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Lou called the waitress over immediately and told her to send the girls a round. Then they watched to see what would happen. The waitress brought the girls the drinks and then pointed in the direction of the men’s table when the girls asked for the whereabouts of their benefactors. Sid waved, and in an instant the girls were heading toward them. Introductions followed swiftly and in a few minutes the drinks were flowing and the laughter was rising from their table. The girls were Edna and Margie. They were both under twenty-five, unmarried, and out for fun.

Edna was a redhead with green eyes, and a milky-white complexion. Her breasts were large and well formed and her hips were like a work of art. They melted down into her thighs to form one of the most sensational crotch areas that either man had ever seen. She was absolutely devastating.

Margie was tall and willowy. She looked like a high-fashion model but with just a little more flesh than the average model possesses. Her face was long and the bone structure was sharp and perfectly formed.

When the boys attempted to introduce themselves, both girls began giggling.

“What’s the matter?” asked Lou, puzzled.

“We know who you guys are,” answered Edna.

“Now how in the hell did you know that?” asked Sid.

“Because we both work at the factory,” answered Margie. “You might not know us – but we sure do know you.”

The effect of Margie’s words on the men was staggering. They looked at each other with pained, puzzled expressions, while the wind seemed to leave their sails.

“Hey, come on,” said Margie, “relax, will you? How come you guys are getting so uptight all of a sudden?”

“Yeah,” said Lou, suddenly snapping out of his dark mood. “Why the hell ARE we getting so uptight? After all, we’re just a couple of single studs out on the town.”

“Yes, that’s true,” answered Sid. “But we’re also executives at the factory – remember? Now I don’t mean this as a putdown to you girls, but as executives we shouldn’t be running around socially with employees. It just isn’t company policy.”

“Was it company policy when you two guys were balling Vicki?” asked Edna, her face becoming as red as her hair.

“Well, I -“ stammered Sid, suddenly losing his composure.

“You’re absolutely right, Edna,” said Lou, now the aggressor. “There’s no way in the world we can try to pose as moralists. If everybody knew about us and Vicki, then we’d be damned fools to try and deny it. And we’d be bigger fools to pass up a couple of great girls like you because we’re still trying to live a lie. What do you say to that, Sid?”

“I’ll have to go along with you, Lou,” he replied. “I guess I was still being the big executive instead of a human being. And believe me, girls… I am a human being.”

“Maybe you’ll get a chance to prove it before the night’s over,” smiled Edna.

“Why sit around and speculate?” asked Lou boldly. “Let’s go over to my place and see what we’re going to see right now.”

“That’s okay with me,” said Margie. “What about you, Edna?”

“Need you ask?” said Edna, reaching for her bag. “I was ready an hour ago.”

They picked up Sid’s car on the way, and Margie paired off with him. Then they drove to Lou’s apartment.

“Anybody want a drink first?” asked Lou, trying to play the perfect host.

“Not me,” replied Edna. “I’m ready to go right now. What about you, Margie?”

“Me, too.”

“All right,” said Lou. “The couch opens up to a sleeper bed, and you two can use it. Edna and I will take the bedroom.”

“Fair enough,” said Margie. “And when we’re all finished, why don’t we meet out here again?”

“All right,” answered Edna, “but Lou and I might not be finished until next March.”

It was a good exit line and a moment later Lou and Edna were in Lou’s bedroom with the door closed. They faced each other, and then met in a warm, wet kiss.

Edna’s tongue was like a little piston, darting in and out of Lou’s lips, and leaving a trail of fire wherever it hit. Lou pulled her to his body as firmly as he possibly could, practically squeezing the breath from her. Then he drilled his own tongue deep into her mouth and created ripples of passion up and down her body as well.

“You see any reason why we ought to be standing up here with our clothes on, when we could be lying down there nice and comfy with them off?” she asked.


“Then what in the hell are we doing it for?”

“Beats me.”

Edna broke from the embrace and began undoing the zipper in back of her dress.

In an instant she had pulled the dress from her body and was working on her underclothes. Lou, inspired by her haste, did the same and they were both undressed at practically the same time. Lou reached to kiss her again, but she ducked under his outstretched arm and threw herself on to the bed.

“Come here and play, tiger,” she whispered.

“It’s much better laying down than standing up.”

Lou complied, and the moment he was next to her, she reached down, took his rod in her hand and guided it into her lips.

“Edna, oh, Edna.” Lou murmured as her lips flew up and down his swollen shaft.

“You’re terrific!”

She was, too. Edna knew her way around a man’s tool and didn’t mind demonstrating her ability whenever the occasion arose. Her lips were like moist magnets, sucking up the flesh and then releasing it an instant later – only to reclaim it quickly again. Her saliva was like molten lead, searing his flesh and making the juice in his scrotum boil with excitement.

“No sense in you doing it all on your own.” he whispered to her in a voice that was husky with emotion. “Bring your little biscuit up to me and I’ll do you some good, too.”

Edna didn’t have to be invited twice. She swung her body around in a twinkling, putting her rusty-red colored muff up against his lips. Lou’s tongue reached out and spread the lips of her vulva, driving itself into the folds. She squealed like a piglet and attacked his rod with an even greater ferocity than ever.

And that’s how they went off together. The sperm from Lou’s rod tore into Edna’s mouth, where she caught it expertly in her cheek, and continued sucking until the entire wad ha4 been drained. Meanwhile, Edna’s own juices had been flowing into Lou’s hungry lips and he lapped at them until the flow had ceased and the activity of her bottom had rundown.

Then they turned around, kissed each other warmly, and slept. When they awoke fifteen minutes later, they were both ready for action once again. Lou put his lips to Edna’s sweet nipples and sucked on them furiously. She responded by tickling his testicles with her long, pointy fingernails, and when his rod was nearly at its peak, she tickled its head until the monster was ready to explode by itself.

“I like to take it up the back way every once in a while,” she suggested.

“You mean in the ass?”

“Sure,” she said. “Why not? It’s a hole, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is at that.”

“You’re not bashful about putting it in a girl’s ass, are you?”

“No, I don’t think bashful is the word for it. But if that’s what you like, honey… that’s what you’re going to get.”

“You got some kind of lubricant?” she said, stopping him from getting into position. “It works better that way.”

“Gee, I don’t know,” Lou replied, “I don’t use any gook on my hair, and I don’t know of what else to think of.”

“You got some butter in the fridge?” she asked.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Then get that.”

Lou had to pass through the living room on the way to the kitchen and he stopped for a moment to observe Sid and Margie, who were far too busy with their own pursuits to see that be was there, or to even care that he was.

Sid was flat on his back With his rod standing firm in the air. Meanwhile, Margie was about to settle herself down on it. Her long legs were bent at the knees, and she was in perfect position to place her cunny over the rod. When the head slipped into place, she gasped aloud and made a little moaning noise from deep in her throat. Lou thought she was going to pile down on it in a hurry now, but she didn’t. Instead, she lowered herself slowly and deliberately on the rod, letting it slip in to produce as much pleasure for both of them as she could possibly achieve.