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Naked, Sandy got up off the bed and padded through the hall. It gave her a kinky, odd sort of thrill to let herself into her cousins' rooms while she was in the nude.

Sandy went to Billy's room first, opening his drawers carefully, pawing through his things, looking for… she realized that she didn't know what she was looking for. She just wanted to go though the room in hopes of finding out more about her cousin. She found little except the usual teenage boy's girlie magazine collection – stuffed in the far corner of his closet – and an old, unused collection of rubbers.

Knowing that Brad was getting steady cunt, Sandy put Billy's stuff back where she had found it and went into her older cousin's room. She opened his underwear drawer and rifled through it. Her fingers closed wound something long, and thick, and plastic. She drew it out slowly, her heart beating a little faster than normal.

"A cock!" the amazed country girl exclaimed, examining the huge, evil-looking vibrator. "A mechanical prick!"

Fascinated, Sandy closed the drawer and took the plastic prick back to her room with her. She lay on her bed and rubbed the cold, thrilling artificial prick over her hardening nipples, pretending that it was Uncle Jack's hot, hard cock. She toyed with the plastic prick, twisting it and running her fingers over it lightly, teasingly, as if the dildo were an actual cock.

The cold plastic suddenly buzzed to life across the tops of Sandy's erect nipples. The girl had turned the vibrating cock on as she pressed it into her jutting tits.

"Aghhhh," Sandy squealed and writhed with joy beneath the humming, arousing dildo.

The naked blonde gasped for breath and held the buzzing prick up to the light. Her tits were heaving from their rapid, unexpected stimulation and she eyed the powerful little sex-torpedo warily, her mind racing.

Switching the vibrator off, Sandy moved the bullet-shaped head down onto her clit, rubbing the cool plastic up and down her moistening cuntal slit until it was warm and slick with her molten outflow. She placed the sharp tit of the artificial prick inside her fluted, pinkish pussy furls and toyed with the mechanism.

"If I turn it on now…!" Sandy sighed hungrily, wondering if she could stand the powerful vibrations right on her raised clit.

"Yeah… If I turn it on… nooooooow!" The girl's musings broke off into a loud wail of delight as the dildo came on.

Sandy felt as if her girlish body had suddenly been wired into an electrical generator, with the clamps fastened directly onto her pulsing clitty! The groaning girl thrashed about wildly on the bed, her ass hunching up spasmodically off the bouncing bed surface, her fingers clutching at her popping titties, her cunt sucking at the tip of the buzzing plastic cock like lips on a soda straw, her head whipping from side to side on the pillow, eyes closed tightly, as incredible, swelling sensations pounded through her taut, aroused teenage body.

"Ohhhhhhooooowwww!" Sandy howled, her voice degenerating into one long, piercing wail. It seemed to the frantic girl that as soon as she came another, even bigger orgasm began to swell in her gushing pussy.

"Ugh! Ooooh. No more!" the gasping teen whimpered at last.

Sandy pulled the dildo out of her clamping pussy-lips. Her frantic wrigglings had forced more than an inch of the throbbing plastic pecker up into her little slit.

"Ohhhhhh, oh, fuck! What a cum!" Sandy sighed, propping herself up on her elbows and looking down at herself on the bed.

The sheets and bedspread were a wild tangle of cloth. Her ecstatic contortions had thoroughly destroyed the carefully made bed. The crazy outpouring of cunt-juice from Sandy's contracting cunt had bathed her thighs in slick, glistening fluid, some of which had run down the spread in a gleaming wet spot which Sandy hoped wouldn't leave a stain.

"Holy shit, I gotta be careful with this thing in the future!" Sandy said aloud, holding up the vibrator and staring at it in awe.

"Yeah, I guess you'd better!" a male voice said from the hallway.

Sandy's head whipped around toward the doorway. Her cousin Brad was standing there, a wide, slightly cruel grin on his handsome face.

However, it wasn't his face that made Sandy's heart skip a beat as she looked at him. Cousin Brad was naked as he stepped confidently into the room.

His thick, lengthy cock was as stiff as the vibrator Sandy held in her palm, and he was staring right at her glistening cunt.


"Cousin Brad!" Sandy gulped. "I thought you had gone to a party!"

"Party got cancelled when my buddy's parents came home unexpectedly," Brad explained, coming closer to his nude, luscious little cousin. "I'm glad it did, now. It wasn't gonna be near as wild a party as the two of us are about to have right here!"

Sandy's heart was beating faster now than it had during her fantastic cums with the vibrator. She knew that no one else was due home for hours and that her chances of holding off her athletic cousin by herself were nil if he decided he wanted to sink his thick, throbbing prick in her pussy.

"Wha… what are you going to… to do?" Sandy asked in a terrified voice.

"I'm going to do everything the vibrator did, honey-cunt, only I'm going to do it with this!" Brad grinned, jerking the skin on his cock up and back so that his cock hung menacingly over the girl's tiny cunt.

"I… I don't know if I want you to!" Sandy cried, closing her legs tightly. "I'm a virgin! I couldn't even get this thing up me more than an inch, and it's a lot smaller around than your cock!"

Brad laughed. "So you're a cherry, but you know all about cocks!" the handsome teenager laughed even harder, climbing on the bed with his reluctant cousin. "Don't make me laugh myself to death, baby! Your little cunt is as slippery as hot oil and you were practically tearing this bed to pieces when that vibrator was up there. Virgin, my ass!"

With that, Brad grabbed Sandy by the wrists and pushed her back onto the covers as she tried to slide off the other side of the bed. He positioned her wriggling body in the center of the small bed and pried her knees apart with his muscular thigh, his stiff prick waving above her cunt.

"No sir, you ain't no cherry, but I bet you are a tight little hunk!" Brad muttered hungrily as he wedged the girl's thighs wide apart.

"Ugh, no, please, cousin Brad, don't force me like this!" Sandy wailed, struggling to break free.

"Sometimes stolen fruit is the sweetest, Sandy-baby!" Brad chortled. "The more you squirm and beg me not to fuck you, the better it'll be!"

The older teen laughed and slapped a forearm across his little cousin's shoulders and windpipe. He pushed down until Sandy's eyes bugged out, and used his free hand to place the tip of his cock against the mouth of her pussy.

"Loosen up, now, sweet-cunt. Here it comes!" Brad roared, pulling back and grabbing Sandy by her trim hips and yanking upward as he slammed his pelvis forward.

"Eeeeiiiiaaahhhhhh!" Sandy screamed with pain.

Brad's wide cock-head slid into her juicy crack only a few millimeters despite his mighty thrust. The boy's cock was not quite as big as his father's, but it was still a bit too large for Sandy's tiny cunt-lips to admit.

"Ugh! Ohh! Maybe you are a cherry!" Brad grunted in vain as he tried again and again to ram his massive prick into the girl's seeping cunt-hole.

"I… told you that – oooh! – I'm small for you there!" Sandy whimpered breathlessly as he kept jolting her cunt with his cock.

Brad finally stopped trying, and pulled away from his cousin. He looked down at the panting, relieved girl and smiled.

"Right you are, baby! Your pussy is way too small for my prick… but I bet your mouth is just perfect!"

Sandy thought about it briefly. There was no doubt in her mind that it was better to suck her cousin off and have his gooey spunk run down her throat than it was to have him kill her in attempting to force his cock up her cunt!