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“What do you and Yuri do?” Paulita asked.

“The movies, plays, pizza and we go to each other’s houses and watch television or play games.”

“Sounds fun,” Paulita said.

“Yeah,” Melanie said softly. Paulita looked at Mallory.

“What’s wrong?” Paulita asked.

“Yuri likes to do outdoor things.”

“So,” Paulita said.

“He likes to hike. Can you see me hiking?” Melanie asked.

“I saw you take care of yourself in the jungle,” Paulita reminded her friend.

“We were stuck there; it was push on or die. I can’t hike on steep trails like he does. He goes rafting and canoeing. I can’t do those things.”

“What’s so hard about riding in a canoe or on a raft?” Paulita asked.

“It takes two people to launch a canoe or raft. I’m so clumsy and helpless. He has to do all the work. I know it bothers him that I have limitations.”

“He told me he doesn’t care, Melanie. He just wants to be with you,” Mallory said.

“He told you that when?”

“After church about three weeks ago… he also told me he loves you.”

“What?” Melanie asked.

“He said he loves you. It’s obvious he does, anyone can see that,” Mallory said.

“Well, I think he is the luckiest boy in the whole world,” Paulita said. Melanie stopped walking and lowered her head.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Mallory asked. Melanie was crying softly.

“What Paulita said was so sweet.” Paulita looked at Mallory and grinned as she turned Melanie’s head towards her smiling.

“You know I love you, baby girl, and you too Mallory.”

“We know and we love you back, Paulita,” Mallory said.

“Come on, let’s spend some money,” Paulita said.

“We’re paying,” Mallory said.

“That’s not fair,” Paulita said.

“Mom said to use her card and we will,” Melanie said.

“Then I won’t buy much.”

“If you don’t then Mallory and I will buy a bunch of stuff, gaudy things; orange socks, pink pants, lime green scarves for you.” Paulita chuckled and shook her head.

“Okay, let’s go.” They shopped and bought what they wanted and Paulita bought things too because she knew Mallory and Melanie would do exactly what they said they would if she didn’t.

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“What are you thinking about?” Dixie asked Jessica as they walked holding hands towards the pet store. Jessica liked to hold the puppies and kittens. Dixie wasn’t an animal person but she indulged her girlfriend. In return Jessica went to the dollar store with Dixie. Dixie bought towels, hot pads, table cloths and the like then gave them to the local soup kitchen. She volunteered there, two Saturdays a month and Jessica helped.


“What about us?”

“How much I love you and how happy I am.”

“Me too,” Dixie said as they kept walking. Jessica stopped. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s it, me too. That’s all you can say?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“That you’re madly in love with me and you can’t stop thinking about me.”

“Okay, that too.”

“Boy, you really pour your heart out in sentiment.” Dixie pulled Jessica to a nearby bench and they sat.

“What’s the matter, Jess?”

“I don’t know, it’s just this morning I had a wave of funny feelings that came over me.”

“What kind of feelings?” Jessica was sitting with her head down and turned to look at Dixie.

“I’m afraid you’ll leave me.”

“Where did you get that idea?”

“The other day we passed Mandy Simmons and you said hello and smiled at her.”

“Because she said hello to me first.”

“It’s no secret that she’s a lesbian too and she likes you. She tells everybody how much she’s attracted to you.”

“It’s a one-way street, Jess. I have no interest in Mandy Simmons.”

“What about Tay Winters?”

“What about her?”

“Well, she’s tall and pretty like Mandy and you’re tall, why would you want a runt like me?”

“Do you hear me complaining?”

“Tay likes you. I saw her at the drugstore last week and she said she was going to steal you away from me.” Jessica lowered her head and cried softly. Dixie sat looking at her feet and shaking her head. Then she touched Jessica’s shoulder and her girlfriend looked up through wet eyes.

“Understand something, baby, I love you and only you. And, yes, you are all I think about when I’m not with you and when I’m with you. I never want to leave you. You’re my life, sweetheart, I hope you know that by now. I don’t care a bit about Mandy Simmons or Tay Winters no matter how tall they are. Jessica was crying big tears then she hugged Dixie and buried her head sobbing. Dixie held her tight and after a few moments Jessica looked up and smiled.


“Don’t be sorry just know that I love you. I’m not much for flowery expressions of love like you are but my passion is for you. Okay?”

“Okay.” Jessica wiped her face and they started walking again.

“The longer you live with Miss Belinda the more you act like her.”

“I know, isn’t it wonderful?” Jessica said grinning and Dixie looked to the ceiling and rolled her eyes.


Morning came and Andy tried to get on the President’s floor to tell the secret service what he saw but was met with a roadblock of two agents. He pleaded with them but they were adamant… no one entered the President’s floor. Finally, he sent a message to the President through the front desk. He waited and a few minutes later there was a knock on his door. He had told Dave and he suggested that Andy tell the President.

“I’m Trent Wilson, head of the President’s security detail. You said you had some information.”

“Yes, sir, I do,” Andy said.

“You can tell me.”

“I was sitting in the park across from the hotel yesterday and I saw two men, tall, wearing black hanging around the side entrance.”

“What were they doing?”

“Talking and pointing to the hotel and down the street. A car pulled up and they got inside for a few minutes. About ten minutes later the two men got out and the car drove away.”

“Then what?”

“They saw me and stared for a moment. Not long after that they went down the side of the hotel and disappeared.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes.” Trent thought for a moment then nodded.

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Kline,” Trent said then left.

“What was that about?” Jozette asked as she’d been sitting in a chair reading.

“I saw a couple of characters lurking around the hotel yesterday.”

“What were they up to?”

“Nothing I hope.”

“Are we ready?” Justin said as they all stood in the hotel lobby.

“Born ready, Mr. Andersen,” Andy said and received looks from everyone except Dave who grinned.

“What?” Belinda asked.

“Roscoe Lee Browne, the Cowboys, 1973 with John Wayne,” Andy answered but there was no response. Jozette rolled her eyes at Tatiana who grinned. “Well, that went nowhere.”

“I remember, Andy… good movie,” Dave said.

“Okay, let’s get on the shuttle,” Justin said and they rode to the meeting. It was a city hall meeting room, an auditorium actually, though not a very big one. It seated about a hundred people. There were some photographers and a handful of reporters. They found ten seats together in the sixth row and sat. After a half an hour, security agents from both sides came in looked around then motioned to the side and a door opened. In walked President Lexington and President Deniken. They sat at a round table across from one another. Andrew and Henry flanked Ellen and Deniken was assisted by Vasily Boronovitch. There were two interpreters, one American and one Russian.