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“How you doing, sweet?” asked Mickey.

“It’s a load, but I can handle it,” she replied.

“Well, we haven’t even begun yet,” he said. “The real fun is just coming up, because I’m going to start fucking you like right now!”

Suiting his action to words, Mickey began moving his hips in the motion of intercourse. He didn’t have the freedom to make particularly large strokes, but the position he had taken was so stimulating to her clitoris that even the slightest movement brought them both a maximum of delight. In and out, in and out, the large rod moved, and with each stroke Martha gasped louder and struggled harder to carry the load. Her forehead was pouring perspiration, and her body was glistening with it as well. Mickey was covered with his own perspiration, too. The passion he was experiencing from beneath him was of such a red-hot nature that it overwhelmed him completely.

Finally, the sweat of the two participants blended and wiped – out any trace of friction between their bodies. They slipped and slid across each other’s skin so swiftly it seemed that only the rod anchored in Martha kept them from coming apart.

And then Mickey’s climax arrived. He went into a drive that was so powerful it nearly knocked him off his perch. He came, then fired another salvo, and – then two more in rapid spurts. Martha took all of them without missing a stroke of her own hips, released one final burst of her own juice, and then collapsed on the floor with Mickey still riding on top of her. Mickey rolled off of Martha’s soaked body and lay on his back for – several minutes – totally exhausted. Edna took some towels from the bathroom, soaked them in cool water, and sponged off the couple, reviving them almost immediately. It had been one of the most dynamic performances ever seen in the apartment.

Melinda was sure that Mickey would never be able to service her after undergoing such an ordeal, but he assured her that after another good belt of booze he could handle it. They waited half an hour for him to regain his strength, and when he did, he took Melinda to the large easy chair in the living room, and sat down on it.

“What do you want me to do now?” she asked.

“I’m going to sit right here in the chair,” he said. “You climb onto my lap, let the arms of the chair spread your legs, and then settle right down on my cock. I’ll put my hands under your fanny and raise and lower you. How does that sound to you, baby?”

“Wow, it sounds like I’m going to get split open at the seams. I’ve never tried anything like that before.”

“But – first,” said Mickey, “you’re going to have to give me a little head to get the old boy up where he belongs. He’s had a pretty rough night of it as you know.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything,” she said, kneeling before him and placing her lips over the head of his rod. Her mouth swallowed the pole in an instant and immediately the quiet room was filled with the unmistakable sucking noises of fellatio. Melinda sucked on the rod for several minutes, and when she drew her mouth away, the room gave a murmur of approval because the rod was once again full-sized and ready for action.

Melinda sprang up on to the chair, spread her legs over the chair’s arms, and guided her cunny up to the head of Mickey’s rod. The tool slipped into place and she gently lowered herself on to it. Everyone rushed to the back of the chair to catch Melinda’s expression as the tool entered her, because the angle of her leg span gave that large tool perfect entry and the opportunity to sink itself all the way to the hilt. The trip to the back of the chair was most rewarding to the group, because they had the opportunity of seeing Melinda’s eyes open wider and yet wider as the rod probed her vagina. It seemed as if it would never end, and with every inch her face contorted to a more grotesque mask of pleasurable pain. Then, when the rod was in as far as it would go, Melinda threw herself forward and planted her lips onto Mickey’s.

“Oh, you beautiful man,” she said, pulling her lips away for a moment. “You wonderful, beautiful man. I’ve never had anything like this before in my life, and even though it’s splitting me open and tearing me out, I’ve never enjoyed anything more. Now come on and do whatever you want to me. Fuck me to death.”

Mickey’s hands reached down and took Melinda under the buttocks. He toyed with the feel of her weight for a moment and then slowly bounced her upward on his rod. She let out a small gasp of pleasure as the rod began its exit from her body, and then a gasp of shock as he released her and let the weight of her body send her down on the pole once again. Then he began the slow, steady process of lifting and lowering her on the pole while she entwined her arms around his neck, placed her lips upon his, and poured her love juices into his lap.

Mickey was able to retain this position for the better part of five minutes, and the longer it lasted, the wilder Melinda became. She was nearly beside herself with passion now, and for a girl who could take so much, she was actually reaching the saturation point. “Please come in me,” she pleaded to Mickey. “Please finish and take it out of me. I can’t stand it anymore.”

The words seemed to set Mickey ablaze and his hands moved more swiftly than ever, pushing her up and down on the pole until they were both rocking m the rhythm of sex and moaning their pleasure aloud. Mickey’s first burst of sperm made Melinda scream aloud, as did the second and the third. She threw her face at his, biting him about the neck so furiously that he showed the marks of it for two weeks.

And then it was done. When the rod slipped out, Melinda lay back and fell off of the chair slowly. She lay on the floor for a moment, then rolled over and slept. Mickey got up from the chair, staggered to the bathroom, and stepped into the shower. By the time he returned, Melinda was rising. Her cunny was so tender that she couldn’t touch it without screaming – but she was never more content in her life.

“Well, gang, it was one hell of a night, wasn’t it?” asked Lou.

“Well, sort of,” replied Edna. “But do you realize that I’m the only chick in the room that didn’t get balled? And I get to go home with nothing but an itchy pussy. Shit!”

“We can’t let you go home like that, Edna,” said Lou. “What do you say, Sid, how about a sex sandwich for the little lady?”

“It’s okay with me,” Sid replied. “After watching these two studs work, I’ve got a little steam I want to get rid of myself.”

“Good deal,” said Lou. “I’ll go and get the butter.”

He returned, anointed the shaft of his rod with it and then put a large gob into Edna’s anal cavity. She squealed as the slippery substance lubricated her, and squealed even more when the two men approached her and took their places.

Sid’s rod entered her vulva at the same moment that Lou’s moved into her bottom. Then the men placed their arms around her, clutched tightly, and shoved. Edna screamed as the two pronged attack began and in an instant, her screams turned to gurgles of joy because of the wonderful sensation it was bringing to her.

In and out, in and out, went the two organs with perfect timing. Edna rose on her toes with each thrust and came down to the flat of her feet with each withdrawal. Sid was kissing her lips furiously as the activity continued and when the final orgasm of the night came to her, she was so stricken with emotion that she nearly jumped away from her lovers. But this was not possible because they had her too well secured to escape. Lou fired his wad into her rear and Ski put his into her cunny with such force – that she nearly passed out from the shock of the experience. Her body twitched convulsively, her knees buckled, and she let her body grow limp a moment after the triple climax had concluded.

“Well,” Lou asked. “Did you get enough to satisfy yourself for the night?”

“Are you kidding?” she smiled, when her composure was regained. “That game satisfied me enough to last for a month.”

Larry and Mickey were assured permanent places in the group, and everyone went home exhausted, but happy. It had been one hell of a night.