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Arthritic hands or not, Fogarty had the pump-action shotgun all together now. He sighted down the empty weapon and worked the pump a few times to make sure it was functioning properly. It gave a satisfying, well-oiled ratchet sound.

'Your boy isn't here,' he said.

The Purple Emperor leaned forward to look him directly in the eyes. 'I believe you, Mr Fogarty. I believe everything you have told me. I believe you were a friend to my son, as was the boy Henry you mentioned. But Pyrgus has not come home and I hope you will be a friend to me as well.' He held Fogarty's gaze for a long moment before adding, 'You will not find me ungrateful. Or ungenerous.'

'What do you want?' Fogarty asked.

'I want you to help me find him,' Apatura said.

'What do I call you?' Fogarty asked. 'Highness? Majesty? Something like that?'

'You may call me anything you wish, Mr Fogarty. You are not one of my subjects. My given name is Apatura Iris.'

'All right, Mr Iris. I liked your boy. I liked him a lot. Tough little squirt – reminded me of myself when I was a kid. If I can help you find him, I will. But I don't see how.'

The Emperor looked relieved. 'I think there are three possibilities,' he said. 'One is that your portal malfunctioned – '

'My portal didn't malfunction,' Fogarty said promptly.

The Emperor smiled slightly. 'Just possibilities, Mr Fogarty. One, however unlikely, is that your portal malfunctioned and my son was sent some distance from the palace. Another, much more likely, is that Pyrgus set it wrongly, with the same result. You said he worked the thing himself before you even had time to test it.'

'Yes, that's true,' Fogarty agreed.

'The third is that he came back safely, more or less where he should, but felt he had to do something before he made his presence known.' He turned to Tithonus. 'Have I missed anything, Gatekeeper?'

Tithonus shook his head. 'Not that I am aware, Majesty.'

The Emperor turned back to Fogarty. 'If Pyrgus was accidentally sent a distance away, he is probably trying to make his way back to the palace. It would be useful if we could discover where the portal really did leave him. I thought you might co-operate with Chief Portal Engineer Peacock and his technical people to try to calculate exactly where he may have gone. At the same time, it's possible you might remember something he said that would give us a clue to where he went if he decided there was something he needed to do.'

'You want me to come back with you? To your world?'

'That would make sense. You and that boy Henry -Pyrgus may have said something to him too.'

Fogarty opened the drawer in the kitchen table and took out a box of shotgun shells. 'I'm going to load this thing – that OK with you?'

Tithonus glanced up sharply, but the Emperor said mildly, 'Please go ahead. Believe me, Mr Fogarty, if I did not trust you completely you would be restrained or dead by now.'

Fogarty grinned and began to feed shells into the chamber. 'Henry hasn't been here for a while, but I expect he'll tip up soon. I'll leave him a portal control. He can follow us through and you can talk to him then.'

Apatura hesitated. 'There was an attempt on my son's life. I'm not sure it's wise to have open access between our two worlds.'

Fogarty's grin turned into his feral smile. 'Don't worry,' he said, 'I'll make sure nobody but Henry will be able to get through.'

'Does that mean you will come with us, Mr Fogarty?' the Emperor asked.

Fogarty worked the slide on the shotgun to rack a round into the chamber. 'Lock and load!' he said.

Kitterick read Holly Blue's face. 'I take it we have not been successful, Serenity?'

Blue shook her head. 'Nothing. Not a thing.'

The dwarf pursed his lips. 'What now, Serenity? Shall we investigate Mr Chalkhill, or would you prefer it if I escorted you back to the palace?'

Blue didn't like either possibility. It was late now, very late. She was getting tired and needed to sleep if she was to have a clear head for the rest of her investigation. At the same time, it irked her she'd found nothing in Brimstone's rooms – and wasted most of the night into the bargain. The weird thing was she'd found nothing suspicious at all, not just about Pyrgus, but about anything. Every drawer she'd opened, every paper she'd read showed Brimstone was a model citizen. Yet from everything Madame Cardui told her, Brimstone wasn't a model citizen. Far from it. He was a liar and a cheat who consorted with demons. And he'd taken a lot of trouble over his security. The special locks on his door. The lethal illusions in his – She froze. How had she missed it? How on earth had she missed it?

'Serenity, where are you going?' Kitterick called.

But Blue was already over the rubble and back on the stairs. 'Keep a look-out!' she shouted. 'I shouldn't be long!'

On the first floor she crashed into the living room. It was exactly as she had left it: the illusion spell removed, the comfortable furnishings, the roll-top desk packed with all its innocent papers, the winking picture on the chest. She ran to the picture and bent down until she found the angle where it winked at her. Blue winked back and knew at once she had been right. The scent of a broken illusion was unmistakable.

She spun round. At first glance, the room hadn't changed. Same carpeting, same furnishing. But she knew it must have changed. Brimstone was so clever. He'd set up an illusion within an illusion. Anyone who discovered the first one was supposed to think that was all there was – and she'd fallen for it completely. It never occurred to her there might be a second illusion spell cast over this comfortable room. But there was; and she'd switched it off now. All she needed to do was find out what the second illusion hid.

Her eyes fell on the roll-top desk.

She had it! She had it! These were Brimstone's real papers! As she sorted through them with excited hands, she found instance after instance of dirty business dealings. Fraud. Bribery. Embezzlement. Tax evasion. Illegal evictions. Dodgy contracts. It went on and on. Nothing about Pyrgus yet, but she was certain she would find it now. In one drawer she found records of Brimstone's work with demons. It was gross. He'd supplied them with animals – and even a few humans -for their rotten experiments. Blue wasn't as big a softie about animals as her brother, but even she found the details sickening. If Pyrgus had fallen foul of this smelly old nightmare, it was no wonder he'd got himself in trouble.

Blue forced herself to go through the papers systematically. It stretched her patience to the limit, but paid dividends. It was only a scrawled note just five words long, a reminder by Brimstone to himself:

Lock Beleth book in attic

There was an attic! It had never occurred to her there was an attic so she hadn't searched for one. And while she'd no idea what the Beleth book was, the note meant Brimstone hid stuff up there. Probably magical stuff – Beleth sounded like a demon name. Maybe Pyrgus had got mixed up in Brimstone's magic somehow. But whatever: there was another place for her to search.

She raced back up to the third floor, pausing only to squeak back at the stair tread so the Goblin Guard illusion wouldn't try to kill her. She thought there might be a trapdoor in the bedroom ceiling, but even when she stood on the bed there was no sign of one. She went next door to the bathroom and examined the ceiling there, again without result. Was there an illusion spell on this floor too? She spent another fifteen minutes searching for triggers and found nothing. If there really was another illusion spell it was well hidden.

Blue sat down on the bed to think. She knew she'd been here far too long. She knew every extra minute she spent increased the chances of Brimstone coming back and finding her. But there was an attic. There was another place where Brimstone hid things. She couldn't give up now – she had to find it!