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She was lying in bed, sobbing, when Helen came home from work. Helen, her roommate, a large, buxom girl of twenty-four, was a nurse at the largest hospital in town. She had moved in with Vicki only a month or two before. Helen wasn’t a particularly attractive girl, and she never seemed to go out,on dates. Vicki noticed this, but never brought up the subject. After all, she had her own life to live and her own problems to control. The night that Helen found Vicki sobbing in bed was the very first night that the two girls bad actually become close.

“You want to tell me about it?” asked Helen, sitting on the edge of Vicki’s bed. “Maybe I can help.”

Vicki told her the story in complete detail – leaving out nothing in the process. Helen listened with a stony face that was deep in concentration. When the story was over, she rose and slammed her fist into her palm.

“Shit!” she exploded. “Shit… shit… shit! Those crumbs don’t have the right to take a girl, screw up her life like that, and then just toss her out like a bag of garbage. They won’t get away with it… I swear they won’t.”

“What’s going to stop them?” asked Vicki tearfully. “I won’t spill the beans on them, if that’s what you mean. I just couldn’t do anything like that. And I wouldn’t blackmail either of the guys. I’d never be able to live with myself if I ever did. So how can you say you’ll fix ‘em?”

“You just leave that to me, baby,” said Helen, rubbing her hands over Vicki’s smooth skin. “You just leave that to me.”

Vicki trembled at the touch of Helen’s hands. They weren’t like any hands that had ever caressed her body before. These were soft and tender – yet they were sexually demanding. So demanding, that they made her skin begin to prickle up with goose bumps and her heart begin to beat quite rapidly.

“What – what are you doing, Helen?” asked Vicki, stunned by this sudden turn of events. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

“You mean you didn’t know that I was a lesbian?” said Helen, genuinely startled. “You didn’t suspect? Ever?”

“No, no, I didn’t. I guess I never gave it much thought.”

“Well, I am, and have been for years. I never hit on you, because I don’t believe in going outside for my action – and I’ve always had more than enough from the bunch I run with.”

“Are they ALL nurses?” asked Vicki, fascinated. She had never experienced a communication with a lesbian before, and the thought of it stimulated her so much, that she actually forgot about her problems for the moment.

“Some are,” Helen replied. “Some are teachers, some are waitresses – salesgirls… we’ve got ‘em all. Lots of them live together, but I like it with a straight chick. It keeps me in some kind of touch with the straight world, if you know what I mean. Anyway, don’t sweat it, kid, I’m still not going to hit on you. Not tonight, anyway. I’m out for bigger game.”

“What,do you mean?”

“I’m going to get myself in with the wives of those two bastards… and take ‘em both away.”

“You couldn’t do that!”

“The hell I couldn’t. There’s no man on earth who can keep a chick happy after a dyke has had a shot at her. No way in the world he could do it. And I’m going to get both of their wives before this is all over with. I won’t let ‘em do that to a nice kid like you.”

“Will you show me what a dyke does to a girl?”

“Not tonight, sweetie. I’ve got plans to make.”

It was two days later that Sue answered a knock at the door and found a woman in a nurse’s outfit standing there.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied Helen. “We’re taking a survey to determine the contents of the average American household’s medicine chest. I hope it won’t be an imposition, but I’d be very grateful if you’d let me inspect yours.”

Under normal circumstances, Sue would have turned the woman down cold and sent her on her way… but it was a quiet afternoon with dark rain clouds forming overhead and there was no chance for her to get out to the club. So she stepped aside and let Helen enter. It was to be a decision that would have an effect on the remainder of her life.

Inside the bathroom, Helen made a pretense of going through the medicine chest and making notes on her clipboard. Sue stood by, casually taking in the scene … and wondering why the nurse kept stealing glances at her from the corner of her eye. It was very strange, indeed.

When the bogus inspection was over, Helen turned to Sue and went into action.

“You have a very lovely home here.”

“Thank you.”

“But I suppose that’s because you understand real beauty. You happen to be very beautiful, yourself.”

“Oh, thank you,” Sue replied, blushing in spite of herself. Why does this nurse make me feel this way? she Wondered to herself. She could feel waves of desire coming from beneath that while uniform and she wondered why it was directed at her – another woman. Yet, it was strangely appealing and she wanted to become more involved.

“Can I get you a cup of coffee?” Sue asked.

“No, no coffee,” replied Helen. “But I would like to sit and chat with you for. a moment.”

Sue pointed to the sofa and they both sat facing each other. “Why did you tell me that I was so beautiful?” she asked Helen.

“Because I sincerely felt that you are,” was the reply. “I meet a lot of women in my work, but I don’t think I’ve ever met one as feminine and as desirable as you.”

“Desirable?” asked Sue, now clearly shocked. “Desirable in what way?”

“Desirable as only a woman can be,” replied Helen, reaching out and stroking Sue’s leg with her hand. Sue was wearing shorts, and the skin of her thigh began to bristle as the hand slipped along from her knee to the edge of the shorts. Sue had a very strong urge to leap from the sofa and tear herself away from this woman in white who was beginning to drive her mad with desire – but somehow she couldn’t bring herself to make that move. Instead, she settled back on the sofa and let Helen move in even closer to her than ever, bringing with her that radiant body heat and electrifying sensation of desire.

Helen’s hand was on Sue’s tummy now, and the fingers began to stroke the soft skin through her shorts. Sue let a deep sigh escape from her lips and she leaned far back on the sofa, determined to let Helen have her way.

Helen moved in quickly now, stroking the soft inner skin of Sue’s thighs. Sue spread her legs to allow Helen as much freedom as she wished, and Helen took advantage of this freedom by pushing the legs of the shorts up as far into Sue’s crotch as they would go and licking the newly revealed skin with a tongue that was scalding with desire.

Now Helen’s fingers reached for the zipper on Sue’s shorts and with one deft stroke the zipper had been released and the shorts had opened all the way down the side.

Sue raised her body so that Helen could slip the shorts out from underneath her and then she moved forward again, this time planting her lips on Sue’s mouth and pressing her tongue into the area. Sue gobbled up Helen’s tongue hungrily and sucked on it as frantically as she possibly could. She was crazed with passion now, more than she had ever been in her entire life. This mannish woman was doing amazing things to her sensibilities. Absolutely amazing.

Outside, the thunder began to reverberate and the rain began to fall. The sky was nearly black now, and the setting was just perfect for the debauchment that was taking place on this quiet suburban street.

Helen moved her lips from Sue’s, and began moving her face down toward the area of her crotch again. She hooked her fingers under the elastic of Sue’s panties and pulled them down over her hips, stopping just at the pubic hairline. Then she buried her face in the folds of Sue’s sweet tummy and began kissing and nipping at the flesh while Sue writhed with desire beneath her. Then, with a slow, deliberate gesture, Helen began inching the panties down over Sue’s buttocks. She raised her body again, and a moment later the lower portion of her body was bare. Helen threw the panties aside and moved into the body that was lying prostrate before her. Sue raised her left leg slowly and hooked it over the back of the sofa, thus giving Helen as much opportunity as possible to reach the area of her crotch. Helen responded by moving her thumbs down to the lips of Sue’s vulva and opening them. The pinkish lips parted and the cunny beyond seemed to be winking a welcome to Helen with its soft folds.