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I smiled, happy to agree. Hades, on the other hand, scowled. His hands had been tied.

“Now,” Zeus said, “seeing as Persephone is with Demeter, I believe this throne belongs to you, Medusa.”

She gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “I couldn’t be more proud of you, Jodi.”

My eyes teared as she let go of me and took her place on the throne.

“Hades, are we in agreement?” Zeus stood and moved away, motioning for Hades to take his place.

“What can I say? You’ve won, brother.” Scowling, he stepped up to the throne and sat next to Medusa. They were the strangest pair, but I knew they’d work together. Zeus would make sure of it.

“There’s only one thing left before I go,” Zeus said.

“Wait!” This wasn’t over yet. “Zeus, Hades took a friend of mine. Two, actually. Melodie is human. He killed her to hurt me. I’d like her back.”

Zeus nodded. “I have already returned her to her mortal life. She will have no memory of being here.” Maybe I hadn’t given Zeus enough credit. He was a decent god after all.

“And Jared. Hades killed him.”

“Jared was an Ophi casualty. I cannot reverse that.” He said it matter-of-factly and with no feeling whatsoever. That brought him down a notch in my book.

McKenzie sniffled behind me. We’d be having another memorial when we got back to the school.

“Jared will be with Matt and Amber in the afterlife,” Zeus said. “But Amber is in Tartarus and Matt’s—”

“They’ve been moved to the Elysian Fields. I have restored all the souls to the places the judges have deemed suitable.” Zeus smirked at Hades, exerting his power over him and the underworld. I could’ve hugged him if he didn’t scare the living dead out of me.

At least Matt would be happy now, and he wouldn’t be alone. I’d rest easier knowing that. But I’d still lost my dad. I knew better than to ask for him back. Zeus would never allow it. But maybe there was something I could still do for him. “Zeus.”

He cocked his head. “You are about to ask me for yet another favor?” His tone implied he thought that would be unwise but, well, I didn’t give a damn what was wise. I wanted to do what was right.

“My father, Derek Colgan. I can’t believe he was meant to be in Tartarus.”

“He was not,” the middle judge said. “We reviewed his life and determined he should be placed in the Fields of Asphodel.”

The Fields were better than Tartarus, but my dad would lose all sense of himself there. “Then I want to appeal to you all. My father was manipulated by Victoria and Troy. He wasn’t a bad person. He left my mother and me to keep us safe.”

Zeus raised his hand. “I can tell that you will not allow your father’s soul to remain in the underworld. You’ll raise him every chance you get.”

I started to lower my head but stopped myself. “He’s my father, Zeus. Wouldn’t you want Persephone to do the same for you if she were in my position?”

Zeus sighed. “Your father will serve my brother here in the underworld during the time that Medusa is at the school with you.” He turned to Hades. “Serve, not be tortured in Tartarus.” I was about to thank Zeus when he added, “And when Medusa is here, your father’s soul will return to the school to help you train the others. I suspect he’ll be a willing soul to work with.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks. I knew that was the best offer I could’ve hoped for. And while I also knew Zeus was only doing this to ensure Hades and the Ophi didn’t go to war again, I was more than grateful. “I can’t thank you enough.”

“You will thank me by ensuring this never happens again.” His eyes bored into mine so intensely that I knew pissing him off would be ten times worse than feuding with Hades. “Now, I need to get going, but first, Hades, you need to return them to the mortal plane.”

I didn’t even look at Hades. Instead, my eyes found Medusa.

“I’ll see you in a few months, my child.” She smiled at me the way a mother smiles at her daughter.

I nodded. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Hades waved his hand, and a swirl of black smoke wrapped around us, lifting us in the air. Just like when he’d brought us here, we couldn’t see a thing through the smoke. But soon enough, we were brought down to rest in the cemetery of the school. We were home.

There were hugs all around. Even Abby hugged her mom and sister. Things were going to be okay. We’d find a way to use our powers to help people. To save innocents who weren’t meant to die. We’d still have to raise souls from the underworld to train, but we’d return them. And best of all, we were going to have Medusa with us for part of the year. Not as a statue that only I could talk to, but as a soul we all could see and communicate with. The Ophi were going to be okay. Better than okay.

Tony approached me with open arms. “I’ve always regretted that I never had a daughter of my own, but I’d like to make up for it by being the best second father to you—when your father is serving Hades in the underworld, that is. Of course, it’s completely up to you. I understand if—”

I hugged him tightly, because he was the closest to a father I’d ever had, and I knew Tony would do his best to fill the hole in my heart each time my dad had to return to the underworld to serve Hades. Over Tony’s shoulder, my dad’s soul nodded to me. I smiled back at him, knowing he was glad Tony would look after me when he couldn’t.

Carol was already on her cell calling Mason. Her smile and the happy tears streaking her face said it all. Our lives were getting back to normal. She walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Mason said he wants to work with you to show you how you can be around your mom without putting her in danger. It will take a while before you get to that point, but in time you can do it. It’s his way of saying thank you for all you’ve done.”

It was my turn to cry. Being able to see my mom again meant the world to me. I threw my arms around her and cried on her shoulder. When I finally pulled away, Alex was waiting for me.

He wrapped one arm around my waist. “You did it.”

I wiped my tears away. “I didn’t think I was going to pull it off.”

“I knew you would. You’re incredible, Jodi. The Chosen One.” He smiled. “You’ve earned yourself anything you want to do. What’s it going to be?”

I reached up, draping my arms around his neck. “Anything?” Before he could answer, I pressed my lips to his. Being with him was Heaven to me, and I could stay this way forever.


I’m not sure how to even begin expressing my gratitude to Kate Kaynak and Spencer Hill Press. I’ll never forget the night I got the call saying Spencer Hill Press had offered on my series. The tears of joy, relief, and disbelief I cried that night are forever burned in my memory. Every step along the way has been an absolute dream come true. I’m truly blessed to work with such a close group of people who make me feel like family every time I talk to them or see them in person. Trisha Wooldridge, I feel like you are just as much a part of Jodi’s story as I am. You made the editorial process fun, which is saying a lot. And all the Tony fans out there have you to thank for his role in this series. Thank you for being someone that I absolutely love to work with, and for understanding the way my brain works. Thank you to my team of copy editors, Rich Storrs, Keshia Swaim, N. Apythia Morges, and Shira Lipkin for polishing my books and making them ready for readers. To Kendra Saunders, Jennifer Allis Provost, and Kayleigh-Marie Gore, thank you for all your hard work in getting this book into the hands of book bloggers and readers everywhere. Marie Romero, you are a master at making the inside of a book just as gorgeous as the outside. Many thanks to you.