his part. But he didn’t deserve to suffer for all eternity as your puppet either, and I needed his power.”

“Why? You think, now that you have his power, you’re strong enough to defeat me?”

“No, I needed his power for another reason.” I moved even closer, and Hades narrowed his eyes, unsure of why I kept invading his personal space. “Look at me. Really look at me.”

Hades’ lips started to curl into a smile. I knew he was thinking he’d burn me with his stare.

I rolled my eyes. “If you do that, you’ll miss what I’m trying to show you, and believe me, you’re going to want to see it.”

He sighed, blowing his hot breath right in my face. If he wasn’t so freaking hot—like underwear-model hot—I would’ve been totally grossed out. He lowered his head so we were almost at eye level.