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‘I’ve made my decision.’ Counting off on her fingers, Estelle said, ‘For a start, nothing’s going to make me want to go back to him. Secondly, he wouldn’t be distraught, that’s just not Oliver’s style. And number three,’ she concluded, ‘I doubt he’ll even notice I’ve gone.’

By midday the flat was looking fifty times better and Estelle was feeling like Wonderwoman. Ironic, really, that back in Ashcombe she paid Marcella to do most of the housework for her, yet here she was having the time of her life doing it herself.

Smugly, Estelle surveyed the vacuumed carpets, the dusted surfaces and the neat piles of magazines in the living room. In the kitchen, the mugs were now gratifyingly stain-free and the worktops sparkled.

Ruthless de-cluttering, that was the key. Now that she’d cleared away all the extraneous rubbish, she could set about improving the flat in other ways, jazz it upa bit with some nice cushions, vases of flowers, bright rugs and a few decent prints on the walls – come to think of it, the walls could do with a fresh coat of paint, maybe she’d go out on a shopping trip this afternoon- Bbbrrrrpppp went the doorbell.

Startled, Estelle froze. Will hadn’t said anything about the doorbell ringing. What was she supposed to do now?

While she was wondering, it rang again. Cautiously she made her way over to the window and peered out.

Although there really was no need to be cautious, Estelle reminded herself. She was allowed to be here. And it was hardly likely to be Oliver, begging her to forgive him and come home.

The lanky lad on the pavement was wearing a cycle helmet and carrying a package. Oh well, even she could manage to take a package in. Raking her hands through her hair, Estelle ran downstairs to open the front door.

The delivery boy looked distinctly taken aback when he saw Estelle. In her hurry to get on with cleaning up the flat, she hadn’t actually got around to dressing this morning. Double-checking that her peacock blue cotton robe wasn’t gaping open, Estelle said nicely, ‘Is that for Will Gifford? I can take it.’

The boy didn’t hand it over; he was too busy boggling at her. For heaven’s sake, was opening the front door in your dressing gown not the done thing in London? Was it against the law?

‘Really,’ Estelle persisted, ‘I can. It’ll be safe with me.’ Cautiously the boy said, ‘Do you ...

um, live at this address?’

He’d clearly delivered packages to Will before and was making sure she wasn’t some madwoman who liked to break into strange houses and steal other people’s parcels.

‘Yes, yes, I live with Will.’ God, it felt lovely saying that. ‘He’s at work just now, but he’ll be back this evening. I’ll make sure he gets it then. Where do you want me to sign?’ Belatedly, Estelle realised he wasn’t carrying a clipboard.

‘No need.’ Handing over the package, the boy said, ‘It’s just the latest tape from the edit suite; Will wanted to check it out himself. You’re Estelle, right?’

Startled, Estelle wondered how he could possibly know her name.

The boy broke into a geeky grin. ‘Yeah, that’s it, got it now. Recognised you from the tape.’

Chapter 42

When he’d wandered into the Fallen Angel in order to innocently enquire why there was no one at Dauncey House, it had occurred to Will that if Kate refused to tell him what had been happening, he was going to be stuck.

Thankfully, this didn’t happen; Kate sang like a canary. On tape. Only too keen to bring Will up to date, she didn’t even object to being filmed while the whole sorry story came tumbling out.

‘And now Mum’s gone. God knows where,’ Kate concluded heatedly. ‘She just took off, yesterday afternoon. I mean, what must she be going through? She could be suicidal for all he cares ...

that’s so typical of my father, the only person he’s bothered about is himself.’

Will kept the camera rolling. This was perfect. In his diffident, apologetic way he said, ‘So you’re concerned about your mum.’

‘Of course I’m concerned about her!’ Kate looked at him as if he were mad.

‘Not so long ago, the two of you seemed, well, not so close.’

‘She’s my mum. Until she gets in touch, I won’t even know if she’s still alive.’ Kate paused, then said abruptly, ‘OK, switch that thing off now. Don’t try and make out I’m just some cold bitch who was always horrible towards my mother.’

Will, having switched off the video, was now replacing the lens cap and fitting the camera back into its carrying case. He said mildly, ‘I wasn’t trying to do that, but I’m glad you spotted it.’

‘Oh, don’t practise your amateur psychology on me.’ Kate looked defensive. ‘I know I wasn’t that great when I came back to live here, OK? I was under a lot of pressure.’

‘That great? You had an attitude problem the size of Texas.’ To soften the blow, Will said, ‘Anyway, you’ve come on in leaps and bounds since then. And I’m glad you appreciate your mother more now.’

I know I do.

You sound like a trendy vicar,’ snapped Kate.

Will patted her arm. ‘Right, I’m heading over to the hospital. See if Oliver’ll speak to me.’

When he’d ambled out of the pub, Dexter stopped sweeping up spilled peanuts and said, ‘Does he have his eye on you?’

‘Fancies me rotten, if that’s what you mean.’ With a brief smile, Kate said, ‘It’s pretty obvious. He hangs around our house like a puppy, half the time when Dad isn’t even there.’

‘I have exactly the same problem with Nicole Kidman.’ Dexter nodded gravely, then waited. ‘And?’

‘Oh please, I know I’m ugly but I’m not that desperate.’ Kate’s lip curled with derision. Will Gifford just has a high opinion of himself. He can’t quite believe I don’t fancy him back.’

Will persuaded Oliver to come outside the hospital and talk to him, just for five minutes.

‘I’m so sorry, it’s a terrible thing - to happen.’ Will was genuinely sympathetic. ‘How’s Tiff?’

‘Not so good.’ Rubbing his face, which was grey with fatigue, Oliver said, ‘The doctors are doing everything they can, but it’s ... you know. Hard.’ He paused, indicating the whirring camera. ‘Do we have to do this now?’

‘Your wife has left you,’ said Will. ‘We need to see your side of the story. You do have a reputation as a ruthless businessman,’ he pointed out. ‘This way, the viewers will be touched by your anguish.’

Angrily Oliver said, ‘I don’t give a fuck about the viewers. It’s not their sympathy I’m after.

Tiff’s my son and I love him.’

‘Of coarse you do, of course you do.’ Will’s voice was consoling. ‘It’s a tragic situation. What a way for your wife to find out that you had a love child actually living right there in Ashcombe. How did she feel about that?’

‘Not too happy, obviously.’ Oliver’s tone was curt. ‘She’s gone, hasn’t she?’

‘Do you think she felt humiliated? Made a fool of? Do you have any idea,’ Will persisted,

‘where she is now?’

A look of pain crossed Oliver’s face. He shook his head. ‘Look, I can’t concentrate on this. I need to get back to the ward.’

‘Would it be possible to have a word with Juliet? Do you think she’d come out and speak to me?’

‘I’m sorry.’ Oliver had already turned to leave. ‘Absolutely not.’

‘Hang on, did somebody switch front doors? Am I in the wrong flat?’

‘Surprise,’ Estelle sang out, flinging her arms round Will, covering him with kisses and simultaneously dragging him through to the living room.