Will you not come back to Arabia and marry me, now you have saved my life? asked the princess. Even if my father is living still, he must be old, and after his death you can be king.
No, replied the prince, I cannot do that-I must live and die in my own country. But at the end of a year I will follow you and marry you. And that was all he would say.
Then the princess took a heavy ring from her finger and put it on his. Her fathers and her mothers names were engraved in it, as well as her own, and she asked him to keep it as a reminder of his promise.
I will die before I part from it, said the prince. And if at the end of a year I am still living, I will come. I believe I have heard that at the other side of this forest there is a port from which ships sail to Arabia. Let us hasten there at once.
Hand in hand they set off through the forest, and when they came to the port they found a ship just ready to sail. The princess said good-bye to the prince, and went on board the vessel, and when she reached her own country there were great rejoicings, for her parents had never expected to see her again. She told them how a prince had saved her from the robbers, and was coming in a years time to marry her, and they were greatly pleased.
All the same, said the king, I wish he were here now. A year is a long time.
When the princess was no longer before his eyes, the prince recollected why he had entered the forest, and made all the haste he could back to the robbers home.
The robber-chief could smell the apples from afar, for he had a nose like an ogre, and he said to the queen:
That is a strange fellow! If he had gone into the forest the wild beasts must have eaten him unless he has a powerful charm to protect him. If that is so we must get it away from him.
No, he has nothing, answered the queen, who was quite fascinated by the robber.
But the robber did not believe her.
We must think of a way to get it, he said. When he comes in say you are well again, and have some food ready for him. Then, whilst he is eating, tell him you dreamed that he was attacked by wild beasts, and ask him how he managed to escape from them. After he has told you I can easily find a way to take his charm from him.
Shortly after the prince came in.
How are you, mother! he said gaily. Here are your apples. Now you will soon be well again, and ready to come away with me.
Oh, I am better already, she said. And see, your dinner is all hot for you, eat it up, and then we will start.
Whilst he was eating she said to him: I had a horrible dream while you were away. I saw you in a forest full of wild animals, and they were running round you and growling fiercely. How did you manage to escape from them?
Oh, it was only a dream! laughed the prince.
But my dreams are always true, said his mother. Tell me how it was.
The prince wondered for some time whether he should tell her or not, but at last he decided to let her into the secret.
One should tell ones mother everything, he thought. And he told her.
See, mother, here are a sword and a mail shirt which I found in the first house we entered in the forest, and as long as I carry them nothing can hurt me. That is what saved me from the wild beasts.
How can I be thankful enough! exclaimed the queen. And directly the princes back was turned, she hurried to tell the robber.
The robber, as soon as he heard the news, made a sleeping-draught, and bade the queen give it to her son before he went to bed that night.
Accordingly, as soon as the prince began to get sleepy, the queen handed him the cup containing the draught.
Drink this, to please me, she said. It will do you good after all youve gone through, and make you sleep well.
What an odd taste it has! murmured the prince as he drank it.
Immediately he fell asleep; and the robber came in and took away his sword and shirt of mail.
These things belong to my brother, he said. After he had got them both in his hand the robber woke him.
I am the master now, said he. Choose one of two things-either you must die, or your eyes will be put out, and you will be sent back to the forest.
The princes blood grew cold at these words. Then a thought struck him, and he turned to his mother: Is this your doing? he asked sternly. And though she burst into tears and denied it, the prince knew she was not telling the truth.
Well, said he, whilst there is life there is hope. I will go back to the forest.
Then the robber put out his eyes, gave him a stick, and some food and drink, and drove him into the forest, hoping that the wild beasts would kill him, as he no longer had the sword and shirt to protect him.
Now, he said to the queen, we will return to your country.
The next day they set sail, and as soon as they reached home, they were married, and the robber became king.
Meanwhile the poor prince was wandering about in the forest, hoping to find someone who would help him, and perhaps take him into service, for now he had no money and no home. It so happened that there had been a great hunt in the forest, and the wild beasts had all fled before the hunters and were hiding, so nothing did him any harm. At last one day, just when his food was all gone and he had made up his mind that he must surely die of hunger, he came to the port whence the ships sailed for Arabia. One vessel was just ready to start, and the captain was going on board when he saw the prince.
Why, here is a poor blind fellow! he said. No doubt that is the work of the robbers. Let us take him to Arabia with us. Would you like to come, my good man? he asked the prince.
Oh, how glad he was to hear someone speak kindly to him again! And he answered that he would, and the sailors helped him to climb up the side of the ship. When they got to Arabia the captain took him to the public baths, and ordered one of the slaves to wash him. Whilst he was being washed the princesss ring slipped off his finger and was afterwards found by the slave who cleaned out the bath. The man showed it to a friend of his who lived at the palace.
Why, it is the princesss ring! he said. Where did it come from?
It fell off a blind mans finger, said the slave. He must have stolen it; but I dare say you will be able to return it to the princess.
So that evening the man took the ring to the palace and gave it to his daughter, who was the princesss favourite slave, and the girl gave it to her mistress. When the princess saw it she uttered a cry of joy.
It is the ring I gave my betrothed! she said. Take me to him at once.
The bath-keeper thought it strange that the princess should be betrothed to a blind beggar, but he did as she bade him, and when she saw the prince she cried:
At last you have come! The year is over, and I thought you were dead. Now we will be married immediately. And she went home and told the king that he was to send an escort to bring her betrothed to the palace. Naturally the king was rather surprised at the sudden arrival of the prince; but when he heard that he was blind he was very much annoyed.
I cannot have a blind person to succeed me, he said. It is perfectly absurd!
But the princess had had her own way all her life, and in the end the king gave way as he had always done. The prince was taken to the palace with much ceremony and splendour; but in spite of this the king was not contented. Still, it could not be helped, and really it was time the princess was married, though she looked as young as ever. There had been hundreds of knights and princes who had begged her to bestow her hand upon them, but she would have nothing to do with anyone; and now she had taken it into her head to marry this blind prince, and nobody else would she have.