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Some of the officers who had gone over earlier paid hundreds of dollars a month in rent to live in an American enclosure, a huge amount of money back then. Instead of living with Americans, I asked my RAF counterpart who made my moving arrangements to find us an English house to rent. He located a beautiful five-bedroom bungalow in Crookham Village, with a large vegetable garden in the back. It was quite close to the air base at Farnborough, in the pleasant rural county of Hampshire, and cost about a fifth of the rent for the American compound. In such beautiful surroundings, I no longer felt sad about missing out on an Edwards assignment in the dusty California desert.

My family became completely immersed in the British way of life. We went weeks at a time without seeing another American except in my classes. Our two daughters started school, and because they were still so young, they picked up English accents amazingly fast. To our amusement, Pam and I found that we now had two children who sounded like they were born and raised in Hampshire.

It was a fascinating time to be in England. In 1964, after years of austerity following World War II, the country was coming to life again. You could feel it in the music; the Beatles were really making a big splash. Every Friday night we would have a party at the officers’ club. They’d pack a hundred people into a tiny room, play Beatles records, and we’d party all night long. I still consider my British friends to be the best I ever had.

Even though we lived in England, we threw a Fourth of July celebration at my house. A little insensitive, perhaps; after all, the British lost that war. However, I wanted to show my English colleagues how we Americans could throw a good party. My whole class came over to my home, as well as all the instructors. We had cold American bottled beer, hamburgers, hot dogs, and potato salad exactly as we would have served it in the States. At that time in England, these dishes were pretty exotic. Although the English pilots insisted on calling us “colonials” that day, they had a great time. The commandant of the school even showed up, in a full dress uniform with white gloves. He probably regretted that when he began to run around, playing a game where we threw raw eggs over the bungalow while others tried to catch them on the other side. Those white gloves didn’t stay clean for long.

The British taught test flying very differently than Americans. We had to do everything by hand; there were no electronic recording devices. Back in the States, a big control room recorded the test data. In England, I measured data myself, took my own notes in the air, and wrote my own reports.

Some may have thought the American, more high-tech approach was better, but I didn’t. I had to really think about what I was doing while learning to test fly in England, rather than rely on the ground to record everything for me. Perhaps because I enjoyed a hands-on relationship with cars and other mechanical things, I found this approach far more interesting. A handheld gauge told me precisely how much force I exerted on the stick when I pulled it, and I would use this in the air together with a tape measure and a notebook while carefully testing the aircraft. I could directly measure what happened whenever I made the slightest adjustment to the airplane. It sounds old-fashioned, for a pilot to be fiddling with a handheld force gauge while flying a jet, but by personally reading off the forces I placed on the airplane, I felt even closer to the machine. It was incredibly valuable, because I learned what it took to make each aircraft perform at its best.

I don’t recall any of my American colleagues looking down their noses at this more direct testing method. In fact, we all really appreciated our time in England because, if we had been in the United States, we would only have been allowed to fly two different types of aircraft, maximum. At Farnborough, I flew at least thirteen varieties, from a tiny de Havilland Chipmunk propeller airplane all the way up to a Vickers Viscount airliner that could seat around fifty passengers. We flew a wonderful diversity of unique aircraft with intriguing names like Provost, Devon, Dove, Canberra, and Skyhawk. We even flew gliders: it was pilot heaven. The British philosophy was that we were pilots, so we should be able to fly anything. It was quite different from the American mindset of specializing in one kind of fighter jet.

Most of the time, we flew Hawker Hunters or Gloster Meteors. The Meteor was the first operational British jet fighter and a potentially deadly airplane—not only for the enemy, but also for the pilot. It was tricky to fly, and in certain flight conditions the Meteor would become unstable and almost uncontrollable. The Hawker Hunter, on the other hand, was one of the best airplanes I ever flew. It was smooth, comfortable, easy to fly, yet very powerful. I loved to spin upside down and watch the world rotate around me. I fell in love with that airplane, and flew as many of my test exercises in it as I could.

At Farnborough we’d start the day with academic sessions, then have lunch, often with a pint of beer, before we suited up and went flying. There were some British flying practices that weren’t necessarily better—in fact, I am sure they don’t do them anymore—and drinking before flying was certainly one of them. But that beer accompanied some of the most wonderful lunches I ever had in the military. I learned to love eating fish while I was in England, and I have never had Dover sole as good as I had at Farnborough. We’d finish up the lunch with a traditional English brandy-soaked trifle dessert with custard, empty our beer glasses, and head down to the operations area to go flying. Once there, we had one more lunchtime treat before we’d take to the air. The cleaning lady at the flight line office always had a big mug of hot tea ready for us. It was the strongest tea I ever tasted: you could probably have stood a spoon up in it. It was the perfect refreshment before a long flight and probably also helped counter any bad effects of the lunchtime alcohol.

Farnborough was my first time living overseas, and I loved it. I didn’t have to learn a new language, which made adapting easier. As part of the training, we students traveled all over the island. We would pile into the Viscount and head off to airplane manufacturers in towns like Blackpool and Edinburgh. We’d visit anywhere and anyone related to aviation. I also found time to take Pam and the kids on some great trips to places like Bristol, Lancaster, the beautiful castles of north Wales, and the lovely city of Chester with its impressive Roman and medieval city walls and buildings. Learning how to drive on the left was intriguing enough. But even the roads were different. Some followed the path of old Roman highways, which would cut across the landscape in a straight line. Others, English-style roads, wound around the contours of hills, so there were few rises and dips to negotiate.

To get around, I bought a Volkswagen Beetle. Like all cars in England, it was a stick shift. I drove to the store at South Ruislip Air Station every week to buy groceries and also to do something a little extra: I was the unofficial supplier of liquor for my British colleagues. With coupons from the American Embassy I could get it at the air force store for a dollar a bottle. English ladies had a particular liking for straight shots of tequila, so I had to buy extra bottles every week.

I soon realized, however, that Pam didn’t want to drive the car. In my haste, I had never asked what kind she would feel comfortable driving. When we finally talked about it, I learned that she was frightened to drive on the left-hand side of the road. She also didn’t want to learn how to change gears. So I compromised with her and traded the Beetle for an American Oldsmobile station wagon with an automatic transmission.