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“When do you meet Deniken?”

“In the morning.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks, I’ll need it.”


“Well?” Dixie asked nudging her girlfriend Jessica as they woke up to the sun shining through the window.

“Well what?”

“How was it?” Dixie asked as she leaned over her partner and moved the hair out of her eyes.


“That’s it, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

“It wasn’t amazing, incredible, spine tingling or anything like that?” Jessica looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment.

“No, it was just okay.”

“Oh,” Dixie said deflated and laid back down staring at the ceiling. Jessica could hold it in no longer and burst out laughing. “So, it was funny, that’s even worse.”

“No, it wasn’t funny, baby, it was amazing, incredible, spine tingling and a hundred other things. Just like you said. I’ve never felt anything like that in my life. I knew when we made love the first time it’d be great and it was,” Jessica said as she leaned over and kissed her girlfriend. They kissed for a long time and when they finished, they both laid back and breathed hard.

“I guess we better get up and get ready. Miss Lexi said we’d leave at ten-thirty.”

“Can’t we just stay in bed forever?” Jessica asked.

“If it was with you, baby, I’d say yes.” Jessica sat on the edge of the bed and Dixie joined her.

“I love you, Dix.”

“I love you back, Jess.”

“I’m glad I lost my virginity to you, baby,” Jessica said then she put her hand to her mouth with a look of horror on her face. “I’m sorry, Dixie, I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry.” Dixie grinned.

“Look, Jess, we all know my past and that’s what it is, the past. I can’t change it so we move on to today. For me in my heart and mind I came to your bed as a virgin. Yes, I had sex with many men when I was a young girl. It was rape but I still had sex. My mom’s boyfriend pimped me out for cash. It was all a painful nightmare and I hated every second of it. Last night was the first time I ever felt warm and sensual and it was with the woman I love and cherish so, yes I feel good… all warm inside and very happy.” They hugged and squeezed for a long time.

“I call shower,” Jessica said as she ran to the bathroom. Dixie sat on the bed and grinned.

“Good morning,” Lexi said as she had laid out breakfast for everyone. Darcy and Zara were already up and dressed. Melanie and Mallory sat down a few minutes later.

“Sorry, we’re late but Melanie had to look beautiful,” Mallory said.

“I do not.”

“Hey, kiddo, you always look beautiful to me,” Lexi said as she hugged Melanie from behind. Melanie made a face at Mallory who smiled and crossed her eyes at the twin sister she adored. They were fiercely devoted to one another. Melanie was the second twin born and was in the womb an inordinately long time. As a result, her right arm was not fully functional and she had a slight limp in her right leg. Mallory was always protective of her little sister as she called her, helping her do everything. For a long time, Mallory said she’d never get married until Melanie did. Melanie told her a couple of years ago that she didn’t have to wait and Mallory agreed but Tatiana and Dave didn’t think Mallory would get married before her sister.

“Are we picking up Paulita?” Darcy asked.

“I told her mom we’d be there at eleven,” Lexi said. They finished eating, picked up Paulita and made it to the mall by eleven-thirty.

“Should I use the card, Mom?” Darcy asked.

“Yes, and Zara too,” Lexi answered.

“Where are you going?” Will asked.

“Zara and I are going to the Paris Boutique,” Darcy said.

“You won’t come back as can can dancers, will you?” Will asked.

“Hey, that’s an idea,” Zara said.

“Honey, you need a couple of outfits,” Lexi said to Zara. “Darcy make sure she gets them.

“I will, Mom.”

“We’re going with Paulita to the music store,” Mallory said.

“Big surprise,” Will said. Paulita had appointed herself the guardians of the twins since they were eleven and though they were all eighteen now she still never let them out of her sight.

“And you two?” Lexi asked grinning.

“We’ll decide as we walk,” Jessica said and they left holding hands.

“Well, all our little chicks have left the nest,” Lexi said as she turned to Will.

“There not all ours.”

“I wish they were.’

“You do?” Will asked.

“Yes, don’t you?”

“I don’t know, I already live with three women, I can’t imagine seven.”

“I don’t hear you complaining so far.” Will lowered his head, chuckled and looked up.

“No, I’m not complaining.”

“Do you want to sit and rest?”

“No, I’m okay.”

“I don’t mean to treat you like a baby, Will, but I worry about you.”

“I’m glad you worry about me; it makes me feel safer.” He had asthma and could have an attack at any time for no apparent reason. Some of them were bad and Lexi, Darcy or Zara had to get him through them and get him to breathe. He also had a dislocated back that could go out at the slightest movement and he was on the floor and couldn’t move without help. As a result, either Lexi, Darcy or Zara were always with him at home.

“I need a pair of shoes,” Lexi said.

“Good, I can watch you stretch your legs when you try them on.”

“You’re funny.”

“I meant it.”

“I know, that makes me look forward to tonight.”

“Are you seducing me Mrs. Robinson?”

“Hey, you’re the one that wants to ogle me.”

“That’s right it was me that started this.”

“I’ll let it go this time.” Lexi gave Will a kiss and they walked to the shoe store.

* * *

“I feel funny spending this much money for clothes,” Zara said.

“Don’t, Mom likes to buy things for us.”

“It still bothers me.”

“Well, find at least two outfits or she’ll be miffed at me.”

“I’ll do it so you won’t get in trouble.”

“Fair enough.” Zara found three pants and top combinations that she liked and was trying to eliminate one.

“I can’t make up my mind.”

“You’re driving me crazy, just get all three.”

“No, that’s too much.”

“We’ll take all three, Ma’am,” Darcy said to the clerk and laid down the credit card.


“Zara, we’re getting all of them, you look great in everything.”

“I guess Mom will be happy.”

“Yes, now let’s go, I need shoes, make-up, and a bra.”

“Do I have to come into the dressing room with you?”

“Of course, I want your opinion when I try them on.”

“It’s not safe in there when you unleash those giant melons. There’s not enough room for another person,” Zara said grinning.

“Oh, you’re hilarious, you must’ve been hanging around Jessica.”

“There’s no chance of being around Jessica unless Dixie is there too.”

“I know, there inseparable, I guess we’ll have to live with that.”

“Yeah, they’re a couple.”

“Do you feel bad because you’re single?”

“No, not at all. I don’t want to be tied down,” Zara said.

“I was hoping you felt that way. I like being single too and I like going places with you.”

“Likewise. You’re more fun than a guy.”

“I’m glad you’re my sister, Zara.”

“I’m glad you’re my sister too.” They started for the lingerie shop. “Well, let’s see if we can find a giant bra for your girls.” Darcy chuckled as they went on their way.