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Lauren Hammond, my agent of awesome, I don’t really know how to thank you for always being in my corner, for taking my panicked phone calls, for texting back and forth on weekends, and for the countless other things you do. I hope Hammond and Hashway are together forever. And to my agency sisters, writer friends, YA Bound sisters, and critique partners, your support keeps me sane. I’m so glad I have you all to share this journey with me.

To my daughter, Ayla, who has come to hate my computer and the amount of time I have to spend on it, I love you for thinking you have a famous mom. As long as I’m famous in your eyes, I’m happy. To my husband, Ryan, thank you for always offering to help me work, even though we both know you aren’t a reader or a writer. Your support means so much to me. To my mom, Patricia Bradley, thank you for reading every word I write and then not being afraid to tell me when I can do better. You do more than support me. You push me to be better. To my father, Martin Bradley, who tells everyone he meets that his daughter is a writer, thank you for always letting me know you’re proud of me. My sister, Heather DeRobertis, you keep me sane when I’m feeling overwhelmed, so thank you for that. Thanks to my friends and family for always asking how my writing is going and understanding when I hibernate in my writing cave.

Thank you to Donna Rosenblum for not only reviewing my books in the School Library Journal but also coming to see me at BEA. As always, many thanks and cyber-hugs to the book bloggers who have supported this series. Keren Hughes, Kayleigh-Marie Gore, Brooke Delvecchio, Meg and Kassiah at Swoony Boys Podcast, Ida Keranen, and Beth Consugar, you all have been so incredible from the very start of this series. And to everyone who reads my books, thank you for taking the time to step into my world.