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Steve coughed and looked the other way. He was dressed in a torn shirt and filthy jeans, fresh from the football game that had broken up only minutes before Chet Collins had rolled into the driveway. Dirt stained Steve's normally handsome face and his hands looked as if he had been manufacturing mud pies.

His father noticed the mess with deepening disapproval and motioned toward the door. His voice softened a little as he dismissed his only son.

"I know you like a good game of football, Steve, but damn it, boy, you should finish your work before you go running off to play ball!" Chet admonished his son. "Now get up and get a shower so you can at least help us this evening."

Steve ran off, grateful to be released. That left only Dawn and a very nervous, very guilty-looking Lucinda.

"And you two," Chet began in a hurt tone. "My little angels… my little helpmates. The ones who never, never let me down! What were you two doing that was so much more important than getting everything ready so that this family could have a normal Thanksgiving tomorrow?"

Dawn swallowed hard. They had barely gotten their clothes back on when the lights from Daddy's car had suddenly flashed in the darkened living room. Both of the girls were hoping that he wouldn't get close enough to them to smell the cunt-juice dried upon their lips.

"Uh, we were just talking, Dad," Dawn began weakly. "You know girl-to-girl stuff. Things a little sister can only talk over with a big sister. We were gonna get all the cooking and cleaning done, but we just talked so long. We didn't mean to!"

Chet Collins' manner softened immediately. Like most fathers, he dreaded intimate discussions with his children that might include things like sex, especially with his girls.

"Oh, well, geez, honey, I wish you'd said so earlier." Chet smiled apologetically. "That's okay. I mean, that's great! You and Lucy should talk more often. Any time. Any time you need to. Well, now… let's get back to work and get this place ship-shape. If we all pitch in, we'll have it done by eight or so!"

Dawn winked at Lucinda as their dad began bustling self-consciously around the kitchen. The two girls grinned at each other and joined in.

"We'll finish our discussion later, upstairs, after lights-out," Dawn whispered to Lucinda.

"Just try and keep me away," Lucinda smiled back excitedly. She licked her lips and savored Dawn's sweet cunt-oil.

Lucinda waited for a full half-hour after the family had said good night to each other. Slipping on just a bathrobe, in case someone saw her in the hall, the tiny blonde pixy crept to her door and eased it open.

So far, so good, she thought nervously. She could hear Dad snoring peacefully in his room down the hall.

Dawn's bedroom door was slightly open when Lucinda got there. The lights were out, but Dawn had a small night-light burning in a socket near her bed, casting an eerie glow through the darkened room.

As she opened the door and slipped inside, Lucinda locked it and turned at the same time. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw her lovely older sister reclining on the double bed, her long, silky legs spread slightly, her shower-fresh muff fluffed and golden in the dusky light.

Dawn was the embodiment of sex itself. Her breasts rose round and full and perfect to their twin pink points. Her tawny gold hair fell in a lush cascade down onto her unblemished white skin. The sleek round moon of the older girl's firm ass was enough to stir any man's cock to throbbing fullness in a matter of seconds.

Lucinda found that it was stirring her pussy to wet, plump lipped excitement as surely as Dawn's nakedness would have turned on a man. She knew that was wrong, that it meant that something was dreadfully wrong with her because of it, but at this moment she didn't care. At present all the hot little teen wanted to do was bury her face in her sister's exquisite cunt and lick and suck until both of them were quaking in all-out bliss!

"Ohhhhh, Dawn, I want to suck your pussy!" Lucinda sighed, rushing across the room and diving onto the bed next to the big blonde.

Dawn laughed and tousled the younger girl's hair affectionately. "Second offer like that I've had in a half-hour," she told Lucinda.

"What?" the youngster said, startled. "Steve," Dawn explained with a giggle. "He and I were talking a few minutes ago. Seems he's horny again now, unlike this afternoon when I got home from the skating party and tried to get him to fuck me. Claimed he was too tired then, and that he barely had energy enough to keep his football date with his pals."

Dawn flashed Lucinda a sly smile. "He admitted tonight that another certain hot young blonde who lives in this house sucked and fucked the daylights out of him right before I got home."

Lucinda felt crimson creeping over her face. She grinned at her older sister and looked away.

"It was the first time in a long time that I've come home all hot and bothered from a make-out session with my boyfriend and had to settle for… shall we say… artificial relief?" Dawn chided the younger girl. "Or at least I thought I was going to have to settle for it, until you and I got together."

Lucinda knew her face must be beet-red by now. She could see the scarlet spreading down to the tops of her half-uncovered tits beneath the nearly open robe.

Dawn saw it, too. The statuesque blonde traced a lazy line with her sharp nail, a white path across the limits of her little sister's spreading blush mark. Lucinda trembled as the other girl's nail touched both of her throbbing breasts.

"Hummmm, such a responsive little pussy you are," Dawn sighed happily. "It's no wonder Steve found you irresistible, Lucy. No wonder you fucked up my little system so easily, not even meaning to."

"System?" Lucinda gasped, her nipples extending rapidly as Dawn touched them with her fingertips.

"Sure, the one I use to keep from becoming an out and out slut as far as everyone at school's concerned," Dawn explained proudly. "You know how it goes. A girl's reputation is based on who and how often she fucks. A chick who balls everyone has to do just that – fuck each guy who takes her out, but a different guy each time. She's an easy lay. No one in his right mind will date her steady, except some of the sleaze-balls you wouldn't want to date anyway."

Dawn moved her hand down into Lucinda's crotch, parting the robe completely as she did so. All the talk about fucking lots of boys was turning the two sisters on almost as much as the physical contact and both realized it.

"See?" Dawn smiled. "You're just as hot cunted as I am. Imagine how hard it's gonna be when you get dating big, handsome hunks like Rod Carpenter, the captain of the football team, the guy who took me ice skating today. He was all over me today on the way home, playing with my jugs, sucking them, getting hot all over!"

Lucinda's eyes gleamed with interest. "Did you… you know! Did you let him?"

Dawn laughed. "Of course not! I'm the virgin queen, darling, the head cheerleader, the star attraction in every campus stud's wet dreams but they never get to fuck me! That's the secret of my huge popularity. No one ever gets to ball me, though a few chosen lucky devils get pretty close sometimes."

"But, God! How do you stand it?" Lucinda neatly shouted, horny beyond belief from just thinking about all of the gorgeous young studs her sister dated. "How on earth do you let them kiss you, touch you, put their tongues on you without… without letting them…"

Lucinda's voice trailed off as the answer came to her in a flash. "Steve!" the little teen shouted.

"You got it," Dawn giggled, pulling off the smaller girl's robe. "He's my ace in the hole. I know he's always anxious to eat me, to fuck me anyway I want it, any time I want it. Boys at his age can fuck almost all the time if they want to, you know. They're incredibly horny."

"And, so he satisfies you, and all the guys at school think you're a cool customer!" Lucinda exclaimed.

"Now you got it," Dawn said smugly, slipping a finger up the younger girl's cunt. "And Steve isn't going to blab it all around town the way a stranger would. No one would believe him in the first place, and, even if they did, most people would think he was a real weirdo for balling his own sister, so he's not likely to tell."