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In seconds I was surrounded. Relway's was the only face I recognized till Block wandered in. He took me at my word. His troops held me down while a guy with a silver dagger tested me for a tendency toward morphism.

Nobody apologized. Block said, "You've turned up here once already today. But the first time you weren't you."

"No shit. But how'd you know?"

"We knew you were out at North English's manor. I can picture you being guilty of a lot but not of screwing up in two places at the same time."

Relway demanded, "You learn anything?"

"I had a long, private talk with North English this morning. I could tell you word for word but I don't think you'd learn anything you don't already know. That bunch aren't as secret as they pretend." I told Relway everything anyway, almost, figuring that would save time. Then I asked Block, "What was this other me up to?"

"Tried to get the duty jailer to release Crask and Sadler in his custody. He sold his cockamamie story, too. We'd have lost them if they'd been able to travel. But the jailer came to me to try to arrange transportation. I understood you were out of town. I went down to check it out personally. The shifter knew trouble when he saw it coming. He took off before we could close in on him."

"So the bad boys are still here?"

"We have a full house. But there's pressure from the Hill to release everybody being held for being public pains in the ass yesterday night."

"What about Gerris Genord? Gotten anything out of him yet? I just turned up evidence that he might be tied in with the shapeshifters." Or to somebody in between, which is more the way I thought it would be. I didn't think Genord deliberately hurt the Weiders. I suspected he hadn't been knowingly involved in the infiltration of the shapeshifters. I thought he was a pawn moved so that bad things happened around him. His belated recognition of that fact might have caused the irrational state he was in the night Ty and Lance caught him sneaking around.

Relway said, "We haven't talked to him yet. There hasn't been time. Too much excitement to cover outside."

Though, I noted, he did have the resources to keep track of me. "Can I talk to him?"

"I'll collect a team and we'll visit him together."

"I don't want to pull his toes off. I just want to ask a few questions."

"He'll be more eager to answer if I'm behind you with a bunch of rusty tools. I'll keep quiet."

Relway, being Relway. He would be as interested in watching me ask as he would be interested in hearing Genord answer.

That wouldn't cost me. "Let's do it."

Genord was asleep when we got there but he woke up fast. He looked around wildly. He was confined in a cell every bit as evil as imagination could make one. The only positive was that he didn't have to share. Elsewhere captured rioters were piled in on top of one another.

"Comfy down here?" I asked. "I stopped in to see if they're taking good care of you." There'd been a change in Genord and it wasn't what you'd expect of a guy who found himself buried in the Al-Khar. He'd hardened. His eyes had gone cold. He looked like a commando after all. He was a shapeshifter but only inside his head.

He didn't respond.

"I've had a thought," I told Relway. "About the changers and our friend here. You think they know we've got him?"

"They do now. If they didn't before. The one who pretended to be you saw him when he came down to visit Crask and Sadler."

"Meaning if Genord does know anything, they'll want to get him out or shut him up."

Relway and Genord both thought they saw the direction I was headed. I took a quick turn on them. "Suppose we cut him loose? What will they figure happened?"

"That he ratted them out," Block replied. "I like it. Turning him out would solve a problem for me, too. It'd free up a cell that wouldn't have to be a single anymore. And if we do hang on to him and his own buddies get in to cut his throat, we're spared having to feed him till a judge lets us hang him."

Relway stage-whispered, "We got a budget. We don't got to account for what we don't use."

That was bullshit. I'd heard a little about the Guard's finances from Block.

I told Genord, "Brotherhood Of The Wolf is made up of elite-forces types. These shapeshifters operated as Black Dragon Valsung in the Cantard. A mercenary commando group. Is there a connection from the war?" Then I floated the suspicion I'd had for some time. "Is there a connection to Glory Mooncalled?"

Not that Genord knew of. That notion startled him momentarily. Then he nodded. "Yeah. Mooncalled's behind everything."

"He's lying," Relway said.

"He thinks he's lying. Thought he was when he said that. He's already wondering, though." You could almost hear Genord pondering the question of whether or not he'd been duped.

He chose silence as the safest route. He hadn't been in charge. He had to have faith that his superiors knew what they were doing. That they would come to his rescue.

Commandos are like Marines that way. They don't leave their own behind.

I mentioned that to Block. He growled, "We're prepared!" like how stupid did I think he was.

I might not have gotten names or a bloody knife but I was now satisfied that there was a connection between Genord's bunch and the shifters. I needed to go back to The Pipes to find out more.

I said, "Hang on to him for a while yet, just so I can get a head start and drop his name a few places. Then go ahead and kick him out." Ty was a vindictive sort. He would find this kind of vengeance particularly satisfying. Provided, of course, Genord couldn't talk his way out of the deep shit.

He hadn't shown much talent for that yet.

Block left a man with Genord in the unlikely event Gerris opened his heart. We were headed for the relative sanity of Block's quarters. Relway had disappeared. Block asked, "You need to check on Crask and Sadler?"

"I don't think so. Long as they're locked up tight I'm happy. They shown any signs of recovering?"


"You be careful with them. And don't forget there's people outside who're worried about them."

"I have some ideas about those two. Assuming somebody really does want them out. Or dead." He gave out a mock-evil laugh.

I suggested, "You're gonna use them as bait in some stunt, don't forget brother Genord." Like he needed reminding again, already.

"He's already moved, I expect." Block played with the evil laughter again. "We're going to get them, Garrett."

"I don't doubt it. I just hope I have some friends alive when it happens."

"They get to Hell before you, they can have the place all fixed up. A keg in every room. Platoons of panting females."

"That's your idea of Hell?"

"Oh. You won't get to touch."

"I don't get to do that now."

Block made like a man playing a funeral flute. "I've heard about your bad fortune."

"My reputation is entirely the product of Mrs. Cardonlos' imagination."

The name seemed to startle Block. He asked, "What's your next step?"

"Back to North English's manor. I'm almost convinced that he isn't behind any of this. Though clever actors have fooled me before. Do you think he's a born-again believer in The Call's mission?"

"I try not to judge the sincerity of his type. Nor that of people off the Hill. I keep an eye on what they actually do."

"You said there was pressure from up there... "