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C K Ralston

Family affair


When she hopped off the grumbling bus and collected her bags from the driver, little Sandy Remington was dressed in a sedate, ruffled sun dress that looked as though a maiden aunt had picked it out. Sandy made her way quickly through the crowded bus terminal and into the ladies room.

Once inside, the petite, pretty girl locked herself in one of the pay toilets and yanked her dress off.

Nude except for her filmy red panties, the blonde looked outside the stall and, seeing no one else in the huge bathroom, opened the door to watch herself dressing in the wide expanse of mirrors behind the sinks. Sandy examined her rich brown tan, her deep-water blue eyes, the way her shoulder length hair, golden as a field of summer corn, hung loosely around her cute face with its small, upturned nose.

Cupping her tits in each hand, Sandy brought them together and rolled them around on her chest, smiling as her tiny nipples touched and a tingle of sexual pleasure shot through them. The girl released her pulsing tits and rubbed her cunt through the fabric of her panties.

Giggling happily at her beauty, the little blonde closed the door and rifled through her bag until she found the outfit she sought. Sandy pulled out the wildly cut pair of overalls and wriggled her compact body into the faded blue fabric which covered her like a custom fitted glove.

Sandy stepped into the thick bottomed wedge sandals she had bought to bring her up to an even five feet tall and closed her suitcases. She came out into the bathroom and eyed the total effect of her new outfit critically in the mirrors.

"Knockout!" the girl winked at herself in the glass and did a slow model's turn.

The dazzlingly attractive little teenager loved the way the daring outfit had been cut in back. The rear panel had been removed by the designer and a criss-cross of denim straps had been substituted. An inch of Sandy's spectacularly well-rounded ass-cheeks were visible – and an inch of the crack separating the muscular little swells – with more than half of her bobbing tit-mounds popping into view from the rear whenever Sandy raised her arms above her waist.

Fixing her make-up one last time in the mirror, Sandy bent over the sink. The low cut front of her overalls billowed out to reveal all of her swaying titties as she looked down.

"I must remember to lean over and kiss Uncle Jack in the car!" Sandy said aloud, laughing as she imagined her good-looking uncle's reaction to her uncovered tits.

Sandy looked at her watch. It was time to meet Uncle Jack in the lobby! She gathered up her bags and ran outside.

As she came around the corner, Sandy saw her uncle towering above the crowd in the waiting room. He was still the same great looking, giant of a man that she remembered from his visits to her family's home in Weaverville.

"Uncle Jack!" the girl screamed happily.

"S… Sandy? Is that little Sandy?" the tall, suntanned figure asked incredulously.

In minutes, Jack Remington had scooped all of his niece's belongings up and installed both them and her in his roomy Cadillac El Dorado. He aimed the plush, blue car casually with one hand, weaving though the heavy downtown Sacramento traffic, heading for the freeway, most of his attention riveted on the pixie-like, captivating girl next to him.

"We'll be out at the house in a few minutes, Sandy," he smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure you're going to enjoy living with us. There's a pool, a big family room with a sound system and a big-screen television, and our two boys to talk to – both teens, like you."

Sandy smiled sweetly at her handsome uncle.

She remembered Billy and Brad all right. A couple of holy terrors, from what she recalled of their visit to Weaverville a few summers back. Still, they might have changed, she allowed, might even take after their nice-looking daddy now!

"I'm sure I'll love it, Uncle Jack!" she purred, bending across the seat to give him a little peck on the cheek. "It's so nice of you and Aunt Ronda to let me move in, now that Mama and Daddy are both gone!"

Jack smiled down sympathetically, his fatherly grin sliding off his face as he saw his niece's twin tits bobbing and jiggling under her overalls. She smiled up at him innocently, as if she didn't see his eyes following every bobble of her apple-sized tits. She felt her nipples hardening and extending as his eyes seemed to bore in on their jutting pinkness.

"Jesus!" Jack shouted suddenly, his hands ripping at the steering wheel.

The big car just managed to nose around a car that had suddenly stopped to turn left. Jack's preoccupation with Sandy and her swaying tits had almost landed them both in the hospital.

Sandy pouted about her uncle's lack of attention to her rapidly developing, eagerly displayed body for the rest of the twenty-minute drive. She tried several times to interest him in her naked tits, leaning over frequently. But, the close call had scared him off for the time being and he kept his eyes on the toad. He bored her instead with a running account of how well his construction company was doing and how smart and good-looking his two sons were.

They arrived at Jack's rambling, expensive home in a suburb called Carmichael, and Jack helped her unload her baggage in the driveway. He gave her a key to the house and apologized for not coming in with her.

"I'm late as hell for a board meeting right now, kitten, and you'll have to find your way around by yourself, I'm afraid," the big man shrugged nervously. "Guest room's down the hall to the right. Swim in the pool, listen to the stereo. Aunt Ronda will be home about four, I'll be here at five or six. No way to tell when the boys will be in or out."

Jack vaulted into his Caddie and swooped out through the long, circular drive. Sandy kicked a pebble out into the manicured flowerbed in sheer frustration and picked up her bags.

"Scared him off!" the girl chided herself as she went up the walk and unlocked the double front doors. "Gotta be cooler next time, if I ever want Uncle Jack to fuck me!"

Locking the doors after herself, Sandy padded down the lush carpeting to the last room on the right. She opened her bag and took out her swimsuit, electing to deepen her tan a little more as Uncle Jack had suggested. The better she looked, Sandy reasoned as she pulled off her overalls, the more chance she had of seducing her sexy uncle.

Something stopped Sandy from stepping into the brief bikini she had purchased just before her trip. Knowing that she was alone in this huge, expensive palace of a house, Sandy decided to tour it – stark naked! She took her bikini along, so that she could slip into it before going outside, but she started off buff naked down the hall.

The cool air of the silent air conditioning system felt great as it caressed her nude body in the hallway. She stepped into the master bedroom, stopping before the mirrored wardrobe doors to admire her short, deeply tanned reflection in the glass. She dropped the bikini to the carpet and pirouetted, lamenting the way the white marks of her old two-piece swimsuit wined her deep, nut-brown skin, and wondering if Uncle Jack's pool deck had a high enough fence for her to sunbathe nude and erase them.

Hurrying to the sliding door in the master bedroom, the inquisitive little blonde peeled back the curtain and looked out into the deck area. Her breath froze in her lungs as she peeked out onto the patio deck.

A tall, darkly tanned boy in his late teens, the slimmed down, spitting image of Uncle Jack, was on top of a girl on the chaise lounge! His hands were roaming all over the pretty, red-haired girl's bikini-clad body, dwelling for the longest time upon her jutting, spectacularly formed tits.

"Cousin Brad!" Sandy whispered, knowing it had to be the oldest of her uncle's sons.

Brad was really busy. He kissed the girl languidly, his handsome, slightly cruel lips sucking at the redhead's mouth. His hands came together under the chaise lounge and worked frantically at the girl's halter-strap fastener.