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“That was not my doing,” Kulagin said.

“This is all your doing,” Ellen replied.

“I have removed the problem.”

“You are the problem. You’re a psychotic megalomaniac obsessed with his own glory and place in history.” Trent motioned for Ellen not to antagonize Kulagin.

“I see you’re holding a gun, Madam President. Slide it over to me.”


“I won’t ask again.”

“Well just so we’re clear I’m not giving you the gun.”

“Then I’ll be forced to kill more of your people.”

“I thought you’d say that; President Deniken and I have an answer for that type of threat.” With that Ellen grabbed Sergei and pointed the gun at his head.

“What are you doing?”

“What needed to be done a long time ago. You see this security thing is all backwards. Too many people have died or been hurt trying to protect me. That stops right now. I’m the President of the United States and I took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. What I should’ve been pledging to protect was the people of my country. How can I do that if they keep getting in the way of bullets meant for me? No, from now on I’m going to take the bullets meant for my people starting right here today.” Kulagin was dumbfounded and he didn’t know what to say. “Well, where’s your platitudes about Stalin? None, okay, so this is how it’s going to be going forward. If any harm comes to any of these people in this room. If one more person is hurt, I will shoot President Deniken in the head and then myself. If any of your men come close, I’ll do the same thing. With both of us dead, you’ll have nothing with which to bargain.”

“Do you play poker, Madam President?”

“I have.”

“Do you ever bluff?”


“What if I think you’re bluffing”

“There’s only one way to find out.”

“I like your style, Madam President.”

“I guess we’re at a stalemate,” Ellen said.

“Maybe but I could order a missile launched at your capital. I’m sure your husband and children are there.”

“They are.”

“How do you think they’ll do crawling through the rubble?”

“Can’t say but they’re resilient.”

“What will your people say if you let Washington DC go up in smoke? Or what if I order all missiles launched at New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angles, Atlanta and so on.?”

“I’d say how will your people do crawling through the rubble of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Volgograd etc.?” Kulagin lost his grin as he took a breath and pursed his lips.

“Like you said, Madam President, we’re at a standoff.

* * *

“Comrade, you’re here,” a guard said as Viktor Melenkov slipped in a side door at the Senate office building where the Presidents of Russia made their residence and office. Kulagin had people everywhere and they were ready for Melenkov and for the coup that they were sure was coming.

“Yes, I am; now secure the building as best you can. I’ll be in Deniken’s office.”

“Yes, Comrade.” The guard moved through the building seeing the guards who were fellow Stalinists. They weren’t all in Kulagin’s camp. About eight were Stalinists and twelve who were loyal to Deniken. Melenkov reached the office and closed the door behind him. He looked around and grinned.

“So, I’m here at last. The end of Sergei Deniken and the traitors who would sell out Russia.” He sat at the desk for a minute then called a number on his cell.

“Yes,” the voice said on the other end.

“Comrade, I am in the office.”

“Good, I’ve hit a snag here but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” Kulagin said.

“What next, Comrade?”

“I call Radinsky.”

“Good, good,” Melenkov said as he fidgeted like a little kid who just got what he wanted for Christmas.

“I’ll be in touch, keep things under control there.”

“Yes, Comrade.”

* * *

“That was a confederate and we now control the President’s office,” Kulagin said as he put his cell away.

“How do you know the army will support you” Sergei asked.

“They will when I explain my position on television tomorrow.” It was two in the morning and most of those in the room were sleepy. Andy, Jozette, Justin and Belinda were huddled near Little Wolf as Julieta sat on the floor holding his hand with her head on his lap. She was asleep. Ariel was next to Warren who was asleep. Dave was with Tatiana. He was asleep but she was wide awake and not taking her eyes off Kulagin.

“Brave what can we do?” Julieta whispered as she woke up.

“Not much right now. There are four heavily armed men and we saw they’re not afraid to shoot us.”

“The President is sure a brave woman,” Julieta said.

“That and she’s just like the rest of us in here,” Little Wolf said.


“She’s scared.” Julieta nodded.

“I know what you mean. I killed a man a few minutes ago and my knees are still shaking.”

“We’re all scared, baby,” Jozette said as she squeezed Julieta’s wrist.

“I wish I was back in Indiana drilling someone’s teeth.”

“I do too, but not mine,” Andy said and Julieta grinned.

“I’m scared, Justin,” Belinda said as she nuzzled as close as she could get to her husband while they sat on the floor against the wall.

“Me too.”

“That’s all you can say, me too?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“How about everything is going to be okay.”

“I wish I could say that.”

“You’re not sure we’ll be alright?” Belinda asked.

“Are you kidding? With this maniac in charge I’m not sure of anything.”

“Warren, how are you feeling?” A frightened Ariel asked.

“I’m not supposed to talk,” he whispered.

“I know but, how are you?”

“In pain, now I’m done talking.” He sealed his lips and she lay next to him and held his hand. Kulagin paced the floor and his three lieutenants, Kolchevsky, Manatov and Lanewsky stood guard over the hostages who were mostly asleep except for Tatiana and Little Wolf who were both wide awake and looking around the room. They checked everything; the door, the people and their position and the activities of the guards, checking for routine and any weaknesses. They were formulating ideas as they knew eventually, they’d have to make a move to stop the men who held them at gunpoint. If they were killed… well that was an occupational hazard.

* * *

“Here we go, gentlemen,” Yuri Petrovsky said as he nudged his sleeping agents.

“Where we going?” Abram asked.

“To stalk the quarry.” The sun was just starting to break over the trees so they could see fine. They approached the villa and stopped behind a clump of trees about two hundred feet away. They each had a pistol and a gun. It was a pistol that fired a dart carrying a very powerful knockout drug that took effect in seconds.

“What’s this for?” Pavel asked showing his stun gun.

“The morning is always a good time to ambush. People are sluggish and off their guard. The dart will take effect in about ten seconds. Try to hit the face or neck area. The drug will act quicker the closer it is to the main arteries. You have silencers so we don’t raise any suspicions from the neighbors down the road. After we take out a couple of the agents it’ll get edgier and be prepared to kill the rest. Most of all we have to protect the lives of Prime Minister Berelenov and his wife.”