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“You bet I do,” she replied. “It’s like finding a whole new way of life. When can I come back here again?”

“You’d better clear that with Lou,” replied Edna. “Remember, he’s the boss.”

“What about it, boss?” she asked.

“Well, let’s see,” said Lou. “We’ve got the regular gang coming over the weekend so I won’t be able to take care of you the way that I think you ought to be taken care of. Tell you what, make it a week from tonight. That’ll give your little cunny plenty of chance to heal and let you do some serious thinking, too. How’s that?”

“I’ll be here,” she replied, smiling. “You can bet on it.”


Lou was making the rounds of the plant with a group of executives when their travels took them through the shipping department. Lou, on the fringe of the group, felt something brush past his pocket, but didn’t take much note of it.

In fact, the incident didn’t even register in his mind at all. That’s why he was so startled to put his hand in his coat pocket later and find a scrap of paper there. The paper had writing scrawled on it and the message was most illuminating. It said, “I want to get in on the fun. Call me at the bowling alley bar tonight at nine. Ask for Martha.”

Needless to say, Lou was on the phone at nine that evening. Any girl who could slip a piece of paper into his pocket so deftly must have the most delicate of fingers, and the thought of those delicate fingers toying with his rod was very stimulating.

Martha came to the phone the moment she was paged by the bartender. “Sorry I had to use that way of getting in touch with you,” she said, “but it seemed like the best way I could handle it.”

“That’s all right,” said Lou. “Now what can you tell me about yourself?”

“I’d rather tell you in person,” she replied. “Can I come over to see you tonight?”

“Well, I hadn’t anything planned. So it might be a good idea If you did drop over. Do you know the address?”

“Oh, yes, absolutely.”

“See you shortly then. Bye.”

It was less than half an hour later when the door bell rang. Lou went and opened it, then did a double take. The girl standing before him was a beautiful Negro. He recalled seeing her in the shipping room, but in her work clothes she hardly seemed so glamorous. Now she was exotic.

“Come on in,” said Lou, waving her into the living room.

“Surprised?” she asked, smiling.

“Well, maybe a little. Now tell me, how did you hear about our little fun and-games group?”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” she giggled. “Like everybody is hip to what’s happening with you and all the chicks around the factory. Didn’t you know that?”

“Well, I suspected as much and one of these days the whole deal a going to go up in smoke and me and Sid with it. But until then, it’s really a ball.”

“So I hear. And I thought I’d like to get n on some of the action myself. I want to see what you’re offering.”

“Glad you did. I’ll be perfectly frank with you, I’ve never been to bed with a colored woman before and it’s high time that I did.”

“Well, that makes us even, because I’ve never gone to bed with a white guy, either. It’s not that I’m prejudiced or anything,” she said, exhibiting a very coy smile, “it’s just that it never worked out that way. I’ll be experimenting the me as you will.”

“Would you like a drink before we get started?”

“No, I’m. too keyed up for that. Let’s hold off the drink until we’ve had at least one good piece of ass under our belts. Then I think I’ll enjoy it more.”

“Whatever you say, love. The bedroom’s right this way.”

Inside the bedroom, Martha began to unbutton her blouse, but Lou stopped her.

“Let me do that for you,” he smiled.

“If you like,” she replied.

He went to her and took her in his arms. Then he put his lips to hers and ran his tongue over her warm lips. Her own tongue came slipping out and met with his, caressing it gently. Then her mouth parted a bit wider and he found his tongue being sucked into space as if by magnet. Mmmmmm, thought Lou, savoring the warmth of her mouth. Mmmmm, that feels pretty good.

They stood in this position for several minutes, kissing each other warmly. The heat of their bodies came through their clothing and made each other feel just a bit more passionate. It was apparently going to be a very long and delightful night for them both.

Lou began working on the buttons that Martha hadn’t reached yet, and in a moment her blouse was open all the way. She helped him to slip it over her shoulders. Then he took a good look at her breasts, nestled comfortably in her bra. They weren’t enormous, but they were quite large and well formed. He turned her around and undid her bra, feeling the breasts sag just a bit when the support was taken away. Then he turned her around and took a better look at her breasts. Their shape was almost cucumber-like and the nipples were so pointy that they seemed almost lethal. He put his mouth around the nipples and sucked in hard. The taste was electrifying. He tried the other and then when that one was well coated with his saliva he went back to the first one again.

Martha, meanwhile, stood there placidly, letting Lou have his will with her body.

Lou tried every trick that he knew with breasts. He flicked at the tips with the edge of his tongue, he sucked at them, he covered the entire breast with soft kisses, and he put his head deep into their hollow and savored the animal heat that emanated from there. When he had his fill of that area, he moved on to other places. First he undid the zipper on the side of her skirt and when it opened he had her step out of it. She was wearing panty hose and he began inching the panties down over her well-rounded hips just an inch or so at a time to prolong the pleasure of seeing her standing before him in the complete nude. Her buttocks were enormous and he had to stretch the panty hose to their limit in order to pass over them. Then he dropped them to her ankles and had her step out of them. When be looked up he saw a delightful muff of coal black and brilliantly shiny pubic hair. It was curly and stiff, and when he pressed his face up against it, he felt a shiver of passion pass through his entire body.

Martha seemed to know what he wanted, so she spread her legs, and let him kiss her love spot from his squatting position. The taste was so electrifying to him that he knew he bad to have more – and right then! He reached up and spread the lips of her vulva with his fingertips, and when the cleft had parted, he thrust his tongue up into the spot. Martha squealed and spread her legs even wider to give him more room to operate. Her hands were on her hips and her head was thrust back, enjoying the action immensely.

Lou was having a pretty good time of it as well. The more he tasted of her love spot, the more he enjoyed it. Finally, the position he was in became ridiculously uncomfortable, so he moved her back until her Legs. touched the bed and when they did, she sat down and bent her knees to give him easy accessibility.

Now Lou went to work on her muff in earnest.

He tried every trick of cunnilingus that he knew, and even improvised a few along the way. And Martha loved every moment of it. Her juices were flowing at a steady rate, and her hips were moving in the action of sex continually.

“Why don’t you peel out of those clothes and join me?” she asked, looking down at his still fully clothed body.

“Oh, I don’t know, I guess I ought to by now,” he said, chuckling to himself for being so carried away that he didn’t even think to disrobe. He stood up from his position and in a twinkling he had removed his clothing and was on the bed beside her.

“You had your chance to do your thing,” she whispered in his ear. “Now let me do mine.”

“Be my guest.”

She slithered around on the bed until she was at eye level with his rod. Then she began licking it all over with her soft, wet tongue. Martha knew bow to handle a man’s rod all right, and she apparently enjoyed it as much as her subject. All during her performance, she kept up a steady humming and other assorted sensual noises that made Lou even more excited than ever. When Martha had completely anointed the rod with her saliva, she lowered her aim to his scrotum. First she took the left testicle in her mouth and sucked on it until he screamed with delight. Then she shifted to the right one and did the same thing. When that was accomplished, she took both of them in,her mouth and rolled them around until the sensation was enough to drive Lou nearly mad with passion.