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Kane nodded. “No worries. You want to meet up in the cafeteria for some lunch today? My treat?”

“Fries?” Dara grinned at them both.

“Sounds perfect,” Jack agreed. “You got your walkie-talkies? We can touch base once we’re done a few runs and arrange to meet.”

Jack stood and slid next to Dara. She offered her lips without any prompting, and Kane thought how much things had changed in just a couple days. How had they spent so many years together without getting involved? Kissing her seemed as natural as breathing, holding her just as right. They waved Jack off and turned to stand in line for their turn on the lift.

It was time to add a little fun to their day, Kane-style. “So, you enjoying your trip to Big White?”

Dara smiled at him. “Very much.”

“How long you here for?” A furrow appeared between her brows. He hurried on, knowing she’d catch on soon enough. “I’m here until Sunday. Sure hope the ski conditions hold.”

Her eyes widened as she figured out what he was doing and he fought to hide his grin. “Oh, I got here a few days ago myself. Yeah, the conditions are great.”

“Have you found a favourite run yet?”

“There’s a super one to the right of the chair, if you like them hard.”

Kane took a deliberate ogle down her body before looking her in the eye. “I know how I like them. Do you like them hard?”

Someone behind them snickered as they slipped into position for the chair to pick them up. Dara spoke softly. “You’re such a perv.”

“You wanna play some more?” he whispered back.

The look she turned on him was pure Dara. “Come here often?”

The entire ride up they exchanged sexually loaded innuendo until she was squirming in place. “Shit, Kane, you need to stop. I’m already hanging out the front of my ski pants, I don’t need to have a wet crotch as well.”

“People will just think you fall down a lot.”

She hit him on the arm. “How dare you insult me? I don’t fall down.”

“Well, there was that one time I seem to remember you doing a few spectacular wipeouts. Your first day on a snowboard.”

She laughed. “Oh my God, I’d forgotten you were there to see that. Good thing I’m flexible, or I would have snapped something for sure.”

He caught her eye and let the heat he felt for her simmer to the surface. “I think I’d like to see just how flexible you can be.”

Dara stared at his mouth, her pink tongue slipping out to peek between her lips and leave behind a shimmer of moisture. “Hmmm, that sounds—intriguing. But that would require you to catch me first, and I somehow don’t think you’re fast enough.”

They’d reached the top of the lift, slipping off the chair and heading toward the run they’d done earlier. Kane had to stop to fasten on his second boot. As he fumbled for the buckles, she stuck out her tongue and saucily wiggled her ass before poling hard and heading for the trees.

By the time he caught up to her, they were already a third of the way down the hill. He cut her off and laughed as she shouted, pulling out of his path. He herded her closer and closer to the trees, keeping an eye out for other skiers. The run was fairly empty—only expert skiers would take this route in the first place and the closer it got to lunch the fewer bodies remained.

She turned to the right and he paced her, coming in low on her side and forcing her back to the left. Small trails disappeared into the bush, and he saw the moment she made her break, turning sharply and disappearing from the main run. He followed her, staying on a higher trail so he could track her direction. They descended farther, Dara laughing the entire time until she pulled to a stop on top of a small rise hidden in the trees. She leaned over her poles, panting hard.

“Okay, I give up. You win.”

Kane glanced around quickly as he released one foot from his board. He maneuvered her back toward the nearest birch tree tucked in amidst all the fir and spruce.

“What are you doing? Kane, are you insane?” She was still laughing as he crowded her body with his. Her skis extended backward on either side of the tree, and he braced himself between her legs, rocking his groin against her core. Dara grinned her approval. “Oh hello, not insane.”

She ripped off her helmet and dropped it mindlessly to the snow before fumbling with his chinstrap. The instant it was loose, she shoved his helmet off as well, letting it crash and roll away as she dug her fingers into his hair and hauled his lips against hers.

God, she tasted good. Sunshine and fresh air and all Dara. Sweet and alive and he lifted her up slightly to get a better grip on her ass. He thrust his hips, rocking his erection hard against her body, her legs and skis dangling in mid-air. He didn’t care how heavy it was to hold her up, could only think of the violent need in his groin to slip into her warmth again.

She yanked his mouth from hers, a gasp escaping her lips. “Jesus, Kane, why’d you start this out here? I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me.”

Sweet mercy. “Oh, I can so do that.”

He lowered her, frantically scrambling through his pockets to find the condom he’d hidden away that morning in the hopes of just such an event. Dara wiggled, struggling to keep her balance as she unzipped and rearranged her clothing.

“Damn it, Kane, I can’t…”

He paused in the process of hauling out his cock. She’d managed to open her zippers but her long underwear stood between him and paradise.

“You like those undies, sweetheart?” Screw it. If she did, he’d buy her new ones. He dropped to one knee, snagged the fabric in his fingers and, with one harsh pull, ripped the crotch open.

“Thank you. Hurry.” She stole the condom from between his teeth where he’d placed it for safekeeping, and shredded the plastic wrapper. He stood still as she reached down to cover him. Her warm hands surrounded him, and he hissed, holding back from coming at the mere touch of her fingers.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry—” Dara leaned against the tree and opened as wide as she could, tilting her hips forward.

In an instant he nudged at her core with his cock. After the icy air surrounding him, her scalding heat welcomed him in. He squatted slightly to find the right angle, lined up and drove in with one hard motion.

She gave a cry of delight and clutched his shoulders. “Oh yes, Kane…”

With one wild thrust after another he plunged into her, their heated gasps filling the air with a cloud of fog. The faint noises of the forest and skiers swooshing by in the distance faded away, overwhelmed by the incredible gasps of pleasure from her lips. Wet sounds from where their bodies joined carried up to him, adding to the pleasure rocking his mind. Inside Dara, playing games and laughing, even as he loved her. He wanted this forever.

The heat of their bodies almost crackled in the air. When she grabbed him by the head and pulled their lips together, moaning with her release, he let go, driving his cock as deep as possible as he poured into the condom.

They stood, pinned together like some frozen butterfly specimen, waiting for his brain to resume functioning. He was locked into a half crouch, and if he moved the wrong way, he was likely to end up flat on his ass with his dick hanging out. He dropped his head to her shoulder and sucked for air.

“That…holy moly…that was fucking marvelous.”

He laughed in response. “You’re a dirty girl, Dara. I love it.”

She cupped his cheek in her hand. He savoured the sensation for a moment before they parted and worked to put everything back in place.

Kane caught her looking at him with an amused expression on her face. “What?”

She gestured toward his slowly deflating cock as he dealt with the condom and tucked himself away. “Cold air is supposed to make that thing smaller, not bigger. Oh, and good job on being a boy scout.”