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“Why didn’t Mom tell me?”

“I asked her not to say anything.”

“Why?” It stung that they could keep something like that from her.

“Because it’s therapy. It’s not something you brag about doing.”

“But I’m your sister.” She hated that he felt he couldn’t confide in her. He never used to be like that.

“I know. I’m sorry. It wasn’t personal,” Blake said.

Ruby inwardly shook herself. Blake had his reasons, and she had to accept that. She didn’t want to jeopardize their relationship now that it had started to get back to normal.

“That’s cool,” she said, smiling at him. Andi returned, and she and Blake headed for the dance floor.

“Let’s go and dance,” Drew said, taking her by the arm and leading her to a spot near the deejay’s setup.

“Can you believe that?” Ruby whispered in his ear as they danced.

“I was surprised, that’s for sure,” Drew replied.

“It hurt that he didn’t feel he could tell me about it though,” she admitted.

“Don’t sweat it. I’m sure he didn’t mean to upset you. It was just his way of dealing with it,” Drew said.

Ruby looked straight into Drew’s green eyes, and her heart flipped. Being with him made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

“I’m just being stupid. The main thing is for him to be happy,” she said.

“Like we are.” He kissed her gently on the cheek.

Desire flooded through her, and Ruby wrapped her arms tightly around him.

“Yes. Like we are.” She turned her head slightly so their lips met.

They’d kissed a hundred times before, but there was something different this time. She pulled back and looked at him. He smiled at her, that gorgeous, devastating smile that she was seeing more and more of as the weeks went on. She loved him, so much. And no matter how rocky their start had been, she knew that it had all been worth it.

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Huge thanks, as usual, to my critique partners Amanda Ashby and Christina Phillips for everything you’ve done over the years. I couldn’t have done it without you.

To everyone at Entangled Publishing, thank you for being such a great publisher to be with. Thank you to my amazing editor, Tracy Montoya, for your advice and support in helping to get this book together. Thanks to: Crystal Havens for all your help, to everyone in publicity, and to Heather Howland for another fabulous cover.

Finally, to my family, Garry, Alicia and Marcus. Thanks for all your support.

About the Author

Sara Hantz was born in Northampton, England, the eldest of four children (she has three younger brothers). School and Sara weren’t a match made in heaven. She was bored a lot of the time, and it seemed much more fun to dream up ways of disrupting lessons than to actually pay attention. Which could explain why she was always in trouble! But she redeemed herself later, when at twenty-one she went back to full-time study. Except she got carried away and became a bit of a “qualification tart.” She even worked in education for a number of years—lecturing.

But all that time, she was never content. She knew there was something missing, but just didn’t know what. Until she discovered writing.

She wasn’t one of those people who wrote as a small child. She did read, though, avidly. And it took her a few years of thinking about writing before she actually started. But now, she wouldn’t do anything else, and she never gets bored!

She moved to New Zealand (a beautiful country) from the UK fourteen years ago with her husband and four children. After working at a university for three years, she left to work in their hotel and devote more time to her writing. She wishes she’d done it sooner! Two years ago, she moved to the Sunshine Coast in Australia—another perfect place to write.

In her spare time, she loves going to the movies, watching TV, walking on the beach, and playing with her gorgeous Labrador. She loves to hear from readers. Visit www.sarahantz.com.

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Also by Sara Hantz…

In the Blood

Will the Real Abi Saunders Please Stand Up

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