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“Ma’am, I’ll be blunt,” Clarice said.

“You always are, Clarice,” Ellen said grinning.

“Yes, I am. Well, we need a vice-president and we need one now,” Clarice said.

“She’s right, Ma’am,” Bonnie added.

“I agree and I appointed a very capable person.”

“We know that, Governor Ramzeyer would make a fine vice-president, but her name is going nowhere in the Senate. Senator Thompkins is stalling it in committee,” Clarice said.

“To make it worse, Senator Benitez wants her name withdrawn too,” Bonnie added.

“A woman senator opposing this, I can’t believe it.”

“She wanted to be Secretary of State when Preston resigned and you gave it to Ingersoll. Senator Benitez holds a grudge,” Clarice detailed.

“And as you know Speaker Jensen has reached her long arm into the Senate to meddle. There are senators who owe her favors,” Bonnie added.

“She wants to be the most important woman in the country,” Clarice said.

“The world,” Ellen said and they all laughed.

“Madam President, you need to consider picking someone else,” Bonnie suggested.

“Clarise, Gwen would make an excellent vice-President” Ellen said looking at her domestic advisor.

“I agree, Ma’am, but you need to be expedient” Ellen looked away and thought for a moment then she turned and looked at Bonnie and Clarice.

“When Harry Truman was President, Dean Atchison was being vilified for being soft on Communism. He offered his resignation as Secretary of State to President Truman because Atchison felt he was hurting Truman. Truman refused to accept it and stuck by Atchison. The politically smart thing to do was to get rid of Atchison but Truman did the right thing. For me the expedient thing to do would be to choose someone else but I’m doing the right thing and sticking by Gwen Ramzeyer. Where’s Kent?”

“I’ll get him, Bonnie said and returned with the press secretary.

“You wanted me, Ma’am?”

“Kent, when we get back, I want to speak to the full Senate and I want an address to the nation in prime time to tell the American people that Gwendolyn Ramzeyer should be the vice-president. Can you arrange that for me?”

“Yes, Ma’am. I can.”

“Thank you, Kent.”

“So, your mind is made up, Ma’am?” Clarice said.

“Yes, it is.”

“Very well, then can we talk more about the bill to help abused women?” Ellen chuckled.

“Yes, Clarice we can.”

“Okay, I had an idea…”

* * *

“We’ll be landing in an hour folks,” Johnny Rodriguez announced as he walked down the aisle from the pilot’s cabin.

“What’ll we do when we land?” Belinda asked.

“The President will leave in her car first while we wait on board,” Dave said.

“Then what?” Belinda asked.

“A car will take us to the hotel,” Dave replied.

“Will we eat supper with the President?” Belinda asked.

“No, Lind, we’re here to do a story but the story is about the President, actually, both presidents. It’s not about us. We’ll be lucky to see her at all until we leave. I may see her briefly for an interview but that’s up to her,” Justin detailed.

“Oh,” Belinda said and her shoulders sagged. Jozette looked at Tatiana.

“Hey, we’ll tour the city, see the sights, find a nice café and whatever else we can do, okay?” Tatiana asked as she put her arm around Belinda.

“Okay,” Belinda said as she looked up at Tatiana and grinned.

“I can’t wait to get off the plane,” Justin said.

“I thought you were over your fear?” Warren asked.

“I’m better than I was but I hate a long flight. The one to South America was bad and this one is worse.”

“What language do they speak in… where are we going again?” Belinda asked. Little Wolf had told her and Jozette multiple times but Belinda tuned out things that weren’t interesting to her or about her, which tended to be the same thing.

“Kerch,” Miss Belinda,” Julieta said.

“Is that a city or a country or something?”

“It’s a city, Miss Belinda,” Little Wolf said.

“I guess everyone else knew that.”

“Perhaps but it’s not a requirement that you know geography,” Little Wolf said and Belinda grinned. “In Kerch they speak Russian, Ukrainian and other languages.”

“Not English?”


“Will anyone understand us?” Belinda asked.

“No, but I speak Russian so we’ll be okay,” Tatiana said.

“Thanks for not making fun of me, Little Wolf.”

“I would never do that, Miss Belinda, you’re my friend.” Belinda smiled broadly and Tatiana chuckled under her breath.

“I read that the Kerch airport was not in good shape,” Warren posed.

“It wasn’t but when this meeting was announced they began some emergency repairs and upgrading. It’s now ready for Air Force One and the Russian President to land,” Dave reassured everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We’ll be landing in a few minutes. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts.” They buckled up as did everyone on board.

“We’re beginning our decent,” Dave said. Belinda held Justin’s hand as he leaned back and closed his eyes. The landing was pinpoint and smooth.

“Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain again. We have landed. The passengers in the front should remain in their seats until you are given the signal to deplane. The Presidents car arrived and was inspected by Trent Wilson. The driver didn’t like it much but Trent didn’t care. The President’s safety was Trent’s job and he’d step on any toes he needed to do it. In ten minutes, the President’s car pulled away with motorcycles in front and behind.

“Okay folks, you can exit by the front door. A van is waiting for you,” an agent said. They hadn’t seen this one. Johnny Rodriguez was in the car with the President. They got up and left the plane. The van was waiting as a rather disheveled driver with a three-day beard and a dirty hat waited for them. They looked at one another and boarded, though somewhat reluctantly. It took twenty minutes to get to the hotel. The Kerch airport was nothing like a stateside airport. In America a large airport is like a city with cafes, shops, hair salons, car rental places, places to buy luggage etc. At the Kerch Airport there were no businesses anywhere. It was in receivership and only operated to local single engine planes for private use. There was no baggage conveyor so their luggage was loaded in a separate van that followed.

“Should we tip the driver?” Andy asked.

“Give him a twenty-dollar bill. American dollars are coveted over here,” Tatiana said.

“Why?” Ariel asked.

“They can sell them on the black market for twice the value.”

“I’ve got a twenty, Jozette said.

“Keep in mind this is not America. He doesn’t get a salary. His tips are all he makes,” Tatiana said.

“Well, here take this fifty,” Dave said.

“Add this,” Ariel said as she handed a hundred to Tatiana.

“He’ll be stunned,” Tatiana said. They arrived at the hotel. It was small but nicely decorated and seemed clean on the outside. They got out and Tatiana handed the money to the driver. His eyes widened and he actually smiled.