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"Ohhhhh! Oh, baby, I've never waited this long before!" Ronda gasped at last, releasing Sandy's firm little tits just as they were ready to power the girl's cunt to another clenching cum. "I want to eat you. Now!"

Sandy's body quivered with desire as her aunt spoke. The sex-crazed little teenager stopped sucking the redhead's tits and braced herself for what she knew was coming. Sandy opened her legs wide and gripped her aunt's ass-cheeks as the woman crawled down her body and lowered her head to Sandy's cunt-lips, and placed her cunt in front of Sandy's mouth.

Ronda's cunt mashed down on Sandy's waiting lips. The hot teen tasted her aunt's cunt-juice.

Unafraid and horny, Sandy stuck out her tongue and drilled it deep into Ronda's cunt. Sandy was relieved to find her aunt's cunt-juice was sweet and tasty. The girl sucked noisily at the redhead's juicy cunt-lips and tongued her aunt's pussy. She found the woman's clit and lashed it wildly with her hot tongue.

"Oh, fuck! You're good! I just knew you'd be good, baby!" Ronda cried out in ecstasy. "Just like I know this will be delicious!"

The redhead's mouth seemed to suck in all of Sandy's petite pussy at once. Her tongue lanced deeply into the little blonde's slippery cunt.

Sandy screamed into the pink recesses of her aunt's quivering cunt and rammed her finger into Ronda's clenching asshole. The redhead squealed with delight and inserted one of her fingers deep in Sandy's squirming, tight, little asshole.

Sandy felt her aunt's pussy clasp powerfully around her reaming tongue just before the first spray of searing, thick cunt-cum splashed over the girl's face. The pretty blonde whimpered with joy and swallowed the cunt-juice, her tongue lashing the redhead's vibrating clit in search of more of her precious, boiling cunt-juice.

The two women gurgled and sucked and rocked their hot cunts on each other's mouths and tongues until the burning rivers of cunt-juice gradually subsided. They kept their mouths glued to their gooey cunts until the last of the slick jism had ebbed away along with the final surges of their white-hot cums.

"Ohhhh, Aunt Ronda! I didn't know it could be that good with another girl!" Sandy sighed as the older woman turned around on the bed and settled in next to her once more, her lips still wet with Sandy's cum-juice. "As a matter of fact, I didn't even know girls could do it together until now!" The teen giggled, kissing her beautiful aunt.

Ronda returned the kiss eagerly, her tits firming again against the small blonde's petite titties. "You little fox," Ronda said. "There are so many things to teach you! And I'll be glad to teach them all to you, my perfect little lover! You're the girl I've been looking for all these years, behind your uncle's back. And now it's perfect! I can have him and you too!"

The pair embraced hotly. Sandy was thinking that her aunt didn't know quite how perfect it could all be, if only two things could happen: Brad had to be gotten rid of somehow, and Ronda, Jack, and Billy had to be shown how perfect family sex really could be!

Sandy thought she had the perfect solution to both problems.

"Aunt Ronda, darling, I think there's something you should know about Brad… and Billy." Sandy began talking, telling her aunt the truth about Brad's brutal attack on Billy.


"Yes, yes, darling, I can do that!" Ronda Remington said worriedly into the telephone. "I'll do it now. You just get Billy out of there and hurry home!"

Sandy sat naked on the bed, watching her equally nude aunt talk to her husband. It was morning. The two women had spent the night locked in love, after Sandy had made her tearful revelation about Billy and his brother.

"What does Uncle Jack want you to do?" Sandy asked quietly, her heart beating fast.

Ronda went to the closet and pulled a robe over her voluptuous curves. "He wants me to load all of Brad's clothes into the old station wagon out in the garage. It seems Jack put in a word with some business friends back East last week and pulled some strings. Brad has been accepted at one of those fancy Ivy League colleges he wanted to go to. Your uncle was planning to surprise him; now he just wants him out of town before he kills him!"

"Why the station wagon?" Sandy asked. "What about Brad's sports car?"

Ronda smiled, obviously relishing her husband's plan for retribution. "We're keeping it for Billy to drive. Brad can take the wagon – or walk!"

Giggling, Sandy hurried down the hall and threw on her robe. The two women went into Brad's room and tore it apart, stuffing everything haphazardly into boxes and suitcases and jamming them into the station wagon parked in the large garage.

"Whew! Made it!" Ronda said at ten, when the last box had been crammed into the wagon. "One last thing to do!"

Sandy watched as her aunt sat down and made out a check for five-hundred dollars to Brad. They went outside and pulled the wagon into the drive and put the check and the keys on the dash.

A taxi rolled up just as they were shutting the car doors on the wagon. The two women ran to it, their loose tits jiggling beneath their robes like jellied mounds.

"See, an ambulance wasn't necessary!" Jack said as he got out and hurried around to help his injured son from the taxi. "This kid is tough as nails! Just a bunch of bad bruises and a cracked rib!"

Billy smiled proudly at his mom and cousin, walking as well as he could without support. "Yeah, I ain't hurt that bad. I can still do anything I want, as long as it isn't too strenuous!" The handsome teen winked at Sandy.

The little blonde felt a hot flash of desire shoot through her cunt. She put her arm around Billy and helped him toward the house.

"Here, let me get you into your room and back in bed!" Sandy whispered.

Billy nodded enthusiastically. "That's just what I had in mind! A little extra attention from you, and I'll be back to normal in a few days!"

Sandy giggled and helped Billy through the front door and down the hall. She eased him out of his shirt and undid his pants, her fingers shaking with lust.

"You'd better be careful!" Billy cautioned his horny cousin. "What if my folks come in?"

Sandy looked outside the window. Brad had driven up in his sports car and Ronda and Jack were yelling at him. Jack lifted his son out of the car with one arm and sat him on the driveway, taking the keys out of the car's ignition. Ronda was screaming at Brad and pointing at the wagon sitting up the drive.

"Oh, I don't think they'll be in for a while!" Sandy smiled, opening her robe.

"Oh, geez!" Billy gasped as he saw his cousin's lush little titties and ogled her bare, fuzzy cunt.

The girl sank to her knees in front of Billy's body. She undid his shoes and slipped off his socks and worked his shorts down his legs until he was totally nude. Sandy reached for the boy's hardening, throbbing cock.

"Mmmmm, I'm glad this didn't get hurt in the fight!" the seductress sighed, licking the head of Billy's prick.

"Ohhhhh! Oh, me too!" the boy groaned as his pretty cousin began to suck his cock. "Wasn't really much of a fight, though!"

Sandy smiled and kissed the head of her lover's prick. "You were very brave, Billy," the blonde told him in a seductive whisper. "And now you're going to get your reward!"

The girl opened her mouth wide and sucked her cousin's prick in deeply. Sandy slid her lips up and down on his stiffening cock.

"Ooooooo, Billy, it's getting bigger every day!" Sandy sighed, puffing his glistening cock from her lips and planting tiny kisses all over his prick's shiny surface.

"Aiiii, ouuuhhhh! Suck it some more, please!" Billy pleaded. "My cock feels so good in your hot lips, Sandy!"