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Blue made a cursory search of the rest of the room, then returned to the stairs. There were two doors on the second-floor landing as well. One led into a neat little kitchen. Since she was determined not to be caught twice by an illusion spell, she inspected it carefully, but after five minutes decided it was exactly what it seemed. She came out again, crossed the landing and opened the second door.

The demons were waiting for her on the other side.

She heard them before she saw them, a distinctive insect-like chittering underlaid with a click-clack of lobster claws. Then the glowglobes flared.

She had the impression of a library, but the place was infested. She saw at least five demons. They were the familiar greys – small and thin with large heads and enormous jet-black eyes. Four were male, one female. All dressed alike in one-piece silver jump-suits and thick-soled silver boots. Blue knew at once what they were – a grouping technically known as a Goblin Guard. You conjured them, then contracted them to guard whatever it was you wanted guarding. It cost you the occasional sacrifice, but they did their job. Goblin Guards were lethal.

Blue jerked her head round – everybody knew you mustn't look a demon in the eye – and slammed the door. It was a reflex action. She knew perfectly well it wouldn't do any good, yet it made her feel safer. But not for long. Within seconds, a beam of blue light penetrated from the inside of the door and the first of the demons slid out along it. Blue ran for the stairs.

She was back on the first landing before she realized the demons weren't following. She stopped, heart pounding, and looked back up the stairs. Nothing there. She caught her breath and chanced climbing a few steps. Still nothing. This was very odd. Once Goblin Guards had their sights on you, they nearly always kept coming until they killed you or something stopped them. But there was nothing to stop them here. The whole Guard should have been tumbling down those stairs like an avalanche. She climbed another step.

By the time she was in sight of the second landing, she knew for sure the demons were no longer there. Where had they gone? This was not usual demon behaviour. Had something frightened them off? After a moment she decided she didn't need to know. If they'd gone, it was all to her advantage – she could search the library room now. She pushed the door open cautiously and discovered to her horror they were all back inside.

This time she didn't even bother to slam the door, simply took off down the stairs as fast as her legs would carry her. She knew she wasn't going to get lucky a second time. She also knew that before demons killed you, they had a very gross habit of carrying out some particularly painful medical experiments on – They weren't following now either! She stopped halfway down the stairs and there was absolutely no doubt about it. The Goblin Guard, which had begun to pour out of the room when she opened the door, had disappeared again.

It hit her like a thunderbolt. It was another illusion! Illusions seemed to be one of Brimstone's magical specialities. It was cheaper than conjuring up a real Goblin Guard and a lot easier on maintenance. You didn't have to sacrifice to an illusion or make sure it wasn't sleeping on the job. You just set it up, switched it on and allowed it to do its work.

She went back very cautiously until she was just a step from the landing, then stopped. She had to be extremely careful here. The library door was still open and, if the Goblin Guard caught sight of her, it would be on to the landing in seconds. An illusion demon could kill you just as dead as a real one. For as long as the illusion lasted, the creature was real enough – it just couldn't step outside the boundaries of the illusion spell. It looked as if Brimstone had set this one to guard the library room and the landing outside, but possibly not the staircase.

With the door open, she daren't step on to the landing. Once the demons saw her they would come after her again. But demons were tricky at the best of times and illusion demons trickiest of all. There was no way of making them intelligent. You set your illusion so they'd attack anything that opened the door but you couldn't set it so they would recognise you and leave you alone – illusion magic just wasn't that good. Which meant there had to be an easy way to switch the illusion off. Brimstone had to be able to get rid of the Goblin Guard before he used his library.

Where was the switch? What was the switch? In the room below, the trigger was the winking picture. That gave some clue to the way Brimstone's mind worked. Not that she thought it was another picture, but she did think he might disguise the switch to make it look like something else.

There were no portraits beside the stairs, no pictures of anything else. The walls were smooth, no ornamentation, no panelling, nothing that looked at all – not looked: sounded! One of the stairs squeaked. She'd noticed it vaguely on the way up and it had squeaked again when she ran down. She'd paid no attention, of course. Lots of stairs and floorboards squeaked, especially in a house this age. But suppose it wasn't a natural squeak? Suppose it was a specially built-in signal?

Blue retraced her steps down the stairs. She was still within sight of the landing when she reached the tread that squeaked. She trod on it a few times and the squeak never failed. It wasn't so loud you'd pay much attention, but loud enough so an old man would hear. Was this the illusion trigger? Did it switch the demons on when you climbed up? Or were the demons always there and the squeak just a way of marking the place to switch them off?

Frowning, Blue tried to work it out logically. If this really was the switch, then it couldn't just be a question of pressure on the tread. She'd made it squeak coming up, which might well have switched on the demons, but she'd made it squeak again running down, which certainly hadn't switched them off. Or had it? Maybe she'd switched them off running down, then switched them on again when she climbed back up?

It didn't seem right somehow. Mainly because it didn't do the job well enough. Brimstone wanted his house secure. He'd want to be sure that his illusions were all working. If this one was just a question of a pressure switch, anybody climbing the stairs two at a time would never trip it at all. She frowned. Couldn't be a simple pressure switch.

She thought of the winking picture. The illusion disappeared when you winked back. Maybe… maybe… maybe the Goblin Guard disappeared when you squeaked back. Blue trod on the step to make it squeak, then imitated the squeak as an answer. She waited, then, when nothing happened, climbed the stairs again. The door on the second landing was still open, but from this angle she couldn't see if there was anything inside. She'd have to take a chance and go right on to the landing.

She did it fast before she lost her courage. The library was empty.

Blue breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was someone she'd never met, she had a very strong picture of Brimstone in her head now. He was a dangerous and crafty old man, somebody who didn't care much what he did to people. Pyrgus was lucky to get away from him with a whole skin.

But she still didn't know what had happened between them. The library was packed with books on sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft, necromancy and magic -some of them rare tomes – but though she searched it thoroughly, there was nothing at all to show how Brimstone might have tried to kill her brother.

She left the library and climbed the stairs to the third floor. This time she listened carefully for squeaks and examined every inch of the way for another illusion trigger. She spotted none, but even so she was caution itself when she reached the final landing. It was laid out exactly like the others and it proved a complete anticlimax. One door led to a bathroom, the other a bedroom. There were no more Goblin Guards, no more illusions of any sort as far as she could discover. It seemed as if Brimstone was happy no intruder was likely to get past the second floor.