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Vicki was suffering unbearably from the obstructions that were digging into her back and yet, the more it hurt, the wilder her passion became. Her long legs encircled Sid’s body and began squeezing tightly as she rolled her hips in rhythm with his stroke.

The pressure on her back was stronger than ever now and the pain was becoming unbearable. Vicki knew that a loud scream would summon the guard and create a terrible situation, so instead she sank her teeth into Sid’s unprotected chest and bit down just as hard as she could. It was now Sid’s turn to stifle the scream and he did so by biting Vicki’s shoulder until the skin broke and a very thin trickle of blood began to appear.

Meanwhile his stroke never ceased and when the orgasm finally arrived it was the most ferocious of the day – leaving them both limp and totally exhausted.

“We look like we’ve been through a battle zone,” he said wryly, as they dabbed at their wounds with the remainder of the whiskey. “How do you feel?”

“Good and bad,” she said, with a puzzled look upon her face. “I’m really confused about this whole pain scene. I’ve never had it brought out to me like this before.”

“Well, don’t be too concerned. There’s lots of people like that in the world.

I’ve never been mixed up in it myself, really, but I’ve read about it. In fact, you’re only the second affair I’ve had since I’ve been married. How about that?”

“I guess I ought to be flattered, but I can’t think of anything else now except how badly I hurt all over.”

“Go home and take a hot bath in salts. It’ll do wonders for you. Meanwhile, we’ll have to make plans to do this more often. I’d bring you in as my secretary, but that’d really blow the lid off the keg around here. So you keep working with Lou and we’ll see each other from time to time. And don’t worry about your future in this plant. You’re set.”

“That’s great to hear. And if you say it again,! won’t even need the hot bath.”


On that Saturday afternoon, when Vicki and Sid were having their fling at the office, Lou was going eighteen holes around the country club course. He finished his game, took his shower and headed for the bar – as usual. But today was to. be a bit different, because he suddenly found himself confronted by Sue Carter. And it was evident that she had been sitting there waiting for him.

“Oh, hi, Sue,” he said, trying to appear nonchalant. “I just left Sid a little while ago at the office.”

“Of course you did, Lou,” she said, with a sarcastic tone in her voice. “That was your twin brother I watched coming in at the eighteenth hole half an hour ago.”

“I – well – you -“

“Oh, don’t bother trying to bull your way out of it, Lou,” she said with a disgusted wave of her hand. “I know all about your red-hot little secretary and I’d bet my last dress that she’s with my little Sidney right at this very minute. Where are they making it? In his office?”

“But how did you -?“

“It’s all over the plant, darling, didn’t you know? Hasn’t Trudy let on to you yet? I thought for sure she would have let you have it by now. But then, she always was a little slow on the uptake.”

“All right, Sue, what are you leading up to?”

“It’s just this, darling. If Sid can spend his Saturday afternoon in the arms of another, so can I. I’ve thought about going to bed with you for an awfully long time, Lou, but I’ve. always been able to repress it. Well, today I just don’t feel like repressing it. I want you NOW! After all, you men don’t hold the patent on adultery. We girls can play that little game, too – and maybe better. Now tell me, is it a deal? Do you want to come with me and spend a few hours of illegal bliss, or do I have to go off someplace and plot something nasty?”

Lou suddenly saw Sue in an entirely different light. She was about thirty-four years old and in the prime of her life. She was an extremely athletic woman, with a figure that had been made solid by hours of tennis each week. Her hair was coal black and her skin was milk white. There was an animalistic vitality about her that suddenly made the hair on Lou’s neck begin to rise. He had never thought of Sue in this way before, because he had never imagined her as a sex partner. She had always been Sid’s wife and that was that. Now he looked at her tanned and well-muscled legs that dangled from the bar stool and imagined himself imprisoned between them while those nice, round buttocks churned up the sheets. This was something that just had to be. There was no turning back for either of them now.

“Well, Sue, since you’ve apparently got everything all figured out, where shall we go to get this deal rolling?”

“I thought we ought to go up to my cabin near the lake,” she replied quickly.

“It’s only an hour’s drive and there isn’t much chance of anyone disturbing us there.”

They took Sue’s station wagon and were at the cabin within fifty minutes. Once inside, they got right down to the business at hand. They met in the center of the living room and kissed deeply. Sue wasn’t at all like Vicki. She was far more aggressive and demanding in her approach to lovemaking. Her lips opened wide and her mouth sucked Lou’s tongue into its folds like some powerful machine. Meanwhile, her fingers were working their way through his hair, around the nape of his neck and into his ears. It was making him crazy with desire.

Lou’s hands weren’t idle, either. His fingers roamed under her skirt and began toying with her stout thighs. The higher his hands worked, the more passionate she became, and when a finger worked its way under her panties and around the pubic hair of her cunny, she couldn’t contain herself a moment longer. “Let’s get into that bedroom right now!” she demanded, pulling herself from his grasp.

“If I stand here another second with these clothes on, I’m going to explode.”

Inside the rustic bedroom they undressed silently and swiftly. Lou occasionally stole a glance over at Sue and became more and more impressed with her body as it was being uncovered. In fact, the more he saw of it, the quicker he tore the clothing from his own body.

And then they met in bed. Their arms and legs and lips encircled each other like two prehistoric animals in a death struggle. Lou cupped her breast in his hand and kissed the nipple tenderly. It was hard as a walnut and swollen to nearly twice its size by her passion. He kissed the other and found it to be in the same condition. Then he slid his hand between her legs and up into her slot. It was already pouring the fluids of love in anticipation of what was to come. How he had underestimated the passion of this woman! “Let me take the lead,” she said softly in his ear. “I want to show you how much I’ve thought about you over the years, Lou.” Her head began moving slowly down his body, kissing and gently nipping every inch of his flesh. His toes curled and his stomach tightened from the wave of passion that was speeding through his body. He hadn’t been turned on in such a manner in years. Not even beautiful young Vicki had managed to make him feel this way.

When Sue reached Lou’s crotch, she bypassed it momentarily and kept going down his legs. Then she made an abrupt change and moved back up again – suddenly clamping her strong lips around his scrotum. The movement was so quick and so shocking that he gasped aloud. His balls were deep inside of her mouth and her tongue was flashing all over them, while the steady suction pulled them deeper and deeper inside. Lou’s hands were in his hair now, pulling and tugging at the strands in order to counterbalance the sensation that was happening beneath his waistline. Meanwhile, Sue was making animal-like noises deep inside her throat as she went about her work with incredible energy.

Finally she tired of this sport and released the scrotum. Lou let his hands drop next to his head in total exhaustion. He thought that the pressure was going to be off him for now, but how wrong he was. An instant later, Sue’s wet little t6ngue began working over every inch of his rod, making him jerk back into a position of tension once again. Sue obviously loved the rod because she devoured it with her eager lips like a woman possessed. Saliva trickled down the shaft but not for long, because every few moments she would lick all of the moisture off and then begin again.