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“You’re something else, Sid… wow!”

“You liked it, huh?”

“Yeah, I did, but dammit, I hurt all over.”

“If you think you hurt now, wait’ll we’ve finished our session for the afternoon. That is, if you can still take more.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I dig it too much to want to stop. I’ll stick it out with you for as long as you can go.”

“That’s my girl. You’re going to have quite a career around this factory. I can see that now.”

“Keep talking, I love to hear it.”

“Meanwhile, we’d better wash up a bit. There’s a john next to my office. You can use it without any problems because nobody will be up in this part of the building today.”

Vicki weaved her way,out of the office, and Sid wiped off his rod with his handkerchief. Then he poured himself another belt of whiskey. He was so turned on at this point, he didn’t even taste the, alcohol. So he poured another and this time he felt the jolt as the fluid passed through his system. His shoulder began to sting and he saw that Vicki’s teeth had made an impression in the fabric of his shirt. He pulled the shirt off and then tore off his undershirt, frantically. Yes, there it was, a perfect set of teeth marks that were beginning to discolor the skin. Oh, shit, he said to himself, how can I hide this from Sue?

Vicki returned to the room and saw the damage she had done. “Gee, I’m sorry,” she said, “but I just couldn’t control myself. You were hurting me so badly I had to do something.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I’ll get out of it some way. Meanwhile, why don’t you grab yourself a belt while I wash up. Okay?”

“Okay,” she smiled.

When Sid returned from the bathroom, Vicki was nearly through with her drink and: was beginning to acquire a pleasant alcoholic haze. “I didn’t have anything to eat today,” she said, “and I’m really starting to feel the-booze.”

“Does it make you feel real good?” asked Ski, moving closer to her.

“Yes, it sure does.”

“I can make you feel real good, too.”

“I know you can, Sid. Can I call you Sid?”

“Only when we’re in the sack, sweetheart.”

“Well then; let’s get there in a hurry so I can call you Sid again.”

They came together in a long, deep embrace. Then they parted and looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

“Why don’t we shed all these clothes and really get comfortable?” said Sid.

“We’re being ridiculous about this whole thing, staying dressed the way we are.”

“You’re the boss, honey. Anything you say is all right with me.”

Sid began stepping out of his clothes, while keeping an eye peeled at Vicki.

She had kept her panties off, so all she had to do now was slip out of her shoes and skirt and then remove her blouse and bra. Sid was thrilled at the sight of her breasts because of their youthful firmness and magnificent shape.

The nipples were stiff and swollen and begging for his embrace, so he quickly dropped his pants, stepped out of them, and went to her. His fingers played around the fleshy breasts and his lips began to move around the nipples, first kissing one and then the other until he had enjoyed his fill.

“What’ll we do now?” she asked, beginning to pant with desire.

“I want you to take a letter for me,” said Sid.

“A letter-NOW?”

“That’s right, a letter. I’ll sit on my chair and just like a good secretary you can sit on my lap.”

“Oh, I get it,” she said.

“You’re going to get it all right,” he grinned. “You’re going to get it all the way up to your Adam’s apple.”

Sid took his place on the chair behind his desk and Vicki sauntered over to him. She straddled his outstretched legs and moved her cunny into position over his upraised rod. Then she slowly began to settle herself down on the instrument.

“Oh!” she squealed, as the tool inched its way inside of her. “Oh, it’s bigger this way. I don’t know if I can handle it all.”

“Sure you can. You can take it all like THIS!” With one lightning movement, Sid damped his hands on Vicki’s shoulders and shoved her down on his rod until she was sitting flush on his lap.

“Oh, Sid, take it out, it hurts too much oooh, please, Ski, I can’t stand it like this. It’s splitting me open. Sid, I don’t want it anymore – please!”

Vicki sat on Sid’s lap, with that large tool impaling her, and began crying.

For ten minutes, she cried, the tears running down Sid’s chest and onto his stomach. Then, slowly, she began to notice that the pain was subsiding.

“How’s it now?” he asked.

“It’s starting to feel better. It doesn’t hurt like it did before. I can’t believe it, but it doesn’t hurt anymore. Look, see, I can wiggle around a little now.”

“Why don’t you do that, honey? You, move around all you want, and I’ll just sit here and be the big boss.”

Vicki raised herself up on her toes until the rod’s head was at the lips of her vulva. Then she relaxed her legs and let her body fall into Sid’s lap. The flesh of her buttocks slapped against his thighs with the sound of a pistol shot and the stinging sensation was so inspiring to her that she repeated the process again… and then again and again until the fluid began pouring from her cunny and running down Sid’s shaft to make a pool in his pubic hair.

Vicki’s breasts were dancing before Sid’s eyes and the sight of them drove him wilder than ever. Unable to control himself any longer, he grabbed Vicki by the hips to slow her down, fastened his mouth around her left breast, and then proceeded to ride her up and down on his tool by controlling her body with his massive hands. It took fifteen strokes by this method for Sid to reach his climax and when he did, the sperm shot deep into Vicki’s womb with one furious burst after another. Sid’s mouth was still occupied with Vicki’s breast, so she placed her own mouth in his ear and flicked her tongue around the opening until he had to pull his lips away from her skin and kiss her in self-defense.

A few more moments of that tongue in his ear would have driven Sid right out of his mind. When it was over, Vicki sat calmly on Sid’s lap and began stroking his hair softly.

“You’re quite a guy, Sid,” she said, smiling at him. “Quite a guy. I’d hate to think that I could have gone through life without ever knowing you like this.”

“Same goes for me, pussycat,” he replied. “But do you know something? That last piece was missing a little flavor. Do you know what it was?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Well, after you got used to the feel of my meat, and it didn’t hurt you anymore, you seemed to let up a little.”

“Do you really think so?”

“If I didn’t think so, I wouldn’t have said it. Look, I’ve got one piece left in me for today, and I want to make it a good one. So we’re going to have to hurt you a little to get it done right.”

“No – no,” she said, sliding off of his lap quickly. “I don’t want to hurt anymore. I don’t really like it. Honest I don’t.”

“Sure you do,” said Sid, moving toward her. “You like it better than you’d ever admit.”

Vicki started to scream, but Sid clamped his massive hand over her mouth and dragged her to his desk. The desk was covered with ash trays, pens, papers, and a large blotter with a thick border. Sid threw her on top of the desk and climbed on top of her. An ash tray was beneath her rib cage, and the thick border of the blotter created a number of other problems as well but Ski never hesitated for a moment. His rod was harder than ever, inspired by the thought of the pain he was about to inflict upon her and when he rammed it home and pressed all of his weight against her body he nearly exploded with glee.