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“Ask them if I can speak to President Lexington,” Trent said to Vladimir. The gunmen saw the two security agents talking and shouted something in Russian and Vladimir made Trent’s request. After a moment the gunmen said something to Vladimir and nodded. Kulagin would’ve never allowed Trent a visit but these two gunmen weren’t Kulagin.

“Okay but be quick,” Vladimir said and Trent went immediately back to where Ellen was sitting.

“Hello, Trent, how are things up front?” Ellen asked with a grin.

“Not so good, Ma’am.”

“Where are they taking us?” Bonnie asked.

“No idea, Ma’am. I have to go back soon so listen. The Russian guy and I are going to attack the guards. Keep the President safe.”

“I will,” Bonnie said.

“She’ll be fine,” Clarise said. Trent nodded and as he turned to leave, he looked at President Deniken. Sergei gave a slight nod and a wink. Trent sat down across the aisle from Vladimir. The bus was going about fifty miles an hour led by Kulagin’s car. Trent glanced at Vladimir and held his hand down so Vladimir could see his fingers. It indicated they would go on three. Given their relative position Vladimir would go after the gunman with his gun pointed at the floor and Trent would take the one with his weapon pointed straight ahead.

“Get down, Ma’am,” Bonnie said.

“I’m not going to let you take a bullet for me.”

“It wasn’t a request, Ma’am,” Bonnie said and pushed Ellen down and laid across her. Across the aisle Vasily Boronovitch did the same thing to Sergei. It happened very quickly. Trent leaped at the gunmen and grabbed the gun. They were struggling with it as Trent was trying to keep it from pointing at the president and the gunman tried to shoot Trent. It was pointed at the ceiling and Johnny Rodriguez stood up to be between the gun and the President. Clarice did the same thing in front of the President. The last thing the gunman wanted was to shoot either president but he had to regain control. Finally, the gun was lowered and four shots rang out. One went through the bus in the back and one hit Clarice in her left arm. She was a last-minute substitute for Andrew. Johnny Rodriguez was shot in the upper left chest and Little Wolf in the leg. Johnny and Clarice fell back in their seats and Little Wolf moaned and grabbed his leg.

“Brave!” Julieta shouted and Jozette and Andy knew it meant something bad.

“Little Wolf!” Jozette said as she started to get up but Andy pulled her back down. Trent managed to get the gun away, slugged the gunmen in the head and he fell on the floor out cold. Vladimir was struggling also and the gun went off hitting the driver in the head. He fell on the steering wheel and the bus began to swerve. Trent gave the butt end of the gun to the other gunman and he also fell to the floor. The bus was crossing the center line as cars honked and ran off the road. Vladimir pointed to the driver and Trent threw him out of the seat and took control of the bus.

“Open the door,” Vladimir said and when Trent opened the door Vladimir threw out both gunman and the driver out into the ditch as Trent sped along. Kulagin had stopped his car and was standing in the road ahead with his gun drawn and the rest of his gunmen pointing at the bus. “Hey, Yankee, what do you do now?”

“This,” Trent said and floored the bus. Kulagin and most of his men got out of the way but two of them were launched into the air and the car was totaled.

“Great job, Yankee, but where do we go now?”

“That’s your problem, we’re in your country now… Russkie.”

“You know, they’ll find another vehicle and chase us.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that, so you need to find a safe house for us.”

“Clarice,” Bonnie said as she got off Ellen and stood up

“If this is what falling on one’s sword is like then I’ll have to reassess my stance on that subject,” Clarice said. She was holding her left upper arm. Dave went to her aide. Dave was an EMT and good with first aid. He examined the wound and the bullet only grazed the arm. Dave put on a tight bandage and put the arm in a sling. Then he went to Johnny Rodriguez and that was not so good. There was a bullet in the left upper chest and Johnny was barely conscious.

“Are you a doctor?” Johnny asked.

“No, I’m afraid not… just an EMT.”

“I’ll take what I can get.” Dave examined the wound and placed a bandage over it. “How bad is it?”

“Not good, the bullet is still in there. Are you having trouble breathing?”

“A little.”

“The bullet may have punctured the lung. Stay still and try not to exert yourself.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem. I don’t have the strength to hold up my head.”

“Miss Jozette, Mr. Andy; Little Wolf’s been hit in the leg,” Julieta said. Andy and Jozette went to their son and Dave followed.

“High, Mom and Dad, what are you doing here,” Little Wolf said in his typical fashion of making people feel better about a situation even when it was him in danger.

“Dave,” Jozette said.

“It’s lodged in the upper leg here but it missed the artery and the bone.”

“How do you know?” Andy asked.

“Because he’d be howling in pain and bleeding like crazy.”

“I know you don’t complain about pain, Son,” Jozette said, “but be honest with me now, please.”

“It hurt going in but not much pain now, I’m sure the swelling will cushion it.” Little Wolf leaned back and sighed as Julieta held his hand.

“Can you get the bullet out, Dave?” Andy asked.

“I don’t know but not here, we need medical supplies and a place that’s not moving.”

“Where are we going?” Jozette asked.

“All we know now is that we’re running for our lives,” Dave remarked.

“I’ll be fine, Mom, Dad and Mr. Dave, go back to your seats and let’s see where we end up.” Jozette kissed his forehead and squeezed Julieta’s wrist before they returned to their seats.

“Okay, Yankee, we got away but it won’t be long until Kulagin has a vehicle and is on our tails,” Vladimir said.

“I know, so what now?”

“Hey, you’re the cowboy, Yankee, not me. That’s right isn’t it, a cowboy takes over and does heroic things to save the day. Isn’t that what you Americans do?”

“Yeah, I guess so… any suggestions?” Trent asked as he drove as fast as was safe but he didn’t know to where. Vladimir thought for a moment.

“We need time and a place to hole up. Maybe help can get to us before they do… okay, turn at that road.”

“How is Johnny doing?” Ellen asked Dave.

“I’m not sure, the bullet is in there and I don’t know what it may have damaged. He could die.”

“Oh, no,” Ellen said and leaned back in her seat.

“I’m sorry, Madam President for what happened to your agent and for you being kidnapped in my country. There are lunatic elements in Russia like everywhere but we should’ve kept you safe.”

“Don’t blame yourself, I have just as many nut jobs in America and they’re probably better armed. The question is, what can we do?” Sergei nodded then shouted something to Vladimir in Russian who responded in Russian.

“What did he say?” Ellen asked.

“Vladimir knows of a place that might give us some protection until we can get help.”

“Hey, Russkie, look behind us,” Trent said and Vladimir turned to see two cars and a van pursuing them at high speed.

“Faster, Yankee,” Vladimir said then went to the back of the bus. He could see Kulagin in the front seat holding a rifle and a handgun. They had commandeered vehicles at the point of a gun no doubt and now they wouldn’t stop until they had Presidents Lexington and Deniken in their grip.