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"God, I needed that!" the pretty redhead sighed as she downed three fingers of her favorite bourbon over ice. "This has got me climbing the wall, and Brad's staying out all night with Jack down at the hospital isn't helping a bit! Stay with me a while, will you, baby?"

Sandy smiled uneasily and sat on the couch next to her lovely, sophisticated aunt. She was afraid that Ronda would pump her about this evening and turn up a flaw in her hastily concocted stow. But Ronda was too upset about her son being in the hospital and having to spend the night alone to worry too much about Sandy's story.

Ronda put her hand on her forehead and got up woozily, heading for the master bedroom. Sandy helped her aunt along, the taller woman leaning heavily on the girl as they made their way down the hall and into the master suite.

"Oh, baby, I shouldn't have had that last little nip!" Ronda moaned, sitting heavily on her bed. "Would you be a dear and go around and turn off all the lights and come back and help me out of my clothes?"

Sandy shrugged and did as she had been asked. As she went around turning off the lights in the family room, Sandy noticed the open bottle of whiskey on the bar.

"Fuck it!" Sandy sighed, swilling four big gulps straight from the bottle.

The burning liquid seared her throat, but Sandy swallowed it all, reminding herself that – after what she had been through tonight – she deserved a drink! And with all of the booze her aunt had drunk, Ronda was going to smell it on her breath.

Feeling the warm liquor hitting her almost immediately, Sandy giggled and headed back down the hall. She found her aunt struggling with her dress in the bedroom, the snaps providing more of a challenge than the drunken redhead's fingers could overcome.

"Here, let me do that!" the teenager offered, moving behind her aunt and undoing the stubborn snaps.

The back of her dress came open and Sandy unzipped it all the way down to her aunt's tiny red panties. The girl stared enviously at the older woman's flawless figure. She unsnapped the back of Ronda's bra and watched as the redhead's huge tits popped the ends free.

"Oh, it feels so good to get my titties out of that thing!" Ronda giggled and shook her shoulders, sending her bra tumbling into her lap.

Sandy came around front to help her tipsy aunt out of the rest of her clothes. The girl stopped to stare at Ronda's bulging, perfect set of rose-tipped tits.

"Holy fuck! What a set of tits!" Sandy gasped.

Ronda giggled once more and smiled at her niece. "Why, thank you, dear. You look like a hot little piece of ass yourself!"

Sandy blushed and helped her aunt take off her dress and ease off her pantyhose. The girl was as envious of the redhead's long, beautifully shaped legs as she had been of the woman's lush titties. As she got Ronda's hose and dress off, Sandy's breath, got tight in her throat as she realized the set of flimsy red panties was all the gorgeous older woman had left between her and nudity.

"Do… do… you want these… off?" Sandy said slowly, tugging reluctantly at her panties.

Ronda smiled up at her foxy niece and lifted her rounded hips up off the bed. "Pull 'em off!" she cooed.

Sandy didn't know why, but her hands were trembling as she tugged the red cloth down off of her aunt's gleaming, red-thatched cuntal patch. The girl looked at Ronda's fiery bush with its pussy-gash for long moments.

"Sleep with me tonight, baby!" the older woman sighed. "I… I get so lonesome when I have to sleep alone… please!"

There was a husky, promising whisper in her aunt's voice that made Sandy's legs tremble. She knew that she should say no, but she found herself nodding and sitting next to the naked redhead on the big, soft bed.

"Don't bother with pajamas, darling," Ronda murmured, reaching out and pulling the girl to her. "You'll sleep much better if you sleep just like me – nude!"

Sandy stared into the delectable redhead's brown eyes as Ronda stripped off her few clothes with practiced, unhesitating swiftness. The small blonde's halter, shorts, and panties disappeared over the side of the huge bed, and the older woman cradled the stripped teenager into her arms hungrily.

"Kiss Aunt Ronda good night, won't you dear?" the redhead whispered seductively, her lips hovering near Sandy's.

Aunt Ronda's nipples touched Sandy's pert, conical tits as their naked bodies pressed together. Sandy gasped as her titties dug into the soft pliancy of her aunt's warm, enveloping flesh. Their nipples ground against each other in a sensuous manner that produced sexy thrills throughout their bodies.

"Oh! Oooooh!" Sandy sighed as her aunt's hot mouth mashed hungrily against hers.

Ronda's tongue slithered into Sandy's mouth.

They kissed passionately. The burning tips of Ronda's nipples rubbed Sandy's sensitive tits.

Sandy's pussy pumped out cunt-juice.

What is happening to me? the blonde nymph asked herself as her aunt's hands began running lazily through her golden hair. Then, Ronda pulled softly on Sandy's tight ass-cheeks. Ronda's red-haired cunt began working against Sandy's tiny, cunt-juice-smeared pussy. Sandy moaned and began to suck on her aunt's tongue.

The sexy redhead rubbed her pussy hard and deliberately against her niece's wet, throbbing cunt. Aunt Ronda's clit touched Sandy's tiny clit and Ronda swung her ass in a tight circle, causing their clitties to brush across each other.

"Unghhhhhh!" Sandy wailed into her aunt's hot mouth as the woman's slick clit seared her heated nubbin.

Sandy held her aunt tighter, forcing her tits against Ronda's in a way that kept their jerking tit-mounds flush against one another. They jammed their juicing bunts together. Sandy was moaning with desire, her sweet saliva filling her aunt's sucking mouth. The older woman swallowed Sandy's mouth-nectar and began working her long middle finger into Sandy's honey-smeared asshole as their lust-fired bodies ground together and their mouths sighed and kissed.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Sandy squealed, tearing her tongue out of Ronda's sucking mouth. "I'm gonna cum! Shove that fucker in deep! Oh, oh, God, my pussy's on fire! Cum with me, Aunt Ronda! Dooooo it to meeeee!"

The jerking girl clung to her aunt's neck and wriggled her hips wildly against the older woman's succulent cunt. Ronda groaned and mashed her lips back down onto her niece's mouth. The thrashing, sobbing redhead breathed loudly as sexual tremors seemed to leap from Sandy's cunt into hers.

The two women squirmed and bucked together in the large bed, their climaxes coming closer together and becoming stronger until both of their steaming cunts were screaming for the final, total cum that would signal complete release. Ronda pulled her lips from Sandy's. She panted like a bitch in heat, her brown eyes grown wild with unanswered need.

"Ohhh, you sweet baby! I've wanted you since the first day you set foot in the house!" the voluptuous redhead murmured, her voice husky with desire. "I've got to have you now, have all of you. And feel you have me! I've got to!"

Ronda pulled her finger out of her niece's tiny asshole and turned on the bed. The redhead bent down and sucked one of Sandy's throbbing nipples into her hot mouth. Her lips were soft.

A huge tit hung invitingly in front of Sandy's lips as she watched and felt her aunt's mouth sucking her pulsing nipples. The eager girl knew what was expected of her without being asked. She moved her head up quickly to suck Ronda's stiff nipple into her mouth.

The two hot-blooded women sucked each other's nipples for what seemed like hours. Sandy couldn't seem to get enough of Ronda's slick, sweet-tasting tit flesh. She moved her head hungrily from one pumping, erect nipple to the other, licking and nipping lightly as she went.

Sandy lost count of the times her pussy contracted and spilled warm cunt-juice out onto her jerking thighs. She knew that her lips on Ronda's big tits were having the same stunning, cunt-wrenching effect. The older woman had groaned, shuddered and bit down lightly on Sandy's tits at least four times in the last thirty minutes.