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“There are more here, Comrade,” Kolchevsky said again.

“Send up six and the rest stay here to stop the security forces when they get here!” Kulagin yelled. The men, who were standing in the lobby heard; Kolchevsky counted some off and they took off.

“Are you going on the air, Comrade?”

“Not as long as we’re losing.”

“I wouldn’t say we’re losing.”

“I would. If we don’t take over soon security forces will be here and we’ll be in a shootout.”

“Will we surrender?”


“We all die then?”

“Yes, but the missiles will be launched first. We’ll take the whole world with us when we go,” Kulagin said and Kolchevsky’s eyes widened as he blew out a long breath.

* * *

“I can hear people rushing up the stairs,” Trent said as he and Andy listened in the stairwell of the thirtieth floor.

“What do we do?”

“Go higher and maybe they’ll thin out as some explore the floors.” Trent was right and the numbers began to dwindle as one or two explored each floor. Around the fortieth floor the foot-steps had diminished to about five people. “Okay, we set a trap here.”


“We use that closet door.” It was a service closet and Trent set a ruse by hanging his coat on a mop handle facing the door. These men were killers but still amateurs. “Hide up there and get a shot at the door. I’ll stay inside the closet.”

“Right, I’m on it.” Trent went inside but left the door ajar inviting someone to look inside. Andy had a rifle and Trent only a knife. They waited and after ten minutes the door to the stairwell opened and two men moved slowly up the stairs. They saw the door slightly open and one man pushed the door slowly. Trent had removed the light bulb so it was dark and only an outline could be seen. The man moved closer to the trap and Trent stabbed him in the throat and he fell dead. The other started to fire but Andy shot him in head.

“Let’s go up,” Trent said after they shoved the bodies in the closet and closed the door.

* * *

Zhadanov was on his own and proceeded cautiously. He hid in a nook at the top of the thirty-eighth floor and waited. He had a knife and an icepick so he had to hope for a lone raider. It was ten minutes and the door to the stairwell opened. He peeked and saw two men creeping up the stairs. This was going to be hard but there were no easy choices in this game. One had his gun in front of him but the other had his in his belt. Vladimir had his opening. If it worked, he might survive but if he was off by a hair, he’d be dead. The two crept slowly… Vladimir could see them but he was hidden. They stopped and he thought they might’ve made him but then they moved again. Closer and closer they came to the spot where he’d make his play. He gulped then they were where he wanted them. In a flash he moved out and threw his knife at the guy with the gun… he was dead and as Vladimir jumped at the other guy a gun came out and fired. He was hit but landed the ice pick in the guy’s neck and he fell back down the stairs. After a few moments the guy was motionless. Vladimir felt his left arm and yes there was a bullet in his bicep. It hurt and he took a few seconds to catch his breath then started up the stairs. He had both guns with him but he was losing blood and was weakened.

* * *

“What next?” Julieta asked.

“We get aggressive,” Tatiana replied.

“Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?”

“No, just toying with them,” Tatiana said with a smile.

“So, what do we do?”

“We get creative.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Come on, I’ve got an idea.” They ran up the stairs to the 60th floor and moved the couch out of the way of the elevator doors. Inside, Tatiana hit the button for the fortieth floor.

“Now they’ll get on the elevator.”

“Yes, now follow me.” Tatiana climbed on the rail of the elevator and grabbed the hatch door on the ceiling. She opened it then climbed on top of the elevator.

“What are you doing?”

“Come up here and find out.” Tatiana extended her hand and Julieta climbed on top also. Tatiana closed the hatch door.

“Why are we doing this?”

“To lure in the prey.”

“And we’re the bait?”

“No, the elevator is the bait, we’re the trap.” Julieta shook her head and Tatiana motioned for her to be ready with her knife. The doors opened on the fortieth floor and they waited. Three men got on and the door closed and headed upward. All three men held weapons so the two women would have to be fast or die. Tatiana held up three fingers and indicated she’d count down then they’d jump. Julieta took a deep breath as they counted down 3, 2, 1 then Tatiana jumped through the hatch followed by Julieta. The men were taken by surprise and that one or two seconds was all they had. Tatiana had a knife in each hand and was between them. She instantly stabbed both men in the throat. Julieta was momentarily frozen as Tatiana grabbed the gun of the third guy and they wrestled for a few seconds. He was big and strong and pushed Tatiana to the floor and was ready to fire when a knife was shoved in his back. He dropped his weapon then fell down on the floor of the elevator dead. Julieta stood there in shock… it was the first person she’d ever killed.

“He’s dead?”

“Yes, nice work, you saved me and thank you for that now get ready. The elevator dinged on the sixtieth floor and Tatiana grabbed a weapon from the floor. Julieta did the same thing and the door opened. They peaked out the door and saw two men about fifty feet down the hall. They were already on the top floor. Tatiana stepped out followed by Julieta and they both leveled their weapons. Instinctively the men turned and Tatiana didn’t wait. She opened fire and cut the two men down in an instant.

“How do you do that so quickly?” Julieta asked as she stood transfixed.

“Instinct, I guess. Hold the elevator door and I’ll get a bench or something.” They blocked the elevator then moved around the floor looking for any more men but saw none.

“There’s the room,” Julieta said. They moved quickly and knocked on the door.

“It’s Julieta and me,” Tatiana said and the door was unlocked and opened.

“Get in here… are you okay?” Jozette asked and they nodded yes. Julieta ran to Little Wolf.

“Brave, how are you?”

“Not bad; Mr. Dave removed the bullet.” She felt his head.

“You’re warm, do you think infection has set in already?”

“Perhaps but I don’t feel feverish and I’m not in any strong pain.”

“I’m glad,” and she kissed his cheek.

“What happened with you?”

“We saw some men.”


“We killed them.” Little Wolf’s eyes widened.

“Did you kill any of them?”



“He was about to kill Tatiana.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. These guys are so bad I don’t see myself losing any sleep over it.”

“I’m glad, Maiden. I was worried but I was glad you were with Miss Tatiana.”

“Me too-she’s incredible, Brave.”

“She’s that alright.”

“What happened?” Justin asked Tatiana.

“There are men coming up and they’ll be here soon.”

“Did you have any encounters?” Jozette asked.

“We did.”

“And, since you and Julieta are here, I assume…” Jozette started.


“Hello.” Tatiana turned around and saw Dave looking down and smiling. She hugged her husband and he squeezed back.

“How are things here?”

“We’re holding and waiting for what to do next.”

“How are the wounded?”