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Trudy tried keeping up with the elusive love spot that was fairly dancing before her eyes, but it was difficult. Sue’s hips were revolving so rapidly that the only way Trudy could maintain contact was to sink her tongue deeply into the moist love nest. And that was exactly what she did. The tongue slid in deeper and still deeper while Sue writhed helplessly beneath her. Once her anchorage had been secured, Trudy began a series of tongue manipulations that nearly put Sue into orbit. Each. wriggle and flicker of the organ made the love juices pour from that sensitive spot. This continued until Sue, who never dreamed that she could become oversaturated with cunnilingus, finally called for Trudy to stop.

But Trudy continued. She was so caught up in the sensation that it was impossible for her to stop, even though her friend on the bed was pleading for her to do so. She anchored herself into Sue’s crotch even deeper, squeezed Sue’s buttocks with fingers of steel, and began manipulating her tongue with the most intricate maneuvers possible. By now, Sue was on the verge of collapse. The exertion of so many orgasms had weakened her considerably, and the sensation down in her crotch was so acute that every touch of Trudy’s tongue sent the juices flowing in an uncontrollable torrent. She knew that she had to escape from this tender trap or lose her sanity.

She reached down to Trudy’s head and grabbed two handfuls of hair just as severely as she could. Then, with all of her remaining strength, she gave a tremendous tug that actually dislodged Trudy’s mouth from her crotch. Trudy went to go after the spot again, but Sue moved too quickly. She closed her legs, and flipped over on her side, and pulled Trudy’s hair again, causing her body to topple on to the bed.. Sue released Trudy’s hair and pounced on her body like a cat. Her strength had returned, and now.she was going to give Trudy a sample of unstoppable cunnilingus.

Actually, Trudy was anxious to cooperate with Sue now that her spell had been broken. She lay flat on her. back, spread her legs wide, and welcomed her friend in. Sue pushed her face into the muff and began feasting hungrily on the pink lips of Trudy’s vulva. In a few moments the juices were pouring from the spot and Trudy’s hips were rotating as if they were connected to a motor.

Trudy’s hands crept down on the sheets until they reached a spot where Sue’s hands could join them. Their fingers entwined and the flow of love passed between them.

“Oh, Sue,” moaned Trudy. “You’re making me feel so good. I love you. I never thought that I could love you as much as I do now – but I really do. Lou has kissed me down there a hundred times, but it never felt like this. I’m coming … and coming… and coming… and I can’t stop. And I don’t want to stop.

Not now, not ever.”

“And we won’t stop, Trudy,” said Sue, taking her lips away from that highly inflamed area for just a moment. “No matter what else happens in our lives, we’ll have each other.”

Sue moved up further on the bed and placed her lips against Trudy’s. Again, their tongues met and. clashed together, while their eager hands caressed each other’s bodies.

“What about a sixty-nine?’! asked Trudy. “You think that might be fun?”

“How could it miss?” replied Sue, moving herself into the proper position.

“Let’s hit it right now.”

It began with Sue on top, and Trudy beneath. Sue spread her legs and rested her body on her knees so that her muff wouldn’t press too deeply into Trudy’s face.

Then she pressed her own face into Trudy’s crotch and began flailing away with her red hot tongue.

Trudy squealed and pushed her face upward into Sue’s cunny. Her hands reached up and began fondling Sue’s buttocks all the while, and the sensation made Sue work even more feverishly than before. She pushed open the lips of Trudy’s vulva and rammed her tongue in as deeply as it could possibly penetrate – and when it had been secured, she attacked relentlessly. Sue even brought her teeth into play at this point, rubbing them up and down the lips of Trudy’s vulva until the, poor, woman had to scream for relief. The sensation was just too much for her to bear.

The sixty-nine continued on for the next fifteen minutes, completely uninterrupted. The women lost track of the orgasms they had experienced because one seemed to blend into the next with unbelievable rapidity. And then, when they were completely spent, they withdrew and dozed for the next hour. The sleep, plus liberal belts of Scotch, revived the women to a point where they were both ready to go at each other again. Obviously, the novelty of woman-to-woman sex had a long way to go before they tired of it.

“Did you like it when I had my tongue up in your ass yesterday?” asked Sue.

“Oh, yes, you bet I did.”

“All right then, why don’t we go that way for a while? Then when I’ve reamed you lone enough, you can do me.”

“I’m ready if you are.”

Trudy placed herself on the edge of the bed and got to her knees. Then she rested her head on the pillow, reached around to spread the cheeks of her buttocks, and waited. She didn’t have much of a wait at all. Sue pressed her face into the spot immediately and slid her tongue up and down the crevice until Trudy became wild with excitement.

“Can you make me come as many times as before?” she asked Sue.

“You bet I can,” was her answer. “Just wait and see.”

The tongue worked its magic in Trudy’s rear end, causing the juices to flow from her cunny in a torrent. Sue was having the time of her life tantalizing Trudy now, because she had been in the anal area for,over five minutes and still hadn’t penetrated the center spot.

When she, did, Trudy jerked her body as if her flesh had been touched by a white hot poker. Sue ignored the frantic movement, and burrowed her. face deeper into the area. Her tongue forced its way into the tiny aperture and pressed on until it had disappeared inside of her entirely. By now, Trudy was moaning and groaning with passionate zeal and was oblivious to everything else that was going on around her. Sue, also, was so wrapped up in her labor that she failed to hear the front door open and detect Sid’s footsteps heading toward the bedroom.

Sid was on the prod for some sex from his wife. So much on the prod, in fact, that he saved up his lunchtime to come home and make up for the activity that he had missed the night before. He had seen Sue’s car still in the garage and knew she must be home, so he headed for the bedroom where he had seen her last.

What he found there, however, was hardly what he had expected to find.

Trudy was still on her knees, with her bottom pushed upward. Sue had a firm grip on Trudy’s thighs and had her tongue jammed deeply into Trudy’s anus. Both women were squealing and squirming about in the throes of sexual bliss, completely unaware of his presence. Ski’s cry of shock brought them back to reality in a twinkling. They both detached hurriedly and turned to face the livid rage of the man. Sid started to speak several times, but the words jammed up in his mouth. He was so utterly shocked he was physically speechless.

“What’s the matter, darling?” Sue asked with mock coyness. “Is something bothering you?”

Trudy, who knew that this was about to erupt into a family war that she wanted no part of, darted past Sid and out into the living room. Her clothing, that Sid had somehow missed seeing, was put on quickly and in less than five minutes she was dressed and out of the house.

In the bedroom; Sid looked at his wife with a mixture of hate and disgust. “How could you?” he kept saying over and over again. “How could you do this, Sue?”