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“If there are kinky sexual experiences Dara wants to try, you prefer she experiment with us or some nameless guys off the street?”

Dara hit him in the chest. “Yeah, right. Like I’m going to put out an ad in the paper for a threesome, Jack. I’m not an idiot.”

“A threesome?” The flash of lightning her words produced short-circuited his logic center. Every time she spoke she upped the ante. Fuck this. She wanted to have a discussion about them getting it on? Welcome to reality. He picked her up and plopped her into his lap. She squealed for a second, then gripped the top of the towel so hard her knuckles went white. He stroked a finger across her smooth skin above her hands, wondering what she would taste like.

He could barely wait to find out.

“No, you are not an idiot. But you’ve managed to freak me out. Sweetheart, we’ve never kissed beyond platonic busses on the cheek and you’re talking about sex. That does things to a guy.”

She wiggled slightly and there was no way she could miss one of the things that it did to him. His cock was at full strength, pinned behind the taut fabric of his jeans. The curve of her ass pressed down on him and her eyes opened wide as she realized what she sat on. “Fuck.”

“Hell yeah, fuck.” Jack wrapped his arms around her and held her close, breathing in the scent of her skin. She whimpered as he brushed his lips against the pulse pounding in the vee of her throat. He was going to explode just from the thoughts filling his head.

A ménage. With Dara. God damn.

“Jack, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mess up our holiday. I just care a lot about—”

He covered her mouth with his to silence her. With her lips open to speak, their tongues met instantly and in a flash her taste filled him. Sweet, with a twist of cinnamon from her gum, the lingering taste of chocolate. He kissed her, leaning back on the couch and dragging her with him so her slight weight pressed on him more fully. She dug her fingers into his hair and suddenly it wasn’t enough. He crushed her closer, the top of the towel sneaking down to her waist as their tongues tangled together. God, the woman could kiss. She took his mouth like she took to the hills, full out, full speed—caution be damned.

The sounds escaping her registered like early warning signs. Little gasps as he nipped at her lips, a long drawn-out moan as he kissed his way down her throat. A whispered plea when he rearranged her on his lap without taking his mouth from her skin. She straddled his hips, the heat of her core resting on top of his erection and damn if he didn’t want to strip them both and let her ride him.

Go slow.

His brain shouted it, but his body protested vehemently. He rocked his hips instinctively, rubbing against her center and they both swore.

Fuck going slow. He grabbed her hips and ground her over him, sucking one nipple then the other into his mouth. The sweet tips felt amazing as he rolled them under his tongue, her hands clutching his head to trap him in place.

Closer and higher his climax approached, the tightness in his balls flashing to pain. Moisture from her sex coated the ridge of fabric barely containing his erection, the heat of her cream bleeding through to taunt him. She gave a little cry and called out his name, rolling her hips over him slower as he grunted with his release.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the hell had just happened?

The balcony doors clicked shut as they broke apart, gasping for air.

“Well.” Dara bit her bottom lip.

Jack panted a few times, waiting for a sign some blood had returned to his brain. He reached up and swiped his thumb over the swollen surface she’d nipped. He could kiss her for hours. Someday, if he had his way, he would. “Bit more than a ‘well’. Shit, woman, I came in my jeans.”

She glanced down at their groins, a grin covering her face. “Not quite the first time I’d imagined, but I enjoyed it.”

“You’re just happy you made me lose control.” He collapsed back on the couch, his ears still ringing from his climax. Zero points for style, but he didn’t really give a fuck at the moment.

Shit…he needed a minute. Responding any further before his brain went back online was a bad idea. He cupped the back of her neck and drew her against him. Dara sighed softly, nuzzling closer. They sat in silence until the pounding beat of their hearts slowed.

She sat up and the brightness of her smile melted most of his lingering apprehension away. “You don’t hate me for putting you on the spot?”

“Of course I don’t hate you. You’re our best friend and you want to have sex with us? If you’d asked us over coffee or something, that could have made it a little easier, but we might not have believed you were serious. All in all, Kane and I are tough. We’ll survive being asked for sexual favours.” He glanced toward the balcony. Kane sat on the railing, staring at the ski resort. While there was nothing he wanted more than to keep Dara in his arms—and his bed—all weekend long, that wasn’t what she’d asked for.

Until the weekend was over, he had no right to demand her to himself.

He swept his gaze down her torso, admiring her breasts and the smooth skin of her belly inches away from him. Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks were flushed. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”

“Such a poet.” She bit her lip again, glancing out at Kane.

Fuck. Jack hesitated for a second. She was certainly aware of Kane’s location at all times. He gave up. “You’re going to need to go to him.”

Her head snapped around. “You…don’t mind?”

“Hell, yeah, but it’s kind of hard to have a ménage with only two people.” He loosened his grip on her hips, stroking the soft skin under his hands, rubbing his thumbs back and forth lightly. “Dara, if you’re sure this is something you want to try, I’m honoured you trust us that much. At anytime if you want to stop, that’s all you have to say. You understand me?”

She nodded, leaning into him, her head resting on his shoulder as she hugged him close. “You’re my best friends, Jack. I trust you both completely.”

As he skimmed his hand over her bare back, caressing her skin and feeling her shiver under his touch, he wondered. She was trusting them with everything—not just her body, but her heart—and that gift was the most precious thing he could imagine.

He stood, lowering her slowly to the floor. When she fumbled with the towel covering her, he reached out and helped her secure it, his fingers slowing as he brushed the rounded tops of her breasts.

She stared at him for a full minute before she turned to join Kane on the balcony.

He watched her walk away, her hips swaying easily from side to side, and he wondered how in the world he could possibly share her for the next three nights and not be changed.


He continued to stare away from her as she waited. Temperamental ass. Fine. She knew how to handle Kane when he was in a mood. She grabbed him by the back of the collar and pulled hard. He slipped off the railing to land in a puddle at her feet.

“Fuck it, Dara, what was that for?”

She glared at him. “I wanted to apologize for springing this idea of mine on you, and it’s too freaking cold to stand here in my bare feet while you pout.”

“I do not pout, and damn right you should apologize.”

She stuck out her lower lip. “Did I offend your delicate feelings with my wicked proposal?”

He leered at her as he rose to his feet. “Hell no, I was just trying to figure out how you managed to avoid suggesting it a long time ago. Two righteous studs at your beck and call for years, and it took you this long to finally come to your senses?”