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Lou piled out of his clothing quickly and practically leaped into bed with his wife. He hadn’t been this anxious to be near her body in years and the sensation was wonderful. Their lips met in a warm, wet kiss that lingered for nearly two minutes. Meanwhile, his hands were slowly feeling around the familiar curves of her body, suddenly finding them to be very exciting again.

He ran his fingernails across the edge of her pubic hairline and then dropped the hand down into her muff. The hair was still damp from Sid’s activity there, but Lou didn’t mind at all. In fact, it made him even more excited than ever.

Now his finger entered her body and began a slow, rhythmic in and out movement that caused her hips to pump with each stroke as her breath came more quickly.

Trudy’s tongue seemed to move in perfect harmony with Lou’s finger that was working deep inside of her cunny and as quickly as her tongue darted into his mouth, his returned to hers. They lay there in. that fashion for nearly five minutes, apparently oblivious of the couple that stood at their bedside, watching them.

When Lou had tired of that diversion, he turned his attention to Trudy’s breasts, kissing the nipples until they were coated with saliva and hard as bricks. He kissed every inch of the flesh on all sides, making her squeal like a teen-age girl instead of a middle-aged housewife. Trudy had also busied herself at pushing her tongue into Lou’s ear and in between squeals she kept the action in that area rather lively.

Now Lou was ready for the acid test. Would she, or would she not take his rod into her mouth?

During their entire married life, she had refused to do it time and time again.

But what about now? He shifted his position and moved his body up in such a way as to place the tool within easy access of her face. Trudy never hesitated for an instant. Her lips opened and a moment later the rod was buried inside of her cheeks, getting the workout of a lifetime.

Lou was completely stunned. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening to him. He looked down at the scene of action to be sure, and there it was, right before his eyes. Trudy was working like a tigress, drawing in and releasing, drawing in and releasing his organ with perfect rhythm. There was a look of sheer contentment on her face, and her eyes were closed in ecstasy. He felt the juices beginning to rise deep down in his scrotum and he knew that it would be all over in just another moment or two – and he didn’t want that. It was too soon.

“Hold it for a moment, Trudy,” he gasped. “I want to get down to the other end and do you at the same time.”

“All right, Lou,” she said breathlessly. “Whatever you want is all right with me.” Trudy spread her legs wide for Lou’s head and wiggled about until she was in perfect position to receive his rod. Then, without another word of preparation, they began.

Lou enjoyed putting his tongue into a woman’s cunny, and when he found that he couldn’t get it at home, he had gone to prostitutes for this diversion. In fact, he had become quite good at it over the years and proved this to Trudy by making her explode an orgasm within the first minute of his attack. She squealed, squirmed, kicked out her legs, and let a flow of moist fluid rush to his lips. Lou wiped the thick juice off on Trudy’s thigh and continued on with his work. Meanwhile, Trudy had continued to suck away at her new toy with vigor and more enthusiasm than even she thought was possible.

Lou wished that the mutual stimulation could have gone on for an eternity, but the persistent churning in his scrotum told him that the end was very near.

“Get ready, honey,” he whispered hoarsely to her,. “I’m about to let go.”

Trudy didn’t reply, but sucked away at him harder than ever and, when his first burst of sperm flooded her mouth, she fought hard to keep from gagging and continued to fellate him as though her life depended on it. Lou thought that the session would be over the moment that he had his orgasm, but Trudy’s persistent lips refused to let his erection go down. She sucked harder and harder, faster and faster until the tool responded and began its rise again.

“All you want, honey, all you want;” Lou whispered to her as he rammed his tongue deep into the slot once again. He couldn’t believe that this was his wife Trudy carrying on in this manner. From a cold and unemotional housewife she had suddenly become a ball of fire, making him burn with the heat that she was exuding. Once again, Lou took his lips from the love nest and spoke to Trudy. “I’m coming into you now,” he said, “and it’s going to be just like the old days – all fireworks. Do you remember them?”

“Of course I do,” she answered. “We haven’t had those kind of fireworks in years, but I think we will right now. Come on up here and do it to me, Lou.”

Lou swung his body around and mounted her in an instant. Trudy took his rod in her hand and quickly guided it into her well-lubricated vulva. The passage was easy and the rod slipped all the way to the hilt at his first thrust.

“Oooh, Lou,” she said, clutching him tightly. “Oooh, that feels so good, so good. Now do it to me. Make the fireworks come.”

“You bet I will. I’ll give you more than you’ve had in the past ten years, honey. Now hang on, here we go!”

Lou drew back his rod until it was at the very edge of her vulva, and then slammed it home like a battering ram. Trudy uttered a strangled scream and locked her legs around his body, clutching at him with every ounce of strength she possessed. Lou withdrew and rammed the tool in again with even more authority than before, making Trudy scream even louder. Then the strokes became more rapid, with each one containing more thrust than the one before it. Trudy was experiencing one orgasm after another now, somewhat like a string of fireworks. It was just like their early days of marriage when she’d had orgasms of this type with the man she loved. She let herself go completely at this point, letting her hips and buttocks perform almost independently of her mind, and the result was pure, raw passion. Lou was also caught up in the mood and prolonged his thrust until the very last moment when he poured jet after jet of his love into her, and didn’t stop until total fatigue made him collapse. It had been an exhausting, but illuminating experience for both of them.

Sid looked at the couple lying prone on Јhe bed and turned to Sue. “Ain’t love grand?” he croaked sarcastically. “Here’s two people that haven’t had a decent moment in bed in the last ten years and now all of a sudden they’re like two teen-agers in the back seat of a car.”

“Don’t knock it, Sid. I think it was a beautiful exhibition. Whenever a husband and wife do it together – and do it right, it’s a beautiful thing. Of course, you wouldn’t know. We haven’t had a beautiful moment in bed for some time now.

But I’ll bet you’re all white, lightning and gunpowder when you’re with that snippy little secretary.”

“Hey look, come off it, will you? I’ve been with her maybe seven or eight times in all, but. it was only for sport and you ought to know it. She doesn’t have your class and never will. In fact, she’s not nearly as good as you used to be in bed.”

“What do you mean by a crack like that – USED to be?”

“You know damned well what I mean, Sue. In the past year or so, something’s been missing with us. I can’t put my finger on it, but I know it’s there. Maybe we’re bored with each other or something, but dammit, it’s just not like the old days.”

“Well, there’s one way to see if the things that happened to us both today have improved our situation like it did for Lou and Trudy. As soon as they give up the bed we can go at it.”

“You mean right here?”

“I certainly do.”

“In front of Lou and Trudy?”

“You watched them, didn’t you? You had me watch you and Trudy, didn’t you? So what the hell’s the difference? We’re all old friends now.”

“Yes, I know, but you and I are married. That’s what makes it so different.”