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“No, Mama, I am not enjoying myself!” he replied, with admirable restraint.

“Oh, dear!” she sighed. “I thought you would! Why, you were used positively to revel in hoaxing people! Quite as much as Evelyn did! And if ever you were discovered it was always he who made the fatal slip, never you!”

His fingers closed round her hand. “Do but consider!” he begged. “In the old days we were just kicking up a lark: we never ran that rig for a serious purpose! Now, think, love! What if the fellow I met today had known me? You might trust Ripple with the truth, but how could I trust a stranger, who, for anything I know, may be no more than a chance acquaintance of Evelyn’s? The story would have been all over town by now, and what would be Miss Stavely’s feelings when it reached her ears’?”

She thought this over, and nodded. “Very true! It wouldn’t do, would it? So awkward to explain it satisfactorily! You don’t think Cressy suspects, do you?”

He shook his head. “No, because she scarcely knows Evelyn. But she’s no fool, Mama, and if she grew to know me—then she would recognize the imposture as soon as she met Evelyn again.”

“Yes, but she won’t grow to know you. You shall leave for Ravenhurst immediately, and if Evelyn hasn’t returned by then—though surely he will have done so?—I shall join you next week. It would look very particular, you know, if I were to leave London in a pelter.”

“Of course it would, and I beg you won’t do so! You need not come to Ravenhurst at all, love: you will be bored to death there!”

“Kit, how can you think me such an unnatural wretch?” she said indignantly. “It is all my fault that you are obliged to air your heels in the country, and the least I can do is to bear you company! For it isn’t as though you have a chere amie in England, which, of course, would be far more amusing for you—though I don’t think you could take her to Ravenhurst, even if you had.”

“No,” he said unsteadily. “I don’t think I could!” His gravity broke down; he went into a fit of laughter, gasping: “Oh, Mama, what next will you say? First it was Ripple’s corset, and now my chere-amie! Such a want of delicacy, love!”

“Fiddle, Kit! What a wet-goose I should be if I thought you knew nothing about the muslin company! Of course you do, though not, I fancy, as much as Evelyn does, which I am excessively thankful for. Oh, Kit, what can have happened to Evelyn? Where is he?”

He stopped laughing, and put his arm round her, giving her a reassuring hug. “Don’t worry, Mama! I know no more than you do what can have happened to him, but I’m very sure he’s safe and sound somewhere. As for where he is, it seems to me that since he was last heard of at Ravenhurst I may be able to discover a clue if I go there myself. So no falling into the dismals, if you please! Promise?”

She put up a hand to stroke his cheek, smiling mistily at him. “You are such a comfort, dearest! I’ll try to keep up my spirits, but it will be a struggle to do so when you’ve gone away. And when I recall that I shall have to visit old Lady Stavely I feel ready to sink!”


Leaving Fimber to follow him with such articles of his brother’s wardrobe as Fimber considered indispensable, Kit drove himself down to Sussex in Evelyn’s curricle, taking Challow with him. This individual lost no time in quashing the several plans he had formed for discovering Evelyn’s whereabouts. He described these, with the freedom of an old and trusted servant, as caper-witted, adding, with some severity, that saving only his lordship he had never known anyone with more maggots in his head than Mr Kit. “Being as you’ve set yourself up as his lordship, sir, there ain’t nothing you can do to find him. A capital go it would be if you was to go round the countryside asking after him!”

Accustomed to the faithful henchman’s strictures, Kit said mildly: “I’m not really as bacon-brained as you think—not that that’s praising myself to the skies! As far as inquiring after my brother goes I know very well I’m hamstrung. But—”

“Yes, sir, you are. And if you’ve taken a notion into your nous-box that I can do it for you, you’re beside the bridge! In course, no one wouldn’t think there was any havey-cavey business going on if I was to start asking after my lord when he’s known to be at Ravenhurst! Oh, no! Not if I didn’t ask any but whopstraws they wouldn’t! And don’t you humbug yourself into thinking everyone won’t know it, Mr Kit, because there ain’t anything that happens at Ravenhurst but what it’s talked of all over! You’ll have to show yourself abroad now-and-now, too, for you don’t want it to look as if you was hiding yourself: that ’ud make you look brummish straight off!”

“Yes, I know all that,” Kit said. “I was thinking of the toll-gates, and the pikes.”

“Well, sir, I don’t deny I’ve thought of ’em myself,” confessed Challow. “It’s my belief it won’t fadge to go asking questions there any more than it will anywhere else. Now, just you think! I do know that his lordship drove off through the main gates, but which way he took when he reached the lane I don’t know, and even if I was to discover that, cunning-like, from Tugby, at the lodge, it’s my belief it wouldn’t do us a bit of good. If he turned left-handed, it looks like he was making for the London road, but I don’t think he did, because I took that road myself, only a couple of hours after his lordship drove off, and the pike-keeper where you come out on to the post-road knows both him and me, and not a word did he say about having seen my lord when he opened the pike to let me through. Seems to me it’s more likely he turned right-handed when he got to the lane, but that don’t do us a bit of good neither. You know as well as I do, Mr Kit, that it’s not more than five miles till you get to the end of the lane that way and only a step from the village. If I was to start inquiring after his lordship at that pike, we’d have the busyhead that keeps it flashing the gab in an ant’s foot, which would send my lord up into the boughs when he got to hear about it.”

“There are other pikes and toll-gates on the road,” Kit said shortly.

“To be sure there are, sir, and a very busy road it is,” agreed Challow. “Was you thinking of sending me to ask at all the gates and pikes up and down it, which ain’t near enough to Ravenhurst for the keepers to recognize his lordship? Because it wouldn’t fit, Master Kit! Who’s going to remember one phaeton more or less a fortnight back? Ay, and even if I did get wind of his lordship how would I know whether he didn’t perhaps turn off the post-road somewheres? I tell you, sir, it ain’t no manner of use: he could be anywhere!”

“I’m well aware of that,” Kit replied, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. “I don’t know where to look for him, even if I weren’t masquerading, because I don’t know his habits, or the company he has been keeping. But don’t you know, Challow?” The groom did not answer; and, after a moment, Kit glanced at him, and saw that he was frowning. “Come, man, unbutton!” he commanded. “You surely can’t suppose that my brother would want you to keep anything a secret from me!”

“It ain’t that, Master Kit,” Challow said, shaking his head. “The mischief is I don’t know—not by a long chalk! That ain’t to say I haven’t had my suspicions, the same as Fimber has, but whenever his lordship goes off on one of his revel-routs he don’t take either of us with him, nor he don’t say where he’s off to. It queers me why he should tip us the double like he does, because there’s nothing we could do to stop him going the pace.”