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Wow, that was pathetic. Even I was embarrassed at that answer. I glance over at her and I can see her blushing a little under her light brown hair. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

“That was the most ridiculous line I’ve ever heard,” she said. Okay, it was as bad as I thought. We walk up to our next class and I wish we didn’t have to go in. I was enjoying talking to her and getting to know her.

After our third class, we walk over to the cafeteria. “Do you wanna eat together?” I can see her hesitate. I hope my bad line earlier didn’t scare her off.

“Um…yea, I guess so.”

We walked through the buffet line and got our food. I was glad to see she had food on her plate and not just an apple and a piece of lettuce. I couldn’t stand it when girls refused to eat. There was nothing sexy about a stick.

I saw my two best friends at a table and they were trying to wave me over. Shawn, Jason and I had been inseparable since the first day of high school. We were always together and we always had each other’s back. It was as much of a family as my dad, brother, sister and I were.

Shawn had said that any great group needed a nickname so he started referring to us as the “Three Musketeers.” Jason and I thought it was ridiculous, but we went along with it. We were all so different, but I think that is why we were all so close. Shawn is definitely the brain of the group. I swear he never even needed to study for tests. To say the least, I was jealous of him.

Jason is the asshole. He’d tell you how he felt whether you wanted to hear it or not. He didn’t take shit from anyone and wasn’t scared of confrontation. They looked at me like I was crazy when they saw Maddy walking over with me. “Guys, this is Madison. Madison this is Shawn and Jason.”

We all sat and talked while we ate, and she seemed like she was starting to get comfortable. The guys said they needed to go to their next class, and it was just Maddy and me. We were sitting there enjoying spending time with each other when I saw Chris Johnson coming our way. I hated that guy so much. He was a pompous ass who thought daddy’s money could get him anything he wanted. I had a few run-ins with him last year at different parties. He treated girls like shit. When he saw me, he smirked and kept on coming.

My whole body tensed. He better not try to mess with Maddy because I’ll lay him out right here. Jesus, where did that come from? I’ve only known this girl for about three hours and I’m ready to knock someone out for her. He walks up behind Maddy and puts his hand on her shoulder. Did they know each other? As she turns around I see a look of disappointment flash across her face. What the hell was going on?

She turns back to me and the smile I’d been staring at all morning is gone. “Carter, this is my boyfriend, Chris. Chris, this is Carter. He saved me from getting lost all morning.”

Her boyfriend? What? I’d never even thought to ask her if she had a boyfriend. I can’t say I’m surprised though. “We’ve met before.” I couldn’t hide my sullen expression. I’m definitely disappointed. I look up at Chris and can tell he is loving it. He knew exactly what I’d wanted. “Well, I’m gonna get going. I’ll see you on Wednesday, Maddy.”

I get up, throw my stuff away and walk out the door, away from the only girl in a long time that has managed to keep my attention...

Chapter Three


Carter looked so surprised when I said Chris was my boyfriend, that maybe I wasn’t imagining that he might be interested in me. Was it possible that Carter liked me? I mean why else would he have seemed so upset when Chris showed up.

Chris is still standing behind me. I hate feeling like his possession, his trophy. However, being someone’s trophy is much better than opening up your heart to someone and being hurt. I’ve been hurt and abandoned so much in my life that I don’t want to try anymore.

Chris treats me okay, I guess, and he seems to be happy with me. That is enough right now. I know that no matter what, Chris can’t break my heart because I have no intention of giving it to him.

Carter, on the other hand, scares me. I felt things in the three hours I was with him that I’ve never felt before, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to run away from it. I don’t need any complications in my life right now. I just need to focus on my classes and making my relationship work. I guess, in a way, it is good that Chris came when he did. I was getting too comfortable with Carter.

Chris sits down next to me. “What the hell where you doing having lunch with Carter James?” Shit, was he mad? How did he know Carter?

“He is in my first three classes and offered to show me where to go and stuff. You’re back early. I thought you weren’t getting in until tomorrow.” He looks at me for what seems like forever. Can he tell that I am attracted to Carter? God, I hope not.

“Let’s go back to your room.” He stands up and holds out a hand to me. This is not good. Damn, I should have just told Carter no.

The walk to my building takes about half the normal time because Chris is practically pulling me with him. I can tell he is angry. His whole body is tense. I am dreading getting to my room. I’m silently praying my roommate is there, but her emails said she’d be getting in later tonight. We get to my door and I unlock it. Chris pushes me in and closes the door. I trip on the way in and am now on the floor, looking up at him.

“You are mine! That means you don’t disrespect me by sitting there and flirting with Carter Fucking James at my school!” His foot finds my side, and I bite back the scream that tries to push its way out. “You want to go be with him, Madison? You want to go be one of the many whores he fucks and never calls again?” Another kick, this time against my thigh. “You will stay away from him and any other prick that comes up to you, do you understand me?” I am crying so hard all I can do is nod. He opens the door, slams it, and leaves me there.

I hate that he gets like this, and I hate myself for letting it happen. The first time Chris had ever hit me was our first summer together.

We were going to the beach with his family and I’d just bought a new bikini. I wanted to look nice for him. We were only on the beach for about a half hour when he leaned in my ear and said we were leaving because I didn’t feel good. I felt fine and was confused by it, but I figured if he wanted to leave then we should go. We said our goodbyes to his family and drove back to his house.

He wouldn’t talk to me the whole way home and when we got there, he dragged me up to his room. As soon as he closed the door, he slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor. He called me a slut for wearing that bathing suit, and told me he could see how much I loved all the guys’ attention. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I hated being the center of attention. After that day, he never asked me to go to the beach again.

*  *  *

When I get to class Wednesday morning, Carter is waiting for me and it brings a smile to my face. I quickly wipe it off, though. “Carter, listen, we can’t hang out again like we did on Monday.”

“Why? Did I do something wrong?” I can tell by his expression that he is confused.

God, this is harder than it should be. “No, you didn’t do anything. It’s just best if we don’t hang out.”

“Let me guess. Your boyfriend doesn’t want you hanging out around the lower class. You know, Madison, I thought you were better than that.” He walks into class.

I hate that he thinks I’m that type of person.

I’m not, but he is right saying that Chris is.

I’m more like Carter then he knows.

Chapter Four


Why the hell am I so upset? I barely know the girl and she has a boyfriend. The thing is, I know I wasn’t imagining things. There is something between us, and it has been the first real thing I’ve felt in a while. I know that fucker Chris is the one who is behind this. I steal a glance at her during class every chance I can. Luckily, she never catches me.