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Helen stood in the center of the room, with her legs spread apart and her hands firmly on her hips. “All right, Sue,” she said, “now you can undress Trudy.”

Trudy was stunned beyond words. “Now wait a minute. I didn’t – I wasn’t – you can’t -“

“Ah, but we can,” said Helen, “and believe me, we will! Go ahead, Sue. Do as I told you. Undress her.”

Sue moved toward Trudy unhesitatingly. She was filled with Helen’s strength and confidence and it actually radiated from her. Trudy made one feeble attempt to protest and then surrendered. Whatever was to happen to her this day would happen, and that’s all there was to it! The fight was over.

Sue began by unbuttoning Trudy’s blouse and peeling it from her shoulders. Then she moved around back of Trudy and unfastened her bra. When it parted and the breasts came toppling out, Sue looked to Helen pleasingly.

“Can I have some of it now?” she asked, much the same as a child might request a cookie.

Helen nodded. “Yes, you may enjoy her entire body while you’re uncovering it.”

“Thank you,” said Sue appreciatively. The power that Helen held over her was unbelievable, for it was even stronger than hypnotism. She, herself, didn’t know why Helen’s influence was so strong, because amazingly enough they had only been in contact that one time before. But there it was, and deep down inside Sue actually seemed to welcome Helen’s domination.

Now it was her task to dominate Trudy. She began by placing her hand on Trudy’s right breast and her lips around the nipple of the left one. Then, as her fingertips began massaging one breast, her lips and tongue did their work on the other. Trudy began to squirm on the edge of her chair. She was very close to Sue because of their new sex adventures, but the sight of Sue leaning over her body to stimulate her breasts was an entirely different sensation. It was like having a man trying to seduce her – but then again, it wasn’t. It was, in fact, like nothing else she had ever experienced in her lifetime.

Sue kept at Trudy’s nipples until they were firm as steel and dripping with saliva. Then she removed her lips from them and asked Trudy to rise. She did, and Sue went immediately to the zipper on the side of her slacks. In an instant it was opened and the slacks were being pulled down Trudy’s legs to the floor.

Sue remained on her knees and began kissing Trudy’s thighs all around the area of her crotch. Trudy gasped at the sensation her friend was bringing to her, and opened her legs a bit wider to give Sue more room to operate. And operate, she did! In a twinkling, Sue had raised the panty leg and had inserted her tongue deep inside until it was rubbing against the pubic hair and flirting with the edge of the vulva. Trudy squirmed a bit more and then even more as Sue pulled the panty leg even farther out and finally placed her tongue on the love spot that was beginning to ooze with the juices of love. By now, Trudy was so wild with passion that she pushed Sue away from her body and pulled her own panties off, throwing them halfway across the room with excitement.

“Hold it! Hold it right there,” came Helen’s voice, booming from her vantage point. “If we’re going to do this thing, we’re going to do it right. Are you ready to take instruction from me, Trudy?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Trudy, almost desperately. “Yes, I am.”

“All right then,” barked Helen. “I want you to get on the edge of the sofa, place yourself on your hands and knees, bend over with your head on the couch – and spread the cheeks of, your rear end with your fingertips.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Trudy did exactly as she was told. Then, when she was in the required position, Helen placed her arm around Sue’s shoulder and led her to the couch. “I want you to put on a performance that will make me very proud of you,” she said, stroking Sue’s breasts with her electrifying fingertips. “Begin by putting your tongue all around her ass, and then get it deep inside the asshole itself. I’ll know when you’re in there, because Trudy will let me hear her reaction to it. Then, when you’ve given that about five minutes, move your mouth down to her cunny and lap it until she’s had at least seven orgasms. Remember now, I want her to come exactly seven times. Then I’ll do a little something on my own to give her three more. All right now, Sue, you may begin.”

Sue leaped to the task like a hungry dog after a bone. She pushed her face deep into the crevice of Trudy’s bottom and began flicking her tongue into spot at breathtaking speed. Trudy, on the receiving end of this assault, began groaning with passion from the first moment of contact and as the action grew more frantic, her cries and sobs of passion increased accordingly.

Helen seated herself on the sofa in a spot right next to Trudy’s head so that she could begin stroking her hair with a reassuring touch. “Talk to me, Trudy,” she said softly. “Tell me how it feels to have Sue’s tongue in your ass.”

“It-it feels so fantastic – so wild!”

“Yes, I know it does. Have you come yet?”

“Yes, I came the second her tongue first got to me.”

“Okay then. That’s one down and six to go. I want you to tell me what’s happening down below and when your climax is taking place.”

“Her tongue – it’s still working around the crack,” said Trudy, “and it’s making me feel so… so… oOoooh, there I go again… ahh… oh – oh!”

“That’s two. All right, keep talking to me.”

“Now she’s moving down to the center of it. She’s right at the asshole and she’s licking the edges. It’s… it’s… making me come again THERE! Oh, Lord … it’s so good.”

“Three down and four to go,” said Helen methodically.

“Now the tongue is going up into my asshole. I can’t believe that Sue is doing this to me. It’s IN… it’s IN… oh, God… it’s, up there. Aaaaah… ohhhh, again… here, I’m coming again oooooh!”

“There’s four times. All right, Sue, now get down to the love spot. You know what to do.”

Without replying, Sue pushed her face down into Trudy’s cunny and began running her tongue up and down the edges of the moistened lips. By now the area was so well moistened that it was difficult to tell the difference between Trudy’s juices and Sue’s saliva.

“You’re not talking to me,” snapped Helen. “I told you I wanted to hear what was happening down there.”

“I’m sorry,” replied Trudy. “It’s just that I’m so crazy with passion right now that I don’t even know what’s happening to me. She’s got her tongue deep inside my cunny, and it’s making me come so fast now that I can’t even keep track of the times myself. There, I just came again… and now it’s building up to come again – and there, unh… hah… oooooh… ooooob… again.”

“All right, my dear,” said Helen with a cruel smile on her face. “You’ve been on the taking end long enough. I want you to give a little now.”

“How – how do you mean?”

“Let me show you.”

Helen shifted her leg, raising it over the bodies of the women and placed her crotch directly in front of Trudy’s head. “Turn your face up here, Trudy,” she commanded. “I’ve got a present for you.”

Trudy turned her face up as Helen commanded, and found the gaping lips of Helen’s cunny staring her in the face. “And now it’s your turn to eat a little,” said Helen, taking two fistfuls of Trudy’s hair and pushing the face deep into her tawny muff.

Trudy tried to scream at this sudden movement, but her voice was lost deep in the cavern of Helen’s body.

“Come on, eat my pussy,” demanded Helen. “What the hell do you think I’ve got you down there for? Come on – EAT, damn you, EAT!”

Helen’s pressure increased tremendously with her words, and a moment later she had Trudy’s face pressed so deeply into her crotch that there was nothing left for her to do – BUT eat. And eat, she did! Her tongue worked like a piston in Helen’s cunny, lapping up the juices as fast as they flowed from that spot.