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“Senator, President Lexington was taken along with the Russian President and all of their aides. They were on a bus and it has disappeared. Russian security forces are on the hunt for it,” Marty Ingersoll answered.

“Who took them?” Perry asked.

“We think a Stalinist group is behind it.”

“Andrei Kulagin, of course.” The people around the table looked at each other almost in surprise at Perry’s acumen at his age.”

“Yes, it still works,” Perry said pointing at this head and grinning. Marty Ingersoll smiled.

“The bus was stopped and a carload of American agents and one of Russian agents was ambushed and they were all killed. The bus then sped away and smashed the vehicles that’d been driven by the leaders. Later they were seen taking off in other vehicles and chasing the bus,” Marty continued.

“So, maybe our people or the Russians both acting together retook the bus from the hijackers.”

“It’s possible,” Marty said.

“Where’s the Speaker?”

“As far as we can tell she’s holed up in the hotel where they stayed. We don’t know how many agents are with her,” Louise Chen said. The Secret Service is a division of the Treasury Department so, the safety of the President falls to the Secretary of the Treasury.

“Have there been ransom demands?” Perry asked.

“Not yet,” Rajesh Sanghvi replied.

“Can we get Valerie back here?” Perry asked.

“We don’t know,” Rita Fitzgerald said. “My people have been trying to contact her with no luck so far.

“Senator, there’s something else,” Susan Rojas said.


“It appears that the Stalinists mean business in a big way.”


“Kapustin Yar has been taken over by a fanatic that is surely working for Kulagin.”

“How many missiles?”

“Could be as many as forty,” Rojas answered.

“And we suspect they’re armed?”

“Yes, sir. We’re picking up chatter by Stalinist groups claiming the missiles are ready to head towards New York, Washington, Atlanta, etc. We’re not certain of this but we have to act as if it is legitimate,” Susan concluded.

“I agree. What do you think, Rita, do you have anything on these missiles?”

“Just the same thing Susan has. We have sources inside Russia and near Kapustin Yar but nothing definitive. Russian forces have surrounded the site but we know they have a doomsday mechanism if the control room is breached.”

“Yes, so all they can do is sit and watch.” Perry got up and walked to a corner of the room, turned his back on everyone and with hands clasped behind his back as he looked at the ceiling. There was silence for a few moments as they all looked at each other then Perry turned to face the table.

“Senator, General Zumwalt has moved to DEFCON FOUR,” Rojas added.

“Based on the missile site being compromised?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Alright, folks, now we need to proceed very cautiously here. We can’t let a group of lunatics coax us into a nuclear exchange,” Perry said.

“The Russian government is not behind this, sir,” Ingersoll posed.

“Of course, not but if these nuts start launching missiles at us then General Zumwalt will carry out his standing orders… full scale retaliatory attack. The end of everything.”

“We need the Speaker back here,” Haakon Meisner said.

“Is that possible?” Perry asked.

“We hope so, sir, they should be working on it right now,” Rita Fitzgerald said.

* * *

“Madam Speaker, we need to get you back to Washington as fast as possible,” Derek Menzer said as he stood in Valerie’s hotel room along with three other agents, Andrew Bellingham and Henry York.

“How, Derek, there’ll be spies everywhere,” Janet Chester said as she peeked through the blinds to the street below.

“We have to find a way,” Derek said.

“This town is crawling with Stalinists, it’d take an army to get her to the airport,” Andrew said.

“She’d be better off to stay holed up here,” Henry said.

“No, Henry that won’t work. Right now, all attention is on the kidnapping but in time they’ll realize that the Speaker is still here in Kerch. Then they’ll make their way back here and take her. It would be a prize to have the first two lines of succession,” Andrew explained.

“So, what do we do, Andrew?” Henry asked.

“We take a cab to the airport and buy a ticket for the Speaker on the next flight to Kiev,” Andrew answered.

“Well, that sounds like a great idea, Andrew, but just how do you propose doing it. We’ll be made before we get out of the lobby,” Henry said.

“He’s right, sir,” Derek said.

“Yes, normally that would be the case.”

“But you have some idea that will make this case abnormal,” Henry said.

“As a matter of fact, I do.”

“We’re all ears,” Henry said.

“The best bet is for you Henry and the Speaker to go, just the two of you… in disguise.”

“Disguise,” Valerie said.

“Yes, now you do have some casual clothes I take it,” Andrew said.

“A sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes.”

“Perfect. Henry, what about you?”

“A casual shirt and some slacks.”

“Okay, now sunglasses are a must. Henry, you’ll need to die your hair and, Valerie, you’ll have to let your hair down on your shoulders. I’ve never seen you when it wasn’t up like it is now.”

“You think this will work?” Valerie asked.

“I don’t know but it’s your only chance of getting back to the states.”

“What about a flight?” Derek asked.

“I checked and there’s a seven o’clock to Kiev,” Agent Chester replied.

“How do we pay, they’ll be suspicious of American dollars,” Valerie said.

“I know, but I cashed in dollars for rubles the day we got here,” Andrew said.

“Why?” Valerie asked.

“I thought I might buy a souvenir for my wife and maybe visit the local places.”

“I suppose you know the cost of the flight,” Valerie remarked.

“Yes, and this is more than enough,” Andrew said as he handed a wad of currency to Henry.

“What about you, Andrew?”

“I’ll stay here, maybe I can help in some way.”

“But you’ll be in danger. If they see you, they’ll take you also,” Henry posed.

“I’ll survive, remember I was a marine a long time ago.”

“We’re the same age, Andrew, and sixty-four is not a good time to rely on your marine skills from days gone by.”

“Perhaps not but I’ll find a way to make it or go down fighting.”

“Mr. Bellingham…” Valerie started.

“Valerie, you better get started, you’ll need some lead time at the airport.”

“I’ll send agents Chester and Wilkins ahead to check out the airport. John, Janet’s in charge.” John nodded. “If need be, create a disturbance to get attention away from the Speaker and Mr. York.”