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Meanwhile, back at Trudy’s own rear, Sue was still performing on her and making the love liquid fly.

At this point, Helen’s approach to Trudy now began to change. Instead of the harsh treatment, she began to comfort her and give her the words of endearment and encouragement that she knew the woman must need.

“That’s right, love,” she cooed softly. “You’re doing it good now. Real good.

Mmmrnm, your tongue is so hot and so wet, it’s making me feel good all over.

You like to make me feel good, don’t you?”

Trudy’s response was to lick just a little bit harder and jam her tongue into the slot just a little bit deeper.

“Yes,” murmured Helen, “you really like to please me. You never thought it could be this way with another woman, did you? But now you’re learning differently. Now you know how wonderful it can be. We’re not the least bit like men. They don’t know our inner feelings, Or our deepest emotions… so why should we waste our lives on them? Especially when we can get so much more from another woman. Companionship, compassion, and truth. That’s what we mean to each other. Another woman doesn’t want to make you pregnant and tear out your body in childbirth. No, Trudy dear. All she wants is to make you feel good inside – and have you make her• feel good, too. Oh, Trudy, love, you’re doing me so good I can’t believe it’s for real.”

Those words seemed to stimulate Trudy even more than ever, and by the time the session had ended she had been pushed over the brink of reality and into the world that Helen. had meticulously opened for her.

The three women took turns washing and once they had all dressed and met again in the living room, the change in their relationship toward each other was acutely evident.

“When will you be back to see us again, Helen,” asked Trudy nervously. From the tremor in her voice it was evident that if Helen said she’d never be back, Trudy would have gone completely tops.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be back very soon,” she answered in her most reassuring tone. “But in the meantime, don’t hold off on my account. You two can enjoy each other as often as you like now, you know.”

“Oh, yes, we plan to,” replied Sue, almost blushing like a schoolgirl. “But we would want you to be with us as often as you possibly can.”

“I’m delighted that you both want and need me so badly,” said Helen, preparing her bombshell. “But the only question I have in my mind, is this. Exactly how dedicated are you to this woman-to-woman relationship? I know you’ll perform your act in front of me – but would you do it for your husbands?”

There was a long silence in the room, as Trudy and Sue stared dumbly at each other.

“Well,” repeated Helen, “would you, or wouldn’t you? I’m very curious to know.”

“Well,” said Trudy hesitantly. “If the situation were right I think I’d take a swing at it. It sure p would knock Lou for a loop, though. What about you, Sue?”

“Sure, I’d play with you in front of Sid. Why not? I’m not ashamed of it. In fact, the next time we all get together for a session, why don’t we spring it on the guys?”

“I’m game if you are,” answered Trudy. “But maybe we ought to get in a little practice before then just so we’re really good at it. After all, today was just my first fling at this sort of thing. I don’t think I’m ready to give the guys a show just yet.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Trudy,” said Helen. “You did a real good job on me, real good. And Sue is one of the best in the business, don’t you agree?”

“Yes,” answered Trudy quickly. “She gave me all I could handle, that’s for sure. The only thing that worries me is what the boys are going to say about all this.”

“Fuck ‘em,” said Helen swiftly. “Who gives a damn what they have to say about your private lives? Don’t you agree, Sue?”

“Yes, I do,” answered Sue. “If they don’t like our little fun and games, then they can go and find themselves some other playmates because I like this kind of sex just fine. In fact, the way I feel right now, if I never get another cock inside me, it’ll be too soon.”

Helen left the house with a warm smile, but the moment that she was out of earshot, she broke into gales of laughter. She had won her point and she knew it. Sue was hopelessly hooked, and Trudy was right on the brink of it. Now her revenge for Vicki was complete, because in no time at all, both marriages would be in shambles. And it had been so easy. So very easy.


At ten o’clock the following morning, Trudy was at Sue’s door. She entered, and the women fell into an immediate embrace. Their lips pressed together and their tongues clashed for several minutes at a furious pace.

“I never thought I’d ever miss you as much as I did last night,” said Trudy, drawing back and looking at her friend. “I couldn’t believe it would affect me this strongly.”

“I’m glad that it did,” smiled Sue.

“I couldn’t wait for Lou to get out of the house this morning so I could get over here to see you. Isn’t that crazy?”

“Not really,” answered Sue. “I know just what you mean. Sid wanted to get frisky last night, and I nearly puked in his face because it seemed so revolting to me. I told him I had a headache and went to bed at nine o’clock so I wouldn’t have to put up with all his goddam pawing at me. I swear, Trudy, I think I’d be content if I never had another cock in me for the rest of my life.”

“Now that’s strange, because it hasn’t affected me quite that strongly,” answered Trudy. “I enjoy the physical sensation of woman-to-woman sex more than I ever imagined I would, but I still want to feel Lou inside of me, too. Just how do you explain that?”

“I don’t know,” said Sue. “The only thing I can figure is that I must be a latent lesbian and it took Helen to bring it out of me. Anyway, now that I’ve tasted the thrill of it, I don’t want to go back to the old ways again – ever.”

“Are you really serious?”

“Never been more serious in my life. Now come on, get your clothes off and give me my kicks for the day.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” said Trudy, beginning to pull off her sweater. “I’m ready right now.”.

Less than a minute later, the two women were completely in the nude and locked in each other’s arms.

“Let’s go into the bedroom,” said Sue. “We can get a lot more comfortable there.”

The large double bed was still unmade from the previous night, and the two women fell into the soft mattress the moment they entered the room.

“You’re the one who’s so excited,” said Trudy. “Maybe I’d better get some of that steam out of your system before we start our session.”

“I’m not prone to argue,” chuckled Sue, stretching herself out on her back and spreading her fleshy thighs wide apart.

Trudy moved into the area and then backed off. “Why don’t you put a pillow under your hips,” she said. “It’ll give me a better crack at your cunny.”

“No sooner said than done,” replied Sue, raising her middle and sliding the pillow beneath her. “Now you can go to it.”

Trudy approached Sue’s crotch and placed her fingertips on the lips of her vulva. Then she moved her mouth down into the area and began flicking her tongue at the juicy nest. The first several flicks were to tantalize Sue and make her even wilder with desire. And they had that effect, because Sue began clenching and unclenching her fingers, squeezing, and releasing her toes, and breathing heavily as if she were in the throes of labor.

“Come on, Trudy,” she snapped. “Get that frigging tongue into me before I go off my rocker.”

“Don’t be so impatient, love,” replied Trudy. “The longer it takes now, the better it’s going to feel later.”

“But I want it to feel good right now,” cried Sue, thrusting her pelvis up to meet Trudy’s face. “Please… now!”

Trudy had planned to taunt Sue for another five. or ten minutes, but the fierce pleading of her friend was more than she could. stand. She determined to get the show on the road right now, and that’s all there was to it. Her tongue stiffened and moved swiftly for the pinkish slit. The lips of Sue’s vulva were swimming in moisture as the tongue reached them and began gliding up. one side and down the other. Sue squealed unashamedly, and shoved her fists into her mouth to keep from screaming aloud. Trudy, aware of the effect she was having on Sue, really warmed up to her task now. This was going to be a session that she would never forget. Ever!